TA Code | Latin official term | English equivalent |
A14.0.00.000 |
Systema nervosum
Nervous system
Nomina generalia
General terms
A14.0.00.001 |
Nerve fibre ▲
A14.0.00.002 |
A14.0.00.003 |
A14.0.00.004 |
A14.0.00.005 |
A14.1.00.001 |
Pars centralis; Systema nervosum centrale
Central nervous system
Nomina generalia
General terms
A14.1.00.002 |
Substantia grisea
Grey matter; Grey substance ▲
A14.1.00.003 |
A14.1.00.004 |
Nucleus nervi cranialis
Nucleus of cranial nerve
A14.1.00.005 |
Nucleus originis
Nucleus of origin
A14.1.00.006 |
Nucleus terminationis
Terminal nucleus
A14.1.00.007 |
A14.1.00.008 |
A14.1.00.009 |
Substantia alba
White matter; White substance
A14.1.00.010 |
A14.1.00.011 |
A14.1.00.012 |
Fasciculus; Fascicle
A14.1.00.013 |
A14.1.00.014 |
A14.1.00.015 |
Fibre ▲
A14.1.00.016 |
Fibra associationis
Association fibre ▲
A14.1.00.017 |
Fibra commissuralis
Commissural fibre ▲
A14.1.00.018 |
Fibra projectionis
Projection fibre ▲
A14.1.00.019 |
A14.1.00.020 |
A14.1.00.021 |
Formatio reticularis
Reticular formation
A14.1.00.022 |
A14.1.01.001 |
↓ A14.1.01.002 |
Pachymeninx; Dura mater
Pachymeninx; Dura mater
↓ A14.1.01.003 |
Leptomeninx; Arachnoid mater and pia mater
↓ A14.1.01.101 |
Dura mater
Dura mater
↓ A14.1.01.102 |
Dura mater cranialis; Dura mater encephali
Cranial dura mater
A14.1.01.103 |
Falx cerebri
Falx cerebri; Cerebral falx
A14.1.01.104 |
Tentorium cerebelli
Tentorium cerebelli; Cerebellar tentorium
A14.1.01.105 |
Incisura tentorii
Tentorial notch; Incisura of tentorium
A14.1.01.106 |
Falx cerebelli
Falx cerebelli; Cerebellar falx
A14.1.01.107 |
Diaphragma sellae
Diaphragma sellae; Sellar diaphragm
A14.1.01.108 |
Cavum trigeminale
Trigeminal cave; Trigeminal cavity
↓ A14.1.01.109 |
(Spatium subdurale)
(Subdural space)
↓ A14.1.01.110 |
(Spatium epidurale; Spatium extradurale)
(Extradural space; Epidural space)
↓ A14.1.01.111 |
Dura mater spinalis
Spinal dura mater
A14.1.01.112 |
Spatium epidurale; Spatium peridurale
Epidural space
↓ A14.1.01.201 |
Arachnoidea mater
Arachnoid mater
↓ A14.1.01.202 |
Spatium subarachnoideum; Spatium leptomeningeum
Subarachnoid space; Leptomeningeal space
A14.1.01.203 |
Liquor cerebrospinalis
Cerebrospinal fluid
↓ A14.1.01.204 |
Arachnoidea mater cranialis; Arachnoidea mater encephali
Cranial arachnoid mater
A14.1.01.205 |
Granulationes arachnoideae
Arachnoid granulations
A14.1.01.206 |
Trabeculae arachnoideae
Arachnoid trabeculae
A14.1.01.207 |
Cisternae subarachnoideae
Subarachnoid cisterns
A14.1.01.208 |
Cisterna cerebellomedullaris posterior; Cisterna magna
Posterior cerebellomedullary cistern; Cisterna magna
A14.1.01.209 |
Cisterna cerebellomedullaris lateralis
Lateral cerebellomedullary cistern
A14.1.01.210 |
Cisterna fossae lateralis cerebri
Cistern of lateral cerebral fossa
A14.1.01.211 |
Cisterna chiasmatica
Chiasmatic cistern
A14.1.01.212 |
Cisterna interpeduncularis
Interpeduncular cistern
A14.1.01.213 |
Cisterna ambiens
Cisterna ambiens; Ambient cistern
A14.1.01.214 |
Cisterna pericallosa
Pericallosal cistern
A14.1.01.215 |
Cisterna pontocerebellaris
Pontocerebellar cistern
A14.1.01.216 |
Cisterna laminae terminalis
Cistern of lamina terminalis
A14.1.01.217 |
Cisterna quadrigeminalis; Cisterna venae magnae cerebri
Quadrigeminal cistern; Cistern of great cerebral vein
↓ A14.1.01.218 |
Arachnoidea mater spinalis
Spinal arachnoid mater
A14.1.01.219 |
Cisterna lumbalis
Lumbar cistern
↓ A14.1.01.301 |
Pia mater
Pia mater
↓ A14.1.01.302 |
Pia mater cranialis; Pia mater encephali
Cranial pia mater; Cranial pia mater
A14.1.01.303 |
Tela choroidea ventriculi quarti
Tela choroidea of fourth ventricle
A14.1.01.304 |
Plexus choroideus ventriculi quarti
Choroid plexus of fourth ventricle
↓ A14.1.01.305 |
Tela choroidea ventriculi tertii
Tela choroidea of third ventricle
↓ A14.1.01.306 |
Plexus choroideus ventriculi tertii
Choroid plexus of third ventricle
A14.1.01.307 |
Plexus choroideus ventriculi lateralis
Choroid plexus of lateral ventricle
A14.1.01.308 |
Glomus choroideum
Choroidal enlargement
↓ A14.1.01.309 |
Pia mater spinalis
Spinal pia mater
A14.1.01.310 |
Lig. denticulatum
Denticulate ligament
A14.1.01.311 |
Septum cervicale intermedium
Intermediate cervical septum
A14.1.01.401 |
Filum terminale
Filum terminale; Terminal filum
A14.1.01.402 |
Pars duralis
Dural part; Coccygeal ligament; Filum terminale externum
A14.1.01.403 |
Pars pialis
Pial part; Filum terminale internum; Pial filament
A14.1.02.001 |
Medulla spinalis
Spinal cord
Morphologia externa
External features
A14.1.02.002 |
Intumescentia cervicalis
Cervical enlargement
A14.1.02.003 |
Intumescentia lumbosacralis
Lumbosacral enlargement
A14.1.02.004 |
Conus medullaris
Conus medullaris; Medullary cone
A14.1.02.005 |
Pars spinalis fili terminalis
Spinal part of filum terminale
A14.1.02.006 |
Ventriculus terminalis
Terminal ventricle
A14.1.02.007 |
Fissura mediana anterior
Anterior median fissure; Ventral median fissure
A14.1.02.008 |
Sulcus medianus posterior
Posterior median sulcus; Dorsal median sulcus
A14.1.02.009 |
Septum medianum posterius
Posterior median septum; Dorsal median septum
A14.1.02.010 |
Sulcus anterolateralis
Anterolateral sulcus; Ventrolateral sulcus
A14.1.02.011 |
Sulcus posterolateralis
Posterolateral sulcus; Dorsolateral sulcus
A14.1.02.012 |
Sulcus intermedius posterior
Posterior intermediate sulcus; Dorsal intermediate sulcus
A14.1.02.013 |
Funiculi medullae spinalis
Funiculi of spinal cord
A14.1.02.014 |
Pars cervicalis; Segmenta cervicalia [1-8]
Cervical part; Cervical segments [1-8]
A14.1.02.015 |
Pars thoracica; Segmenta thoracica [1-12]
Thoracic part; Thoracic segments [1-12]
A14.1.02.016 |
Pars lumbalis; Segmenta lumbalia [1-5]
Lumbar part; Lumbar segments [1-5]
A14.1.02.017 |
Pars sacralis; Segmenta sacralia [1-5]
Sacral part; Sacral segments [1-5]
A14.1.02.018 |
Pars coccygea; Segmenta coccygea [1-3]
Coccygeal part; Coccygeal segments [1-3]
Morphologia interna
Internal features
A14.1.02.019 |
Canalis centralis
Central canal
A14.1.02.020 |
Substantia grisea
Grey substance ▲
A14.1.02.021 |
Cornu anterius
Anterior horn; Ventral horn
A14.1.02.022 |
Cornu laterale
Lateral horn
A14.1.02.023 |
Cornu posterius
Posterior horn; Dorsal horn
A14.1.02.024 |
Substantia alba
White substance
A14.1.02.025 |
Substantia gelatinosa centralis
Central gelatinous substance
A14.1.02.101 |
Columnae griseae
Grey columns ▲
A14.1.02.102 |
Columna anterior
Anterior column; Ventral column
A14.1.02.103 |
Cornu anterius
Anterior horn; Ventral horn
↓ A14.1.02.104 |
Laminae spinales VII-IX
Spinal laminae VII-IX
A14.1.02.105 |
Nucleus anterolateralis
Anterolateral nucleus; Ventrolateral nucleus
A14.1.02.106 |
Nucleus anterior
Anterior nucleus
A14.1.02.107 |
Nucleus anteromedialis
Anteromedial nucleus; Ventromedial nucleus
A14.1.02.108 |
Nucleus posterolateralis
Posterolateral nucleus; Dorsolateral nucleus
A14.1.02.109 |
Nucleus retroposterolateralis
Retroposterior lateral nucleus; Retrodorsal lateral nucleus
A14.1.02.110 |
Nucleus posteromedialis
Posteromedial nucleus; Dorsomedial nucleus
A14.1.02.111 |
Nucleus centralis
Central nucleus
A14.1.02.112 |
Nucleus nervi accessorii
Nucleus of accessory nerve
A14.1.02.113 |
Nucleus nervi phrenici
Nucleus of phrenic nerve; Phrenic nucleus
A14.1.02.114 |
Columna posterior
Posterior column; Dorsal column
A14.1.02.115 |
Cornu posterius
Posterior horn; Dorsal horn
A14.1.02.116 |
A14.1.02.117 |
Nucleus marginalis; Lamina spinalis I
Marginal nucleus; Spinal lamina I
A14.1.02.118 |
A14.1.02.119 |
Substantia gelatinosa; Lamina spinalis II
Gelatinous substance; Spinal lamina II
A14.1.02.120 |
A14.1.02.121 |
Nucleus proprius; Laminae spinales III et IV
Nucleus proprius; Spinal laminae III et IV
A14.1.02.122 |
Lamina spinalis V
Spinal lamina V
A14.1.02.123 |
A14.1.02.124 |
Lamina spinalis VI
Spinal lamina VI
A14.1.02.125 |
Substantia visceralis secundaria
Secondary visceral grey substance ▲
A14.1.02.126 |
Nucleus basilaris internus
Internal basilar nucleus
A14.1.02.127 |
Nucleus cervicalis lateralis
Lateral cervical nucleus
A14.1.02.128 |
Nucleus cervicalis medialis
Medial cervical nucleus
A14.1.02.129 |
Nucleus posterior funiculi lateralis
Posterior nucleus of lateral funiculus
A14.1.02.130 |
Columna intermedia
Intermediate column; Intermediate zone
A14.1.02.131 |
Lamina spinalis VII
Spinal lamina VII
A14.1.02.132 |
Cornu laterale
Lateral horn
A14.1.02.133 |
Nucleus intermediolateralis
Intermediolateral nucleus
A14.1.02.134 |
Substantia intermedia centralis
Central intermediate substance
A14.1.02.135 |
Nucleus thoracicus posterior; Nucleus dorsalis
Posterior thoracic nucleus; Dorsal thoracic nucleus
A14.1.02.136 |
Substantia intermedia lateralis
Lateral intermediate substance
A14.1.02.137 |
Nucleus intermediomedialis
Intermediomedial nucleus
A14.1.02.138 |
Nuclei parasympathici sacrales
Sacral parasympathetic nuclei
A14.1.02.139 |
Nucleus nervi pudendi
Nucleus of pudendal nerve
A14.1.02.140 |
Formatio reticularis spinalis
Spinal reticular formation
A14.1.02.141 |
Nucleus medialis anterior
Anterior medial nucleus; Ventral medial nucleus
↓ A14.1.02.201 |
Substantia alba
White substance
A14.1.02.202 |
Funiculus anterior
Anterior funiculus; Ventral funiculus
A14.1.02.203 |
Fasciculus proprius anterior
Anterior fasciculus proprius; Ventral fasciculus proprius
A14.1.02.204 |
Fasciculus sulcomarginalis
Sulcomarginal fasciculus
A14.1.02.205 |
Tractus corticospinalis anterior
Anterior corticospinal tract; Ventral corticospinal tract
A14.1.02.206 |
Tractus vestibulospinalis lateralis
Lateral vestibulospinal tract
A14.1.02.207 |
Tractus vestibulospinalis medialis
Medial vestibulospinal tract
A14.1.02.208 |
Fibrae reticulospinales
Reticulospinal fibres ▲
A14.1.02.209 |
Tractus pontoreticulospinalis
Pontoreticulospinal tract; Medial reticulospinal tract
A14.1.02.210 |
Tractus interstitiospinalis
Interstitiospinal tract
A14.1.02.211 |
Tractus tectospinalis
Tectospinal tract
A14.1.02.212 |
Tractus raphespinalis anterior
Anterior raphespinal tract; Ventral raphespinal tract
A14.1.02.213 |
Fibrae olivospinales
Olivospinal fibres ▲
↓ A14.1.02.214 |
Tractus spinothalamicus anterior
Anterior spinothalamic tract; Ventral spinothalamic tract
A14.1.02.215 |
Funiculus lateralis
Lateral funiculus
A14.1.02.216 |
Fasciculus proprius lateralis
Lateral fasciculus proprius
A14.1.02.217 |
Tractus fastigiospinalis
Fastigiospinal tract
A14.1.02.218 |
Tractus interpositospinalis
Interpositospinal tract
A14.1.02.219 |
Tractus corticospinalis lateralis
Lateral corticospinal tract
A14.1.02.220 |
Tractus rubrospinalis
Rubrospinal tract
A14.1.02.221 |
Tractus bulboreticulospinalis
Bulboreticulospinal tract; Medullary reticulospinal tract; Lateral reticulospinal tract
A14.1.02.223 |
Fibrae olivospinales
Olivospinal fibres ▲
A14.1.02.224 |
Tractus spinotectalis
Spinotectal tract
↓ A14.1.02.225 |
Tractus spinothalamicus lateralis
Lateral spinothalamic tract
A14.1.02.226 |
Tractus spinocerebellaris anterior
Anterior spinocerebellar tract; Ventral spinocerebellar tract
A14.1.02.227 |
Tractus spinocerebellaris posterior
Posterior spinocerebellar tract; Dorsal spinocerebellar tract
A14.1.02.228 |
Tractus posterolateralis
Posterolateral tract; Dorsolateral tract
A14.1.02.229 |
Pars posterior funiculi lateralis
Posterior part of lateral funiculus
A14.1.02.230 |
Tractus spinoolivaris
Spino-olivary tract
A14.1.02.231 |
Tractus spinoreticularis
Spinoreticular tract
A14.1.02.232 |
Tractus caeruleospinalis
Caeruleospinal tract
A14.1.02.233 |
Fibrae hypothalamospinales
Hypothalamospinal fibres ▲
A14.1.02.234 |
Tractus raphespinalis lateralis
Lateral raphespinal tract
A14.1.02.235 |
Tractus solitariospinalis
Solitariospinal tract
A14.1.02.236 |
Tractus spinocervicalis
Spinocervical tract
A14.1.02.237 |
Tractus spinovestibularis
Spinovestibular tract
A14.1.02.238 |
Tractus trigeminospinalis
Trigeminospinal tract
A14.1.02.239 |
Funiculus posterior
Posterior funiculus; Dorsal funiculus
A14.1.02.240 |
Fasciculus proprius posterior
Posterior fasciculus proprius; Dorsal fasciculus proprius
A14.1.02.241 |
Fasciculus septomarginalis
Septomarginal fasciculus
A14.1.02.242 |
Fasciculus interfascicularis; Fasciculus semilunaris
Interfascicular fasciculus
↓ A14.1.02.243 |
Fasciculus gracilis
Gracile fasciculus
↓ A14.1.02.244 |
Fasciculus cuneatus
Cuneate fasciculus
A14.1.02.245 |
Fibrae cuneospinales
Cuneospinal fibres ▲
A14.1.02.246 |
Fibrae gracilispinales
Gracilespinal fibres ▲
↓ A14.1.02.247 |
Fibrae spinocuneatae
Spinocuneate fibres ▲
↓ A14.1.02.248 |
Fibrae spinograciles
Spinogracile fibres ▲
A14.1.02.301 |
Structurae centrales medullae spinalis
Central cord structures
↓ A14.1.02.302 |
Area spinalis X; Lamina spinalis X
Spinal area X; Spinal lamina X
↓ A14.1.02.303 |
Commissura grisea anterior
Anterior grey commissure; Ventral grey commissure ▲
↓ A14.1.02.304 |
Commissura grisea posterior
Posterior grey commissure; Dorsal grey commissure ▲
A14.1.02.305 |
Commissura alba anterior
Anterior white commissure; Ventral white commissure
A14.1.02.306 |
Commissura alba posterior
Posterior white commissure; Dorsal white commissure
A14.1.02.019 |
Canalis centralis
Central canal
A14.1.03.001 |
A14.1.03.002 |
Rhombencephalon; Hindbrain
↓ A14.1.03.003 |
Myelencephalon; Medulla oblongata; Bulbus
Myelencephalon; Bulb; Medulla oblongata
↓ A14.1.03.004 |
Metencephalon; Pons and cerebellum
↓ A14.1.03.005 |
Mesencephalon; Midbrain
A14.1.03.006 |
Prosencephalon; Forebrain
A14.1.03.007 |
A14.1.03.008 |
A14.1.03.009 |
Truncus encephali
↓ A14.1.03.003 |
Myelencephalon; Medulla oblongata; Bulbus
Myelencephalon; Bulb; Medulla oblongata
A14.1.03.010 |
↓ A14.1.03.005 |
Mesencephalon; Midbrain
↓ A14.1.03.003 |
Morphologia externa
External features
A14.1.04.001 |
Fissura mediana anterior
Anterior median fissure; Ventral median fissure
A14.1.04.002 |
Foramen caecum medullae oblongatae
Foramen caecum of medulla oblongata ▲
A14.1.04.003 |
Pyramis medullae oblongatae; Pyramis bulbi
A14.1.04.004 |
Decussatio pyramidum
Decussation of pyramids; Motor decussation
A14.1.04.005 |
Sulcus anterolateralis
Anterolateral sulcus; Ventrolateral sulcus
A14.1.04.006 |
Sulcus preolivaris
Pre-olivary groove
A14.1.04.007 |
Funiculus lateralis
Lateral funiculus
A14.1.04.008 |
Inferior olive
A14.1.04.009 |
Fibrae arcuatae externae anteriores
Anterior external arcuate fibres; Ventral external arcuate fibres ▲
A14.1.04.010 |
Sulcus retroolivaris
Retro-olivary groove
A14.1.04.011 |
Area retroolivaris
Retro-olivary area
A14.1.04.012 |
Sulcus posterolateralis
Posterolateral sulcus; Dorsolateral sulcus
↓ A14.1.04.013 |
Pedunculus cerebellaris inferior
Inferior cerebellar peduncle
A14.1.04.014 |
Corpus restiforme
Restiform body
A14.1.04.015 |
Tuberculum trigeminale
Trigeminal tubercle
A14.1.04.016 |
Fasciculus cuneatus
Cuneate fasciculus
A14.1.04.017 |
Tuberculum cuneatum
Cuneate tubercle
A14.1.04.018 |
Fasciculus gracilis
Gracile fasciculus
A14.1.04.019 |
Tuberculum gracile
Gracile tubercle
A14.1.04.020 |
Sulcus medianus posterior
Posterior median sulcus; Dorsal median sulcus
A14.1.04.021 |
Morphologia interna
Internal features
A14.1.04.101 |
Substantia alba
White substance
A14.1.04.102 |
Tractus pyramidalis
Pyramidal tract
A14.1.04.103 |
Fibrae corticospinales
Corticospinal fibres ▲
↓ A14.1.04.104 |
Fibrae corticonucleares bulbi
Bulbar corticonuclear fibres ▲
A14.1.04.105 |
Fibrae corticoreticulares
Corticoreticular fibres ▲
A14.1.04.106 |
Decussatio pyramidum
Decussation of pyramids; Motor decussation
A14.1.04.107 |
Fasciculus gracilis
Gracile fasciculus
A14.1.04.108 |
Fasciculus cuneatus
Cuneate fasciculus
A14.1.04.109 |
Fibrae arcuatae internae
Internal arcuate fibres ▲
A14.1.04.110 |
Decussatio lemnisci medialis
Decussation of medial lemniscus; Sensory decussation
A14.1.04.111 |
Lemniscus medialis
Medial lemniscus
A14.1.04.112 |
Tractus tectospinalis
Tectospinal tract
A14.1.04.113 |
Fasciculus longitudinalis medialis
Medial longitudinal fasciculus
A14.1.04.114 |
Fasciculus longitudinalis posterior; Fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis
Posterior longitudinal fasciculus; Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
A14.1.04.115 |
Tractus spinalis nervi trigemini
Spinal tract of trigeminal nerve
A14.1.04.116 |
Amiculum olivare
Amiculum of olive
A14.1.04.117 |
Tractus spinoolivaris
Spino-olivary tract
A14.1.04.118 |
Tractus olivocerebellaris
Olivocerebellar tract
↓ A14.1.04.013 |
Pedunculus cerebellaris inferior
Inferior cerebellar peduncle
A14.1.04.119 |
Corpus juxtarestiforme
Juxtarestiform body
A14.1.04.014 |
Corpus restiforme
Restiform body
A14.1.04.120 |
Tractus solitarius
Solitary tract
A14.1.04.009 |
Fibrae arcuatae externae anteriores
Anterior external arcuate fibres; Ventral external arcuate fibres ▲
A14.1.04.121 |
Fibrae arcuatae externae posteriores
Posterior external arcuate fibres; Dorsal external arcuate fibres ▲
A14.1.04.122 |
Raphe medullae oblongatae
Raphe of medulla oblongata
A14.1.04.123 |
Tractus raphespinalis anterior
Anterior raphespinal tract
A14.1.04.124 |
Tractus reticulospinalis anterior
Anterior reticulospinal tract; Ventral reticulospinal tract
A14.1.04.125 |
Tractus spinocerebellaris anterior
Anterior spinocerebellar tract; Ventral spinocerebellar tract
A14.1.04.126 |
Fibrae hypothalamospinales
Hypothalamospinal fibres ▲
A14.1.04.127 |
Tractus interstitiospinalis
Interstitiospinal tract
A14.1.04.128 |
Tractus raphespinalis lateralis
Lateral raphespinal tract
A14.1.04.129 |
Tractus bulboreticulospinalis lateralis
Lateral bulboreticulospinal tract
A14.1.04.130 |
Fibrae medulloreticulospinales
Medullary reticulospinal fibres ▲
A14.1.04.131 |
Tractus vestibulospinalis lateralis
Lateral vestibulospinal tract
A14.1.04.132 |
Tractus spinocerebellaris posterior
Posterior spinocerebellar tract; Dorsal spinocerebellar tract
A14.1.04.133 |
Fibrae cuneocerebellares
Cuneocerebellar fibres ▲
A14.1.04.134 |
Tractus rubrobulbaris
Rubrobulbar tract
A14.1.04.135 |
Tractus rubroolivaris
Rubro-olivary tract
A14.1.04.136 |
Tractus rubrospinalis
Rubrospinal tract
↓ A14.1.04.137 |
Lemniscus spinalis; Tractus anterolaterales
Spinal lemniscus; Anterolateral tracts; Anterolateral system
A14.1.04.138 |
Fibrae spinothalamicae
Spinothalamic fibres ▲
A14.1.04.139 |
Fibrae spinoreticulares
Spinoreticular fibres ▲
A14.1.04.140 |
Fibrae spinomesencephalicae
Spinomesencephalic fibres ▲
A14.1.04.141 |
Fibrae spinotectales
Spinotectal fibres ▲
A14.1.04.142 |
Fibrae spinoperiaqueductales
Spinoperiaqueductal fibres ▲
A14.1.04.143 |
Fibrae spinohypothalamicae
Spinohypothalamic fibres ▲
A14.1.04.144 |
Fibrae spinobulbares
Spinobulbar fibres ▲
A14.1.04.145 |
Fibrae spinoolivares
Spino-olivary fibres ▲
A14.1.04.146 |
Tractus spinovestibularis
Spinovestibular tract
A14.1.04.147 |
Tractus tectobulbaris
Tectobulbar tract
A14.1.04.201 |
Substantia grisea
Grey substance ▲
↓ A14.1.04.202 |
Nucleus gracilis
Gracile nucleus
A14.1.04.203 |
Pars centralis
Central part; Cell nest region
A14.1.04.204 |
Pars rostralis
Rostral part; Shell region
A14.1.04.205 |
Subnucleus rostrodorsalis
Rostrodorsal subnucleus; Cell group Z
↓ A14.1.04.206 |
Nucleus cuneatus
Cuneate nucleus
A14.1.04.207 |
Pars centralis
Central part; Cell nest region
A14.1.04.208 |
Pars rostralis
Rostral part; Shell region
A14.1.04.209 |
Nucleus cuneatus accessorius
Accessory cuneate nucleus
A14.1.04.210 |
Nucleus precuneatus accessorius
Preaccessory cuneate nucleus; Cell group X
↓ A14.1.04.211 |
Nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini
Spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve
A14.1.04.212 |
Pars caudalis
Caudal part
A14.1.04.213 |
Subnucleus zonalis
Zonal subnucleus
A14.1.04.214 |
Subnucleus gelatinosus
Gelatinous subnucleus
A14.1.04.215 |
Subnucleus magnocellularis
Magnocellular subnucleus
A14.1.04.216 |
Pars interpolaris
Interpolar part
A14.1.04.217 |
Nucleus retrotrigeminalis
Retrotrigeminal nucleus
A14.1.04.218 |
Nucleus retrofacialis
Retrofacial nucleus
A14.1.04.219 |
Complexus olivaris inferior; Nuclei olivares inferiores
Inferior olivary complex
A14.1.04.220 |
Nucleus olivaris principalis
Principal olivary nucleus
A14.1.04.221 |
Lamella posterior
Dorsal lamella
A14.1.04.222 |
Lamella anterior
Ventral lamella
A14.1.04.223 |
Lamella lateralis
Lateral lamella
A14.1.04.224 |
Hilum nuclei olivaris inferioris
Hilum of inferior olivary nucleus
A14.1.04.225 |
Nucleus olivaris accessorius posterior
Posterior accessory olivary nucleus; Dorsal accessory olivary nucleus
A14.1.04.226 |
Nucleus olivaris accessorius medialis
Medial accessory olivary nucleus
A14.1.04.227 |
Nucleus nervi hypoglossi
Nucleus of hypoglossal nerve
A14.1.04.228 |
Nucleus paramedianus posterior
Posterior paramedian nucleus; Dorsal paramedian nucleus
A14.1.04.229 |
Nucleus posterior nervi vagi; Nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi
Posterior nucleus of vagus nerve; Dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve
A14.1.04.230 |
Nuclei tractus solitarii
Nuclei of solitary tract; Solitary nuclei
A14.1.04.231 |
Nucleus parasolitarius
Parasolitary nucleus
A14.1.04.232 |
Nucleus commissuralis
Commissural nucleus
A14.1.04.233 |
Nucleus gelatinosus solitarius
Gelatinous solitary nucleus
A14.1.04.234 |
Nucleus intermedius solitarius
Intermediate solitary nucleus
A14.1.04.235 |
Nucleus interstitialis solitarius
Interstitial solitary nucleus
A14.1.04.236 |
Nucleus medialis solitarius
Medial solitary nucleus
A14.1.04.237 |
Nucleus paracommissuralis solitarius
Paracommissural solitary nucleus
A14.1.04.238 |
Nucleus solitarius posterior
Posterior solitary nucleus; Dorsal solitary nucleus
A14.1.04.239 |
Nucleus solitarius posterolateralis
Posterolateral solitary nucleus; Dorsolateral solitary nucleus
A14.1.04.240 |
Nucleus solitarius anterior
Anterior solitary nucleus; Ventral solitary nucleus
A14.1.04.241 |
Nucleus solitarius anterolateralis
Anterolateral solitary nucleus; Ventrolateral solitary nucleus
↓ A14.1.04.242 |
Nuclei vestibulares
Vestibular nuclei
A14.1.04.243 |
Nucleus vestibularis inferior
Inferior vestibular nucleus
A14.1.04.244 |
Pars magnocellularis nuclei vestibularis inferioris
Magnocellular part of inferior vestibular nucleus; Cell group F
A14.1.04.245 |
Nucleus vestibularis medialis
Medial vestibular nucleus
A14.1.04.246 |
Nucleus marginalis corporis restiformis
Marginal nucleus of restiform body; Cell group Y
↓ A14.1.04.247 |
Nuclei cochleares
Cochlear nuclei
A14.1.04.248 |
Nucleus cochlearis posterior
Posterior cochlear nucleus; Dorsal cochlear nucleus
A14.1.04.249 |
Nucleus cochlearis anterior
Anterior cochlear nucleus; Ventral cochlear nucleus
A14.1.04.250 |
Pars anterior
Anterior part
A14.1.04.251 |
Pars posterior
Posterior part
A14.1.04.252 |
Nucleus commissuralis nervi vagi
Commissural nucleus of vagus nerve
A14.1.04.253 |
Nucleus ambiguus
Nucleus ambiguus
A14.1.04.254 |
Nucleus retroambiguus
Retro-ambiguus nucleus
A14.1.04.255 |
Nucleus salivatorius inferior
Inferior salivatory nucleus
A14.1.04.256 |
Nucleus arcuatus
Arcuate nucleus
A14.1.04.257 |
Nuclei raphes
Raphe nuclei
A14.1.04.258 |
Area postrema
Area postrema
A14.1.04.259 |
Nucleus endolemniscalis
Endolemniscal nucleus
A14.1.04.260 |
Nucleus pericuneatus medialis
Medial pericuneate nucleus
A14.1.04.261 |
Nucleus pericuneatus lateralis
Lateral pericuneate nucleus
A14.1.04.262 |
Nuclei perihypoglossales
Perihypogiossal nuclei
A14.1.04.263 |
Nucleus subhypoglossalis
Subhypoglossal nucleus
A14.1.04.264 |
Nucleus intercalatus
Intercalated nucleus
A14.1.04.265 |
Nucleus prepositus
Prepositus nucleus
A14.1.04.266 |
Nucleus peritrigeminalis
Peritrigeminal nucleus
A14.1.04.267 |
Nucleus pontobulbaris
Pontobulbar nucleus
A14.1.04.268 |
Nucleus supraspinalis
Supraspinal nucleus
A14.1.04.301 |
Nuclei reticulares
Reticular nuclei
↓ A14.1.04.302 |
Nucleus gigantocellularis
Gigantocellular reticular nucleus
↓ A14.1.04.303 |
Pars alpha
Pars alpha
A14.1.04.304 |
Nucleus gigantocellularis anterior
Anterior gigantocellular reticular nucleus; Ventral gigantocellular reticular nucleus
A14.1.04.305 |
Nucleus paragigantocellularis lateralis
Lateral paragigantocellular reticular nucleus
A14.1.04.306 |
Nucleus interfascicularis nervi hypoglossi
Interfascicular nucleus of hypoglossal nerve
↓ A14.1.04.307 |
Nucleus reticularis intermedius
Intermediate reticular nucleus
A14.1.04.308 |
Nucleus reticularis lateralis
Lateral reticular nucleus
A14.1.04.309 |
Pars magnocellularis
Magnocellular part
A14.1.04.310 |
Pars parvocellularis
Parvocellular part
A14.1.04.311 |
Pars subtrigeminalis
Subtrigeminal part
A14.1.04.312 |
Nucleus reticularis parvocellularis
Parvocellular reticular nucleus
A14.1.04.313 |
Nucleus paragigantocellularis posterior
Posterior paragigantocellular reticular nucleus; Dorsal paragigantocellular reticular nucleus
A14.1.04.314 |
Nucleus reticularis centralis
Central reticular nucleus
A14.1.04.315 |
Pars dorsalis
Dorsal part
A14.1.04.316 |
Pars ventralis
Ventral part
A14.1.04.317 |
Nucleus reticularis medialis
Medial reticular nucleus
A14.1.04.318 |
Nuclei raphes
Raphe nuclei
A14.1.04.319 |
Nucleus raphes obscurus
Obscurus raphe nucleus
A14.1.04.320 |
Nucleus raphes pallidus
Pallidal raphe nucleus
A14.1.04.321 |
Nucleus raphes magnus
Magnus raphe nucleus
A14.1.03.010 |
Morphologia externa
External features
A14.1.05.001 |
Sulcus bulbopontinus
Medullopontine sulcus
A14.1.05.002 |
Sulcus basilaris
Basilar sulcus
A14.1.05.003 |
Pedunculus cerebellaris medius
Middle cerebellar peduncle
A14.1.05.004 |
Angulus pontocerebellaris
Cerebellopontine angle
A14.1.05.005 |
Frenulum veli
Frenulum veli
A14.1.05.006 |
Pedunculus cerebellaris superior
Superior cerebellar peduncle
A14.1.05.007 |
Velum medullare superius
Superior medullary velum
Morphologia interna
Internal features
A14.1.05.101 |
Pars basilaris pontis
Basilar part of pons
A14.1.05.102 |
Substantia alba
White substance
A14.1.05.103 |
Fibrae pontis longitudinales
Longitudinal pontine fibres ▲
A14.1.05.104 |
Fibrae corticospinales
Corticospinal fibres ▲
A14.1.05.105 |
Fibrae corticonucleares pontis
Pontine corticonuclear fibres ▲
A14.1.05.106 |
Fibrae corticoreticulares
Corticoreticular fibres ▲
A14.1.05.107 |
Fibrae corticopontinae
Corticopontine fibres ▲
A14.1.05.108 |
Fibrae tectopontinae
Tectopontine fibres ▲
A14.1.05.109 |
Fibrae pontis transversae
Transverse pontine fibres ▲
A14.1.05.110 |
Fibrae pontocerebellares
Pontocerebellar fibres ▲
A14.1.05.201 |
Substantia grisea
Grey substance ▲
A14.1.05.202 |
Nuclei pontis
Pontine nuclei
A14.1.05.203 |
Nucleus anterior
Anterior nucleus; Ventral nucleus
A14.1.05.204 |
Nucleus lateralis
Lateral nucleus
A14.1.05.205 |
Nucleus medianus
Median nucleus
A14.1.05.206 |
Nucleus paramedianus
Paramedian nucleus
A14.1.05.207 |
Nucleus peduncularis
Peduncular nucleus; Peripeduncular nucleus
A14.1.05.208 |
Nucleus posterior
Posterior nucleus; Dorsal nucleus
A14.1.05.209 |
Nucleus posterior lateralis
Posterolateral nucleus; Dorsolateral nucleus
A14.1.05.210 |
Nucleus posterior medialis
Posteromedial nucleus; Dorsomedial nucleus
A14.1.05.211 |
Nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis
Reticulotegmental nucleus
A14.1.05.301 |
Tegmentum pontis
Tegmentum of pons
A14.1.05.302 |
Substantia alba
White substance
A14.1.05.303 |
Raphe pontis
Raphe of pons
A14.1.05.304 |
Fasciculus longitudinalis medialis
Medial longitudinal fasciculus
A14.1.05.305 |
Fasciculus longitudinalis posterior; Fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis
Posterior longitudinal fasciculus; Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
A14.1.04.111 |
Lemniscus medialis
Medial lemniscus
A14.1.04.112 |
Tractus tectospinalis
Tectospinal tract
A14.1.05.306 |
Fibrae pretectoolivares
Pretecto-olivary fibres ▲
A14.1.05.307 |
Fibrae tectoolivares
Tecto-olivary fibres ▲
A14.1.05.308 |
Fibrae tectoreticulares
Tectoreticular fibres ▲
↓ A14.1.04.137 |
Lemniscus spinalis; Tractus anterolaterales
Spinal lemniscus; Anterolateral tracts; Anterolateral system
A14.1.04.138 |
Fibrae spinothalamicae
Spinothalamic fibres ▲
A14.1.04.139 |
Fibrae spinoreticulares
Spinoreticular fibres ▲
A14.1.04.140 |
Fibrae spinomesencephalicae
Spinomesencephalic fibres ▲
A14.1.04.141 |
Fibrae spinotectales
Spinotectal fibres ▲
A14.1.04.142 |
Fibrae spinoperiaqueductales
Spinoperiaqueductal fibres ▲
A14.1.04.143 |
Fibrae spinohypothalamicae
Spinohypothalamic fibres ▲
A14.1.04.144 |
Fibrae spinobulbares
Spinobulbar fibres ▲
A14.1.04.145 |
Fibrae spinoolivares
Spino-olivary fibres ▲
A14.1.05.309 |
Tractus spinalis nervi trigemini
Spinal tract of trigeminal nerve
↓ A14.1.05.310 |
Lemniscus trigeminalis; Tractus trigeminothalamicus
Trigeminal lemniscus; Trigeminothalamic tract
A14.1.05.311 |
Tractus trigeminothalamicus anterior
Anterior trigeminothalamic tract; Ventral trigeminothalamic tract
A14.1.05.312 |
Tractus trigeminothalamicus posterior
Posterior trigeminothalamic tract; Dorsal trigeminothalamic tract
A14.1.05.313 |
Tractus mesencephalicus nervi trigemini
Mesencephalic tract of trigeminal nerve
A14.1.05.314 |
Genu nervi facialis
Genu of facial nerve
A14.1.05.315 |
Corpus trapezoideum
Trapezoid body
A14.1.05.316 |
Tractus olivocochlearis
Olivocochlear tract
A14.1.05.317 |
Lemniscus lateralis
Lateral lemniscus
A14.1.05.318 |
Striae medullares ventriculi quarti
Medullary striae of fourth ventricle
A14.1.05.319 |
Stria cochlearis anterior
Anterior acoustic stria; Ventral acoustic stria
A14.1.05.320 |
Stria cochlearis intermedia
Intermediate acoustic stria
A14.1.05.321 |
Stria cochlearis posterior
Posterior acoustic stria; Dorsal acoustic stria
A14.1.05.322 |
Tractus pontoreticulospinalis anterior
Anterior pontoreticulospinal tract; Ventral pontoreticulospinal tract
A14.1.05.323 |
Tractus spinocerebellaris anterior
Anterior spinocerebellar tract ventral spinocerebe
A14.1.05.324 |
Commissura cochlearis pontis
Auditory commissure of pons
A14.1.05.325 |
Tractus tegmentalis centralis
Central tegmental tract
A14.1.05.326 |
Fibrae rubroolivares
Rubro-olivary fibres ▲
A14.1.05.327 |
Fibrae anuloolivares
Anulo-olivary fibres ▲
A14.1.05.328 |
Fibrae cerebelloolivares
Cerebello-olivary fibres ▲
A14.1.05.329 |
Tractus hypothalamospinalis
Hypothalamospinal tract
A14.1.05.330 |
Tractus interstitiospinalis
Interstitiospinal tract
A14.1.05.331 |
Tractus rubropontinus
Rubropontine tract
A14.1.05.332 |
Tractus rubrospinalis
Rubrospinal tract
A14.1.05.333 |
Tractus tectobulbaris
Tectobulbar tract
A14.1.05.334 |
Tractus tectopontinus
Tectopontine tract
A14.1.05.401 |
Substantia grisea
Grey substance ▲
A14.1.05.402 |
Nuclei raphes
Raphe nuclei
A14.1.05.403 |
Formatio reticularis
Reticular formation
↓ A14.1.05.404 |
Nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini
Spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve
A14.1.05.405 |
Subnucleus oralis
Oral subnucleus
↓ A14.1.05.406 |
Nucleus principalis nervi trigemini
Principal sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve
A14.1.05.407 |
Nucleus posteromedialis
Posteromedial nucleus; Dorsomedial nucleus
A14.1.05.408 |
Nucleus anterolateralis
Anterolateral nucleus; Ventrolateral nucleus
A14.1.05.409 |
Nucleus mesencephalicus nervi trigemini
Mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve
A14.1.05.410 |
Nucleus motorius nervi trigemini
Motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve
A14.1.05.411 |
Nucleus nervi abducentis
Nucleus of abducens nerve
A14.1.05.412 |
Nucleus nervi facialis
Motor nucleus of facial nerve
A14.1.05.413 |
Nucleus salivatorius superior
Superior salivatory nucleus
A14.1.05.414 |
Nucleus lacrimalis
Lacrimal nucleus
A14.1.05.415 |
Nucleus olivaris superior
Superior olivary nucleus; Superior olivary complex
A14.1.05.416 |
Nucleus olivaris superior lateralis
Lateral superior olivary nucleus
A14.1.05.417 |
Nucleus olivaris superior medialis
Medial superior olivary nucleus
A14.1.05.418 |
Nuclei periolivares
Peri-olivary nuclei
A14.1.05.419 |
Nuclei mediales
Medial nuclei
A14.1.05.420 |
Nuclei laterales
Lateral nuclei
A14.1.05.421 |
Nuclei corporis trapezoidei
Nuclei of trapezoid body
A14.1.05.422 |
Nucleus anterior corporis trapezoidei
Anterior nucleus of trapezoid body; Ventral nucleus of trapezoid body
A14.1.05.423 |
Nucleus lateralis corporis trapezoidei
Lateral nucleus of trapezoid body
A14.1.05.424 |
Nucleus medialis corporis trapezoidei
Medial nucleus of trapezoid body
↓ A14.1.05.425 |
Nuclei vestibulares
Vestibular nuclei
A14.1.05.426 |
Nucleus vestibularis medialis
Medial vestibular nucleus
A14.1.05.427 |
Nucleus vestibularis lateralis
Lateral vestibular nucleus
A14.1.05.428 |
Pars parvocellularis
Parvocellular part; Cell group L
A14.1.05.429 |
Nucleus vestibularis superior
Superior vestibular nucleus
↓ A14.1.05.430 |
Nuclei cochleares
Cochlear nuclei
A14.1.05.431 |
Nuclei lemnisci lateralis
Nuclei of lateral lemniscus
A14.1.05.432 |
Nucleus posterior lemnisci lateralis
Posterior nucleus of lateral lemniscus; Dorsal nucleus of lateral lemniscus
A14.1.05.433 |
Nucleus intermedius lemnisci lateralis
Intermediate nucleus of lateral lemniscus
A14.1.05.434 |
Nucleus anterior lemnisci lateralis
Anterior nucleus of lateral lemniscus; Ventral nucleus of lateral lemniscus
A14.1.05.435 |
Nucleus tegmentalis anterior
Anterior tegmental nucleus; Ventral tegmental nucleus
A14.1.05.436 |
Nucleus caeruleus
Caerulean nucleus
A14.1.05.437 |
Nucleus subcaeruleus
Subcaerulean nucleus
A14.1.05.438 |
Nuclei interstitiales fasciculi longitudinalis medialis
Interstitial nuclei of medial longitudinal fasciculus
A14.1.05.439 |
Nuclei parabrachiales
Parabrachial nuclei
A14.1.05.440 |
Nucleus subparabrachialis
Subparabrachial nucleus
A14.1.05.441 |
Nucleus parabrachialis lateralis
Lateral parabrachial nucleus
A14.1.05.442 |
Pars lateralis
Lateral part; Lateral subnucleus
A14.1.05.443 |
Pars medialis
Medial part; Medial subnucleus
A14.1.05.444 |
Pars posterior
Posterior part; Posterior subnucleus; Dorsal subnucleus; Dorsal part
A14.1.05.445 |
Pars anterior
Anterior part; Ventral subnucleus; Anterior subnucleus; Ventral part
A14.1.05.446 |
Nucleus parabrachialis medialis
Medial parabrachial nucleus
A14.1.05.447 |
Pars medialis
Medial part; Medial subnucleus
A14.1.05.448 |
Pars lateralis
Lateral part; Lateral subnucleus
A14.1.05.449 |
Nucleus tegmentalis posterior
Posterior tegmental nucleus; Dorsal tegmental nucleus
A14.1.05.450 |
Nucleus supralemniscalis
Supralemniscal nucleus
A14.1.05.501 |
Nuclei reticulares
Reticular nuclei
↓ A14.1.05.502 |
Nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis
Caudal pontine reticular nucleus
A14.1.05.503 |
Nucleus reticularis pontis rostralis
Oral pontine reticular nucleus
A14.1.05.504 |
Nucleus paralemniscalis
Paralemniscal nucleus
A14.1.05.505 |
Nucleus reticularis paramedianus
Paramedian reticular nucleus
A14.1.05.506 |
Nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis
Reticulotegmental nucleus
A14.1.05.601 |
Nuclei raphes
Raphe nuclei
A14.1.04.321 |
Nucleus raphes magnus
Magnus raphe nucleus
A14.1.05.602 |
Nucleus raphes pontis
Pontine raphe nucleus
A14.1.05.603 |
Nucleus raphes medianus
Median raphe nucleus; Superior central nucleus
A14.1.05.604 |
Nucleus raphes posterior
Posterior raphe nucleus; Dorsal raphe nucleus
A14.1.05.701 |
Ventriculus quartus
Fourth ventricle
A14.1.05.702 |
Fossa rhomboidea
Rhomboid fossa; Floor of fourth ventricle
A14.1.05.703 |
Sulcus medianus
Median sulcus
A14.1.05.704 |
Eminentia medialis
Medial eminence
A14.1.05.705 |
Colliculus facialis
Facial colliculus
A14.1.05.706 |
Locus caeruleus
Locus caeruleus
↓ A14.1.05.707 |
Striae medullares ventriculi quarti
Medullary striae of fourth ventricle
A14.1.05.708 |
Trigonum nervi hypoglossi
Hypoglossal trigone; Trigone of hypoglossal nerve
A14.1.05.709 |
Trigonum nervi vagi; Trigonum vagale
Vagal trigone; Trigone of vagus nerve
A14.1.05.710 |
Area vestibularis
Vestibular area
A14.1.05.711 |
Funiculus separans
Funiculus separans
A14.1.05.712 |
Taenia cinerea
Grey line; Taenia cinerea ▲
A14.1.05.713 |
Tegmen ventriculi quarti
Roof of fourth ventricle
A14.1.05.714 |
A14.1.05.715 |
Plexus choroideus
Choroid plexus
A14.1.05.716 |
Tela choroidea
Choroid membrane
A14.1.05.717 |
Recessus lateralis
Lateral recess
A14.1.05.718 |
Apertura lateralis
Lateral aperture
A14.1.05.719 |
Velum medullare superius
Superior medullary velum
A14.1.05.720 |
Frenulum veli medullaris superioris
Frenulum of superior medullary vellum
A14.1.05.721 |
Velum medullare inferius
Inferior medullary velum
A14.1.05.722 |
Apertura mediana
Median aperture
A14.1.04.258 |
Area postrema
Area postrema
A14.1.05.723 |
A14.1.05.724 |
Sulcus limitans
Sulcus limitans
A14.1.05.725 |
Fovea superior
Superior fovea
A14.1.05.726 |
Fovea inferior
Inferior fovea
↓ A14.1.03.005 |
Morphologia externa
External features
A14.1.06.001 |
Fossa interpeduncularis
Interpeduncular fossa
A14.1.06.002 |
Substantia perforata posterior
Posterior perforated substance
A14.1.06.003 |
Sulcus nervi oculomotorii
Oculomotor sulcus
A14.1.06.004 |
Pedunculus cerebri
Cerebral peduncle
↓ A14.1.06.005 |
Crus cerebri
Cerebral crus
A14.1.06.006 |
Sulcus lateralis mesencephali
Lateral groove
A14.1.06.007 |
Tegmentum mesencephali
Tegmentum of midbrain
A14.1.06.008 |
Trigonum lemnisci lateralis
Trigone of lateral lemniscus
A14.1.06.009 |
Pedunculus cerebellaris superior
Superior cerebellar peduncle
A14.1.06.010 |
Frenulum veli medullaris superioris
A14.1.06.011 |
Lamina tecti; Lamina quadrigemina
Tectal plate; Quadrigeminal plate
A14.1.06.012 |
Brachium colliculi inferioris
Brachium of inferior colliculus
A14.1.06.013 |
Brachium colliculi superioris
Brachium of superior colliculus
A14.1.06.014 |
Colliculus inferior
Inferior colliculus
↓ A14.1.06.015 |
Colliculus superior
Superior colliculus
Morphologia interna
Internal features
A14.1.06.004 |
Pedunculus cerebri
Cerebral peduncle
↓ A14.1.06.101 |
Basis pedunculi
Base of peduncle
↓ A14.1.06.005 |
Crus cerebri
Cerebral crus
A14.1.06.102 |
Tractus pyramidalis
Pyramidal tract
A14.1.06.103 |
Fibrae corticospinales
Corticospinal fibres ▲
A14.1.06.104 |
Fibrae corticonucleares
Corticonuclear fibres ▲
A14.1.06.105 |
Tractus corticopontinus
Corticopontine fibres ▲
A14.1.06.106 |
Fibrae frontopontinae
Frontopontine fibres ▲
A14.1.06.107 |
Fibrae occipitopontinae
Occipitopontine fibres ▲
A14.1.06.108 |
Fibrae parietopontinae
Parietopontine fibres ▲
A14.1.06.109 |
Fibrae temporopontinae
Temporopontine fibres ▲
A14.1.06.110 |
Fibrae corticoreticulares
Corticoreticular fibres ▲
↓ A14.1.06.111 |
Substantia nigra
Substantia nigra
A14.1.06.112 |
Pars compacta
Compact part
A14.1.06.113 |
Pars lateralis
Lateral part
A14.1.06.114 |
Pars reticularis
Reticular part
A14.1.06.115 |
Pars retrorubralis
Retrorubral part
A14.1.06.007 |
Tegmentum mesencephali
Tegmentum of midbrain
A14.1.06.201 |
Substantia alba
White substance
A14.1.05.325 |
Tractus tegmentalis centralis
Central tegmental tract
A14.1.05.326 |
Fibrae rubroolivares
Rubro-olivary fibres ▲
A14.1.05.328 |
Fibrae cerebelloolivares
Cerebello-olivary fibres ▲
A14.1.06.202 |
Fibrae corticonucleares mesencephali
Mesencephalic corticonuclear fibres ▲
A14.1.06.203 |
Fibrae hypothalamospinales
Hypothalamospinal fibres ▲
A14.1.06.204 |
Lemniscus lateralis
Lateral lemniscus
A14.1.06.205 |
Tractus tectopontinus
Tectopontine tract
A14.1.06.206 |
Tractus tectobulbaris lateralis
Lateral tectobulbar tract
A14.1.06.207 |
Lemniscus medialis
Medial lemniscus
A14.1.06.208 |
Lemniscus trigeminalis
Trigeminal lemniscus
A14.1.06.209 |
Fasciculus longitudinalis medialis
Medial longitudinal fasciculus
A14.1.06.210 |
Tractus mesencephalicus nervi trigemini
Mesencephalic tract of trigeminal nerve
A14.1.06.211 |
Fasciculus longitudinalis posterior; Fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis
Posterior longitudinal fasciculus; Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
A14.1.06.212 |
Tractus rubronuclearis
Rubronuclear tract
A14.1.06.213 |
Tractus rubrospinalis
Rubrospinal tract
A14.1.06.214 |
Tractus rubroolivaris
Rubro-olivary tract
↓ A14.1.06.215 |
Lemniscus spinalis; Tractus anterolaterales
Spinal lemniscus; Anterolateral system; Anterolateral tracts
A14.1.04.138 |
Fibrae spinothalamicae
Spinothalamic fibres ▲
A14.1.04.139 |
Fibrae spinoreticulares
Spinoreticular fibres ▲
A14.1.04.140 |
Fibrae spinomesencephalicae
Spinomesencephalic fibres ▲
A14.1.04.141 |
Fibrae spinotectales
Spinotectal fibres ▲
A14.1.04.142 |
Fibrae spinoperiaqueductales
Spinoperiaqueductal fibres ▲
A14.1.04.143 |
Fibrae spinohypothalamicae
Spinohypothalamic fibres ▲
A14.1.06.216 |
Pedunculus cerebellaris superior
Superior cerebellar peduncle
A14.1.06.217 |
Decussatio pedunculorum cerebellarium superiorum
Decussation of superior cerebellar peduncles
A14.1.06.218 |
Tractus tectobulbaris
Tectobulbar tract
A14.1.06.219 |
Tractus tectopontinus
Tectopontine tract
A14.1.04.112 |
Tractus tectospinalis
Tectospinal tract
A14.1.05.306 |
Fibrae pretectoolivares
Pretecto-olivary fibres ▲
A14.1.05.307 |
Fibrae tectoolivares
Tecto-olivary fibres ▲
A14.1.06.220 |
Decussationes tegmentales
Tegmental decussations
A14.1.06.221 |
Decussatio tegmentalis posterior
Posterior tegmental decussation; Dorsal tegmental decussation
A14.1.06.222 |
Decussatio tegmentalis anterior
Anterior tegmental decussation; Ventral tegmental decussation
↓ A14.1.06.223 |
Fibrae corticomesencephalicae
Corticomesencephalic fibres ▲
A14.1.06.301 |
Substantia grisea
Grey substance ▲
A14.1.06.302 |
Nucleus nervi oculomotorii
Nucleus of oculomotor nerve
A14.1.06.303 |
Nuclei accessorii nervi oculomotorii
Accessory nuclei of oculomotor nerve
A14.1.06.304 |
Nuclei viscerales; Nuclei autonomici
Visceral nuclei; Autonomic nuclei
A14.1.06.305 |
Nucleus anteromedialis
Anterior medial nucleus; Ventral medial nucleus
A14.1.06.306 |
Nucleus dorsalis
Posterior nucleus; Dorsal nucleus
A14.1.06.307 |
Nucleus interstitialis
Interstitial nucleus
A14.1.06.308 |
Nucleus precommissuralis centralis
Central precommissural nucleus
A14.1.06.309 |
Nucleus commissurae posterioris
Nucleus of posterior commissure
A14.1.06.310 |
Pars ventralis
Ventral subdivision
A14.1.06.311 |
Pars interstitialis
Interstitial subdivision
A14.1.06.312 |
Pars dorsalis
Dorsal subdivision
A14.1.06.313 |
Nucleus interpeduncularis
Interpeduncular nucleus
A14.1.06.314 |
Nuclei accessorii tractus optici
Accessory nuclei of optic tract
A14.1.06.315 |
Nucleus posterior
Posterior nucleus; Dorsal nucleus
A14.1.06.316 |
Nucleus lateralis
Lateral nucleus
A14.1.06.317 |
Nucleus medialis
Medial nucleus
A14.1.06.318 |
Nucleus tegmentalis posterolateralis
Lateroposterior tegmental nucleus; Laterodorsal tegmental nucleus
A14.1.05.409 |
Nucleus mesencephalicus nervi trigemini
Mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve
A14.1.06.319 |
Nucleus nervi trochlearis
Nucleus of trochlear nerve
↓ A14.1.06.320 |
Nucleus parabigeminalis
Parabigeminal nucleus
A14.1.06.321 |
Substantia grisea centralis
Periaqueductal grey substance; Central grey substance ▲
A14.1.06.322 |
Nucleus peripeduncularis
Peripeduncular nucleus
A14.1.06.323 |
Nucleus ruber
Red nucleus
A14.1.06.324 |
Pars magnocellularis
Magnocellular part
A14.1.06.325 |
Pars parvocellularis
Parvocellular part
A14.1.06.326 |
Pars posteromedialis; Pars dorsomedialis
Posteromedial part; Dorsomedial part
↓ A14.1.06.327 |
Formatio reticularis
Reticular formation
A14.1.06.328 |
Nucleus saguli; Sagulum
Sagulum nucleus
A14.1.06.329 |
Nucleus subbrachialis
Subbrachial nucleus
A14.1.06.330 |
Nuclei tegmentales anteriores
Anterior tegmental nuclei; Ventral tegmental nuclei
A14.1.06.331 |
Nucleus interfascicularis
Interfascicular nucleus
A14.1.06.332 |
Nucleus pigmentosus parabrachialis
Parabrachial pigmented nucleus
A14.1.06.333 |
Nucleus paranigralis
Paranigral nucleus
A14.1.06.334 |
Nucleus cuneiformis
Cuneiform nucleus
A14.1.06.335 |
Nucleus subcuneiformis
Subcuneiform nucleus
A14.1.06.336 |
Nucleus tegmentalis pedunculopontinus
Pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus
A14.1.06.337 |
Pars compacta
Compact part; Compact subnucleus
A14.1.06.338 |
Pars dissipata
Dissipated part; Dissipated subnucleus
A14.1.06.401 |
Nuclei raphes
Raphe nuclei
A14.1.05.604 |
Nucleus raphes posterior
Posterior raphe nucleus; Dorsal raphe nucleus
↓ A14.1.06.402 |
Nucleus linearis inferior
Inferior linear nucleus
A14.1.06.403 |
Nucleus linearis intermedius
Intermediate linear nucleus
A14.1.06.404 |
Nucleus linearis superior
Superior linear nucleus
A14.1.06.501 |
Aqueductus mesencephali; Aqueductus cerebri
Aqueduct of midbrain; Cerebral aqueduct
A14.1.06.502 |
Apertura aqueductus mesencephali; Apertura aqueductus cerebri
Opening of aqueduct of midbrain; Opening of cerebral aqueduct
↓ A14.1.06.601 |
Tectum mesencephali
Tectum of midbrain
A14.1.06.011 |
Lamina tecti; Lamina quadrigemina
Tectal plate; Quadrigeminal plate
A14.1.06.014 |
Colliculus inferior
Inferior colliculus
A14.1.06.602 |
Nuclei colliculi inferioris
Nuclei of inferior colliculus
A14.1.06.603 |
Nucleus centralis
Central nucleus
A14.1.06.604 |
Nucleus externus; Nucleus lateralis
External nucleus
A14.1.06.605 |
Nucleus pericentralis
Pericentral nucleus
↓ A14.1.06.015 |
Colliculus superior
Superior colliculus
A14.1.06.606 |
Stratum zonale; Lamina I
Zonal layer; Layer I
A14.1.06.607 |
Stratum griseum superficiale; Lamina II
Superficial grey layer; Layer II ▲
A14.1.06.608 |
Stratum opticum; Lamina III
Optic layer; Layer III
A14.1.06.609 |
Stratum griseum intermedium; Lamina IV
Intermediate grey layer; Layer IV ▲
A14.1.06.610 |
Stratum medullare intermedium; Lamina V
Intermediate white layer; Layer V
A14.1.06.611 |
Stratum griseum profundum; Lamina VI
Deep grey layer; Layer VI ▲
A14.1.06.612 |
Stratum medullare profundum; Lamina VII
Deep white layer; Layer VII
A14.1.06.012 |
Brachium colliculi inferioris
Brachium of inferior colliculus
A14.1.06.013 |
Brachium colliculi superioris
Brachium of superior colliculus
A14.1.06.613 |
Commissura colliculi inferioris
Commissure of inferior colliculus
A14.1.06.614 |
Commissura colliculi superioris
Commissure of superior colliculus
A14.1.06.615 |
Decussatio fibrarum nervorum trochlearium
Decussation of trochlear nerve fibres ▲
A14.1.06.701 |
Nuclei reticulares
Reticular nuclei
A14.1.06.334 |
Nucleus cuneiformis
Cuneiform nucleus
A14.1.06.335 |
Nucleus subcuneiformis
Subcuneiform nucleus
A14.1.06.336 |
Nucleus tegmentalis pedunculopontinus
Pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus
A14.1.06.337 |
Pars compacta
Compact part; Compact subnucleus
A14.1.06.338 |
Pars dissipata
Dissipated part; Dissipated subnucleus
A14.1.06.702 |
Nucleus parapeduncularis
Parapeduncular nucleus
A14.1.07.001 |
Nomina generalia
General terms
A14.1.07.002 |
Fissurae cerebelli
Cerebellar fissures
A14.1.07.003 |
Folia cerebelli
Folia of cerebellum
A14.1.07.004 |
Hemispherium cerebelli [H II - H X]
Hemisphere of cerebellum [H II - H X]
A14.1.07.005 |
Vallecula cerebelli
Vallecula of cerebellum
A14.1.07.006 |
Vermis cerebelli [I - X]
Vermis of cerebellum [I - X]
↓ A14.1.07.007 |
↓ A14.1.07.008 |
↓ A14.1.07.009 |
↓ A14.1.07.010 |
↓ A14.1.07.011 |
↓ A14.1.07.012 |
Morphologia externa
External features
A14.1.07.101 |
Corpus cerebelli
Body of cerebellum
A14.1.07.102 |
Lobus cerebelli anterior
Anterior lobe of cerebellum
A14.1.07.103 |
Lingula cerebelli [I]
Lingula [I]
A14.1.07.104 |
Fissura precentralis; Fissura postlingualis
Precentral fissure; Post-lingual fissure
A14.1.07.105 |
Lobulus centralis [II et III]
Central lobule [II et III]
A14.1.07.106 |
Pars anterior; Pars ventralis [II]
Anterior part; Ventral part [II]
A14.1.07.107 |
Pars posterior; Pars dorsalis [III]
Posterior part; Dorsal part [III]
↓ A14.1.07.108 |
Ala lobuli centralis [HII et HIII]
Wing of central lobule [HII et HIII]
A14.1.07.109 |
Pars inferior; Pars ventralis [H II]
Inferior part; Ventral part [H II]
A14.1.07.110 |
Pars superior; Pars dorsalis [H III]
Superior part; Dorsal part [H III]
A14.1.07.111 |
Fissura preculminalis; Fissura postcentralis
Preculminate fissure; Post-central fissure
A14.1.07.112 |
Culmen [IV et V]
Culmen [IV et V]
A14.1.07.113 |
Pars anterior; Pars ventralis [IV]
Anterior part; Ventral part [IV]
A14.1.07.114 |
Fissura intraculminalis
Intraculminate fissure
A14.1.07.115 |
Pars posterior; Pars dorsalis [V]
Posterior part; Dorsal part [V]
A14.1.07.116 |
Lobulus quadrangularis anterior [H IV et H V]
Anterior quadrangular lobule [H IV et H V]
A14.1.07.117 |
Pars anterior; Pars ventralis [H IV]
Anterior part; Ventral part [H IV]
A14.1.07.118 |
Pars posterior; Pars dorsalis [H V]
Posterior part; Dorsal part [H V]
A14.1.07.119 |
Fissura prima; Fissura preclivalis
Primary fissure; Preclival fissure
A14.1.07.201 |
Lobus cerebelli posterior
Posterior lobe of cerebellum
A14.1.07.202 |
Lobulus simplex [H VI et VI]
Simple lobule [H VI et VI]
A14.1.07.203 |
Declive [VI]
Declive [VI]
A14.1.07.204 |
Lobulus quadrangularis posterior [H VI]
Posterior quadrangular lobule [H VI]
↓ A14.1.07.205 |
Fissura posterior superior; Fissura postclivalis
Posterior superior fissure; Post-clival fissure
A14.1.07.206 |
Folium vermis [VII A]
Folium of vermis [VII A]
A14.1.07.207 |
Lobuli semilunares; Lobulus ansiformis [H VII A]
Semilunar lobules [H VII A]; Ansiform lobule
↓ A14.1.07.208 |
Lobulus semilunaris superior; Crus primum lobuli ansiformis
Superior semilunar lobule; First crus of ansiform lobule
↓ A14.1.07.209 |
Fissura horizontalis; Fissura intercruralis
Horizontal fissure; Intercrural fissure
↓ A14.1.07.210 |
Lobulus semilunaris inferior; Crus secundum lobuli ansiformis
Inferior semilunar lobule; Second crus of ansiform lobule
↓ A14.1.07.211 |
Fissura lunogracilis; Fissura ansoparamediana
Lunogracile fissure; Ansoparamedian fissure
A14.1.07.212 |
Tuber [VII B]
Tuber [VII B]
A14.1.07.213 |
Lobulus gracilis; Lobulus paramedianus [H VII B]
Gracile lobule; Paramedian lobule [H VII B]
A14.1.07.214 |
Fissura prebiventralis; Fissura prepyramidalis
Prebiventral fissure; Prepyramidal fissure
A14.1.07.215 |
Pyramis [VIII]
Pyramis [VIII]
A14.1.07.216 |
Lobulus biventer [H VIII]
Biventral lobule [H VIII]
A14.1.07.217 |
Pars lateralis lobuli biventralis; Pars copularis lobuli paramediani [H VIII A]
Lateral part; Pars copularis [H VIII A]
A14.1.07.218 |
Fissura intrabiventralis; Fissura anterior inferior
Intrabiventral fissure; Anterior inferior fissure
↓ A14.1.07.219 |
Pars medialis lobuli biventralis; Lobulus parafloccularis dorsalis [H VIII B]
Medial part; Dorsal paraflocculus [H VIII B]
A14.1.07.220 |
Fissura secunda; Fissura postpyramidalis
Secondary fissure; Post-pyramidal fissure
A14.1.07.221 |
Uvula [IX]
Uvula [IX]
A14.1.07.222 |
Tonsilla cerebelli; Paraflocculus ventralis [H IX]
Tonsil of cerebellum; Ventral paraflocculus [H IX]
A14.1.07.223 |
Fissura posterolateralis
Posterolateral fissure
A14.1.07.301 |
Lobus flocculonodularis
Flocculonodular lobe
A14.1.07.302 |
Nodulus [X]
Nodule [X]
A14.1.07.303 |
Pedunculus flocculi
Peduncle of flocculus
A14.1.07.304 |
Flocculus [H X]
Flocculus [H X]
Morphologia interna
Internal features
A14.1.07.401 |
Arbor vitae
Arbor vitae
A14.1.07.402 |
Cortex cerebelli
Cerebellar cortex
A14.1.07.403 |
Stratum granulosum
Granular layer
↓ A14.1.07.404 |
Stratum purkinjense
Purkinje cell layer
A14.1.07.405 |
Stratum moleculare
Molecular layer
↓ A14.1.07.406 |
Nuclei cerebelli
Cerebellar nuclei
A14.1.07.407 |
Nucleus dentatus; Nucleus lateralis cerebelli
Dentate nucleus; Nucleus lateralis cerebelli
A14.1.07.408 |
Hilum nuclei dentati
Hilum of dentate nucleus
A14.1.07.409 |
Nucleus interpositus anterior; Nucleus emboliformis
Anterior interpositus nucleus; Emboliform nucleus
A14.1.07.410 |
Nucleus interpositus posterior; Nucleus globosus
Posterior interpositus nucleus; Globose nucleus
A14.1.07.411 |
Nucleus fastigii; Nucleus medialis cerebelli
Fastigial nucleus; Nucleus medialis cerebelli
A14.1.07.412 |
Pedunculi cerebellares
Cerebellar peduncles
A14.1.07.413 |
Pedunculus cerebellaris inferior
Inferior cerebellar peduncle
A14.1.07.414 |
Corpus restiforme
Restiform body
A14.1.07.415 |
Corpus juxtarestiforme
Juxtarestiform body
A14.1.07.416 |
Pedunculus cerebellaris medius
Middle cerebellar peduncle
A14.1.07.417 |
Pedunculus cerebellaris superior
Superior cerebellar peduncle
A14.1.07.418 |
Corpus medullare cerebelli
White substance of cerebellum
A14.1.07.419 |
Commissura cerebelli
Cerebellar commissure
A14.1.07.420 |
Fasciculus uncinatus cerebelli
Uncinate fasciculus of cerebellum
A14.1.08.001 |
Morphologia externa
External features
A14.1.08.002 |
A14.1.08.003 |
A14.1.08.004 |
Sulcus habenularis
Habenular sulcus
A14.1.08.005 |
Trigonum habenulare
Habenular trigone
↓ A11.2.00.001 |
Glandula pinealis; Corpus pineale
Pineal gland; Pineal body
A14.1.08.101 |
Thalamus; Dorsal thalamus
A14.1.08.102 |
Tuberculum anterius thalami
Anterior thalamic tubercle
A14.1.08.103 |
Adhesio interthalamica
Interthalamic adhesion; Massa intermedia
A14.1.08.104 |
Pulvinar thalami
A14.1.08.105 |
Taenia thalami
Taenia thalami ▲
A14.1.08.106 |
Stria medullaris thalami
Stria medullaris of thalamus
A14.1.08.201 |
Subthalamus; Ventral thalamus
A14.1.08.301 |
A14.1.08.302 |
Corpus geniculatum laterale
Lateral geniculate body
A14.1.08.303 |
Corpus geniculatum mediale
Medial geniculate body
A14.1.08.401 |
A14.1.08.402 |
Corpus mammillare
Mammillary body
↓ A11.1.00.006 |
Neurohypophysis; Lobus posterior
Neurohypophysis; Posterior lobe
A11.1.00.007 |
↓ A11.1.00.008 |
Pars nervosa; Lobus nervosus
Pars nervosa; Neural lobe
A14.1.08.403 |
Chiasma opticum
Optic chiasm; Optic chiasma
A14.1.08.404 |
Tractus opticus
Optic tract
A14.1.08.405 |
Radix lateralis
Lateral root
A14.1.08.406 |
Radix medialis
Medial root
A14.1.08.407 |
Area preoptica
Preoptic area
A14.1.08.408 |
Tuber cinereum
Tuber cinereum
A14.1.08.409 |
Eminentia mediana
Median eminence
A14.1.08.410 |
Ventriculus tertius
Third ventricle
A14.1.08.411 |
Foramen interventriculare
Interventricular foramen
A14.1.08.412 |
Organum subfornicale
Subfornical organ
A14.1.08.105 |
Taenia thalami
Taenia thalami ▲
↓ A14.1.01.305 |
Tela choroidea ventriculi tertii
Tela choroidea of third ventricle
↓ A14.1.01.306 |
Plexus choroideus ventriculi tertii
Choroid plexus of third ventricle
A14.1.08.106 |
Stria medullaris thalami
Stria medullaris of thalamus
A14.1.08.413 |
Recessus suprapinealis
Suprapineal recess
A14.1.08.414 |
Commissura habenularum
Habenular commissure
A14.1.08.415 |
Recessus pinealis
Pineal recess
A14.1.08.416 |
Commissura posterior; Commissura epithalamica
Posterior commissure
A14.1.06.502 |
Apertura aqueductus mesencephali; Apertura aqueductus cerebri
Opening of aqueduct of midbrain; Opening of cerebral aqueduct
A14.1.08.417 |
Recessus infundibuli; Recessus infundibularis
Infundibular recess
A14.1.08.418 |
Recessus supraopticus
Supra-optic recess
A14.1.08.419 |
Lamina terminalis
Lamina terminalis
↓ A14.1.08.420 |
Columna fornicis
Column of fornix
A14.1.08.421 |
Commissura anterior
Anterior commissure
A14.1.08.422 |
Sulcus hypothalamicus
Hypothalamic sulcus
A14.1.08.103 |
Adhesio interthalamica
Interthalamic adhesion; Massa intermedia
Morphologia interna
Internal features
A14.1.08.501 |
A14.1.08.414 |
Commissura habenularum
Habenular commissure
↓ A14.1.08.502 |
Tractus habenulointerpeduncularis; Fasciculus retroflexus
Habenulointerpeduncular tract; Fasciculus retroflexus
A14.1.08.503 |
Nucleus habenularis lateralis
Lateral habenular nucleus
A14.1.08.504 |
Nucleus habenularis medialis
Medial habenular nucleus
A14.1.08.416 |
Commissura posterior; Commissura epithalamica
Posterior commissure
A14.1.08.505 |
Area pretectalis
Pretectal area
A14.1.08.506 |
Nuclei pretectales
Pretectal nuclei
A14.1.08.507 |
Nucleus pretectalis anterior
Anterior pretectal nucleus
A14.1.08.508 |
Nucleus tractus optici
Nucleus of optic tract
A14.1.08.509 |
Nucleus pretectalis olivaris
Olivary pretectal nucleus
A14.1.08.510 |
Nucleus pretectalis posterior
Posterior pretectal nucleus
A14.1.08.511 |
Organum subcommissurale
Subcommissural organ
A14.1.08.601 |
A14.1.08.602 |
Substantia grisea thalami
Grey substance of thalamus ▲
A14.1.08.603 |
Nuclei anteriores thalami
Anterior nuclei of thalamus
A14.1.08.604 |
Nucleus anterodorsalis
Anterodorsal nucleus
A14.1.08.605 |
Nucleus anteromedialis
Anteromedial nucleus
A14.1.08.606 |
Nucleus anteroventralis
Anteroventral nucleus
A14.1.08.607 |
Nuclei dorsales thalami
Dorsal nuclei of thalamus
A14.1.08.608 |
Nucleus dorsalis lateralis
Lateral dorsal nucleus
A14.1.08.609 |
Nucleus lateralis posterior
Lateral posterior nucleus
A14.1.08.610 |
Nuclei pulvinares
Pulvinar nuclei
A14.1.08.611 |
Nucleus pulvinaris anterior
Anterior pulvinar nucleus
A14.1.08.612 |
Nucleus pulvinaris inferior
Inferior pulvinar nucleus
A14.1.08.613 |
Nucleus pulvinaris lateralis
Lateral pulvinar nucleus
A14.1.08.614 |
Nucleus pulvinaris medialis
Medial pulvinar nucleus
A14.1.08.615 |
Nuclei intralaminares thalami
Intralaminar nuclei of thalamus
A14.1.08.616 |
Nucleus centralis lateralis
Central lateral nucleus
A14.1.08.617 |
Nucleus centralis medialis
Central medial nucleus
A14.1.08.618 |
Nucleus centromedianus
Centromedian nucleus
A14.1.08.619 |
Nucleus paracentralis
Paracentral nucleus
A14.1.08.620 |
Nucleus parafascicularis
Parafascicular nucleus
A14.1.08.621 |
Nuclei mediales thalami
Medial nuclei of thalamus
A14.1.08.622 |
Nucleus mediodorsalis
Medial dorsal nucleus; Dorsomedial nucleus
A14.1.08.623 |
Pars parvocellularis lateralis
Lateral nucleus; Parvocellular nucleus
A14.1.08.624 |
Pars magnocellularis medialis
Medial nucleus; Magnocellular nucleus
A14.1.08.625 |
Pars paralaminaris
Paralaminar part; Pars laminaria
A14.1.08.626 |
Nucleus medioventralis
Medial ventral nucleus
A14.1.08.627 |
Nuclei mediani thalami
Median nuclei of thalamus
A14.1.08.628 |
Nucleus parataenialis
Parataenial nucleus ▲
A14.1.08.629 |
Nuclei paraventriculares thalami
Paraventricular nuclei of thalamus
A14.1.08.630 |
Nucleus paraventricularis anterior
Anterior paraventricular nucleus
A14.1.08.631 |
Nucleus paraventricularis posterior
Posterior paraventricular nucleus
A14.1.08.632 |
Nucleus reuniens
Nucleus reuniens
A14.1.08.633 |
Nucleus commissuralis rhomboidalis
Rhomboid nucleus
A14.1.08.634 |
Nuclei posteriores thalami
Posterior nuclear complex of thalamus
A14.1.08.635 |
Nucleus limitans
Nucleus limitans
A14.1.08.636 |
Nucleus posterior
Posterior nucleus
A14.1.08.637 |
Nucleus suprageniculatus
Suprageniculate nucleus
A14.1.08.638 |
Nucleus reticularis thalami
Reticular nucleus of thalamus
A14.1.08.639 |
Nuclei ventrales thalami
Ventral nuclei of thalamus
A14.1.08.640 |
Nuclei ventrobasales
Ventrobasal complex
A14.1.08.641 |
Nucleus ventralis posterolateralis
Ventral posterolateral nucleus
A14.1.08.642 |
Nucleus ventralis posteromedialis
Ventral posteromedial nucleus
A14.1.08.643 |
Pars parvocellularis
Parvocellular part
A14.1.08.644 |
Nuclei ventrales mediales
Ventral medial complex
A14.1.08.645 |
Nucleus basalis ventralis medialis
Basal ventral medial nucleus
A14.1.08.646 |
Nucleus principalis ventralis medialis
Principal ventral medial nucleus
A14.1.08.647 |
Nucleus submedialis
Submedial nucleus
A14.1.08.648 |
Nucleus ventralis posterior inferior
Ventral posterior inferior nucleus
A14.1.08.649 |
Nuclei ventrales laterales
Ventral lateral complex
A14.1.08.650 |
Nucleus anterior ventrolateralis
Anterior ventrolateral nucleus
A14.1.08.651 |
Nucleus posterior ventrolateralis
Posterior ventrolateral nucleus
A14.1.08.652 |
Nucleus ventralis anterior
Ventral anterior nucleus
A14.1.08.653 |
Pars magnocellularis
Magnocellular division
A14.1.08.654 |
Pars principalis
Principal division
A14.1.08.655 |
Nucleus ventralis intermedius
Ventral intermediate nucleus
A14.1.08.656 |
Nucleus ventralis posterolateralis
Ventral posterolateral nucleus
A14.1.08.657 |
Nucleus ventralis posterior internus
Ventral posterior internal nucleus
A14.1.08.658 |
Nucleus ventroposterior parvocellularis
Ventral posterior parvocellular nucleus
A14.1.08.659 |
Substantia alba thalami
White substance of thalamus
A14.1.08.660 |
Lamina medullaris lateralis
External medullary lamina
A14.1.08.661 |
Lamina medullaris medialis
Internal medullary lamina
A14.1.08.662 |
Radiatio acustica
Acoustic radiation
A14.1.08.663 |
Ansa lenticularis
Ansa lenticularis
A14.1.08.664 |
Fasciculus lenticularis
Lenticular fasciculus
A14.1.08.665 |
Ansa peduncularis
Ansa peduncularis; Peduncular loop
A14.1.08.666 |
Radiatio anterior thalami
Anterior radiation of thalamus
A14.1.06.012 |
Brachium colliculi inferioris
Brachium of inferior colliculus
A14.1.06.013 |
Brachium colliculi superioris
Brachium of superior colliculus
A14.1.08.667 |
Radiatio centralis thalami
Central thalamic radiation
A14.1.08.668 |
Radiatio inferior thalami
Inferior thalamic radiation
A14.1.08.669 |
Fibrae intrathalamicae
Intrathalamic fibres ▲
A14.1.08.670 |
Lemniscus lateralis
Lateral lemniscus
A14.1.08.671 |
Fasciculus mammillothalamicus
Mammillothalamic fasciculus
A14.1.08.672 |
Lemniscus medialis
Medial lemniscus
A14.1.08.673 |
Radiatio optica
Optic radiation
A14.1.08.674 |
Fibrae periventriculares
Periventricular fibres ▲
A14.1.08.675 |
Radiatio posterior thalami
Posterior thalamic radiation
A14.1.08.676 |
Lemniscus spinalis
Spinal lemniscus
A14.1.08.677 |
Fasciculus subthalamicus
Subthalamic fasciculus
A14.1.08.678 |
Pedunculus cerebellaris superior
Superior cerebellar peduncle
A14.1.08.679 |
Fasciculus thalamicus
Thalamic fasciculus
A14.1.08.680 |
Lemniscus trigeminalis
Trigeminal lemniscus
A14.1.08.701 |
A14.1.08.702 |
Nucleus subthalamicus
Subthalamic nucleus
↓ A14.1.08.703 |
Nuclei campi perizonalis [H, H1, H2]
Nuclei of perizonal fields [H, H1, H2]
A14.1.08.704 |
Nucleus campi medialis [H]
Nucleus of medial field [H]
A14.1.08.705 |
Nucleus campi dorsalis [H1]
Nucleus of dorsal field [H1]
A14.1.08.706 |
Nucleus campi ventralis [H2]
Nucleus of ventral field [H2]
A14.1.08.707 |
Zona incerta
Zona incerta
A14.1.08.801 |
A14.1.08.802 |
Nucleus dorsalis corporis geniculati lateralis
Dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus
A14.1.08.803 |
Stratum koniocellulare
Koniocellular layer
A14.1.08.804 |
Strata magnocellularia
Magnocellular layers
A14.1.08.805 |
Strata parvocellularia
Parvocellular layers
A14.1.08.806 |
Nucleus ventralis corporis geniculati lateralis; Nucleus pregeniculatus
Ventral lateral geniculate nucleus; Pregeniculate nucleus
A14.1.08.807 |
Folium intergeniculatum
Intergeniculate leaf
A14.1.08.808 |
Nuclei corporis geniculati medialis
Medial geniculate nuclei
A14.1.08.809 |
Nucleus ventralis
Ventral principal nucleus
A14.1.08.810 |
Nucleus dorsalis
Dorsal nucleus
A14.1.08.811 |
Nucleus medialis magnocellularis
Medial magnocellular nucleus
A14.1.08.901 |
A14.1.08.902 |
Area hypothalamica rostralis
Anterior hypothalamic area; Anterior hypothalamic region
A14.1.08.903 |
Nucleus anterior hypothalami
Anterior hypothalamic nucleus
A14.1.08.904 |
Nucleus periventricularis ventralis
Anterior periventricular nucleus
↓ A14.1.08.905 |
Nuclei interstitiales hypothalami anterioris
Interstitial nuclei of anterior hypothalamus
A14.1.08.906 |
Nucleus preopticus lateralis
Lateral preoptic nucleus
A14.1.08.907 |
Nucleus preopticus medialis
Medial preoptic nucleus
A14.1.08.908 |
Nucleus preopticus medianus
Median preoptic nucleus
A14.1.08.909 |
Nucleus paraventricularis hypothalami
Paraventricular nucleus
A14.1.08.910 |
Nucleus preopticus periventricularis
Periventricularpreoptic nucleus
A14.1.08.911 |
Nucleus suprachiasmaticus
Suprachiasmatic nucleus
A14.1.08.912 |
Nucleus supraopticus
Supra-optic nucleus
A14.1.08.913 |
Pars dorsolateralis
Dorsolateral part
A14.1.08.914 |
Pars dorsomedialis
Dorsomedial part
A14.1.08.915 |
Pars ventromedialis
Ventromedial part
A14.1.08.916 |
Area hypothalamica dorsalis
Dorsal hypothalamic area; Dorsal hypothalamic region
A14.1.08.917 |
Nucleus dorsomedialis
Dorsomedial nucleus
A14.1.08.918 |
Nucleus endopeduncularis
Endopeduncular nucleus
A14.1.08.919 |
Nucleus ansae lenticularis
Nucleus of ansa lenticularis
A14.1.08.920 |
Area hypothalamica intermedia
Intermediate hypothalamic area; Intermediate hypothalamic region
A14.1.08.921 |
Nucleus dorsalis hypothalami
Dorsal nucleus
A14.1.08.922 |
Nucleus dorsomedialis
Dorsomedial nucleus
A14.1.08.923 |
Nucleus arcuatus; Nucleus infundibularis; Nucleus semilunaris
Arcuate nucleus; Infundibular nucleus
A14.1.08.924 |
Nucleus periventricularis
Periventricular nucleus
A14.1.08.925 |
Nucleus periventricularis posterior
Posterior periventricular nucleus
A14.1.08.926 |
Area retrochiasmatica
Retrochiasmatic area; Retrochiasmatic region
A14.1.08.927 |
Nuclei tuberales laterales
Lateral tuberal nuclei
A14.1.08.928 |
Nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami
Ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus
A14.1.08.929 |
Area hypothalamica lateralis
Lateral hypothalamic area
↓ A14.1.08.961 |
Area preoptica lateralis
Lateral proptic area
A14.1.08.930 |
Nuclei tuberales laterales
Lateral tuberal nuclei
A14.1.08.931 |
Nucleus perifornicalis
Perifornical nucleus
A14.1.08.932 |
Nucleus tuberomammillaris
Tuberomammillary nucleus
A14.1.08.933 |
Area hypothalamica posterior
Posterior hypothalamic area; Posterior hypothalamic region
A14.1.08.934 |
Nucleus premammillaris dorsalis
Dorsal premammillary nucleus
A14.1.08.935 |
Nucleus mammillaris lateralis
Lateral nucleus of mammillary body
A14.1.08.936 |
Nucleus mammillaris medialis
Medial nucleus of mammillary body
A14.1.08.937 |
Nucleus supramammillaris
Supramammillary nucleus
A14.1.08.938 |
Nucleus premammillaris ventralis
Ventral premammillary nucleus
A14.1.08.939 |
Nucleus posterior hypothalami
Posterior nucleus of hypothalamus
A14.1.08.940 |
Organum vasculosum laminae terminalis
Vascular organ of lamina terminalis
A14.1.08.941 |
Zonae hypothalamicae
Zones of hypothalamus
A14.1.08.942 |
Zona periventricularis
Periventricular zone
A14.1.08.943 |
Zona medialis
Medial zone
A14.1.08.944 |
Zona lateralis
Lateral zone
↓ A11.1.00.006 |
Neurohypophysis; Lobus posterior
Neurohypophysis; Posterior lobe
A14.1.08.945 |
Substantia alba hypothalami
White substance of hypothalamus
A14.1.08.946 |
Fasciculus longitudinalis posterior; Fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis
Posterior longitudinal fasciculus; Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
A14.1.08.947 |
Commissura supraoptica dorsalis
Dorsal supra-optic commissure
A14.1.08.948 |
Fibrae striae terminalis
Fibres of stria terminalis ▲
A14.1.08.949 |
A14.1.08.950 |
Tractus hypothalamohypophysialis
Hypothalamohypophysial tract
A14.1.08.951 |
Fibrae paraventriculohypophysiales
Paraventricular fibres ▲
A14.1.08.952 |
Fibrae supraopticohypophysiales
Supra-optic fibres ▲
A14.1.08.953 |
Fasciculus mammillotegmentalis
Mammillotegmental fasciculus
A14.1.08.954 |
Fasciculus mammillothalamicus
Mammillothalamic fasciculus
A14.1.08.955 |
Fasciculus medialis telencephali
Medial forebrain bundle
A14.1.08.956 |
Tractus paraventriculohypophysialis
Paraventriculohypophysial tract
A14.1.08.957 |
Fibrae periventriculares
Periventricular fibres ▲
A14.1.08.958 |
Tractus supraopticohypophysialis
Supra-opticohypophysial tract
A14.1.08.959 |
Commissura supraoptica ventralis
Ventral supra-optic commissure
A14.1.08.960 |
Tractus retinohypothalamicus
Retinohypothalamic tract
A14.1.09.001 |
Nomina generalia
General terminology
A14.1.09.002 |
Hemispherium cerebri
Cerebral hemisphere
A14.1.09.003 |
Cerebral cortex
A14.1.09.004 |
Gyri cerebri
Cerebral gyri
A14.1.09.005 |
Lobi cerebri
Cerebral lobes
A14.1.09.006 |
Sulci cerebri
Cerebral sulci
A14.1.09.007 |
Fissura longitudinalis cerebri
Longitudinal cerebral fissure
A14.1.09.008 |
Fissura transversa cerebri
Transverse cerebral fissure
A14.1.09.009 |
Fossa lateralis cerebri
Lateral cerebral fossa
A14.1.09.010 |
Margo superior
Superior margin
A14.1.09.011 |
Margo inferomedialis
Inferomedial margin
A14.1.09.012 |
Margo inferolateralis
Inferolateral margin
A14.1.09.101 |
Facies superolateralis hemispherii cerebri
Superolateral face of cerebral hemisphere
A14.1.09.102 |
Sulci interlobares
Interlobar sulci
A14.1.09.103 |
Sulcus centralis
Central sulcus
A14.1.09.104 |
Sulcus lateralis
Lateral sulcus
A14.1.09.105 |
Ramus posterior
Posterior ramus
A14.1.09.106 |
Ramus ascendens
Ascending ramus
A14.1.09.107 |
Ramus anterior
Anterior ramus
A14.1.09.108 |
Sulcus parietooccipitalis
Parieto-occipital sulcus
A14.1.09.109 |
Incisura preoccipitalis
Preoccipital notch
A14.1.09.110 |
Lobus frontalis
Frontal lobe
A14.1.09.111 |
Polus frontalis
Frontal pole
A14.1.09.112 |
Operculum frontale
Frontal operculum
A14.1.09.113 |
Gyrus frontalis inferior
Inferior frontal gyrus
A14.1.09.114 |
Pars orbitalis
Orbital part
A14.1.09.115 |
Pars triangularis
Triangular part
A14.1.09.116 |
Pars opercularis
Opercular part
A14.1.09.117 |
Sulcus frontalis inferior
Inferior frontal sulcus
A14.1.09.118 |
Gyrus frontalis medius
Middle frontal gyrus
A14.1.09.119 |
Gyrus precentralis
Precentral gyrus
A14.1.09.120 |
Sulcus precentralis
Precentral sulcus
A14.1.09.121 |
Gyrus frontalis superior
Superior frontal gyrus
A14.1.09.122 |
Sulcus frontalis superior
Superior frontal sulcus
A14.1.09.123 |
Lobus parietalis
Parietal lobe
A14.1.09.124 |
Gyrus angularis
Angular gyrus
A14.1.09.125 |
Lobulus parietalis inferior
Inferior parietal lobule
A14.1.09.126 |
Operculum parietale
Parietal operculum
A14.1.09.127 |
Sulcus intraparietalis
Intraparietal sulcus
A14.1.09.128 |
Gyrus postcentralis
Postcentral gyrus
A14.1.09.129 |
Sulcus postcentralis
Postcentral sulcus
A14.1.09.130 |
Lobulus parietalis superior
Superior parietal lobule
A14.1.09.131 |
Gyrus supramarginalis
Supramarginal gyrus
A14.1.09.132 |
Lobus occipitalis
Occipital lobe
A14.1.09.133 |
Polus occipitalis
Occipital pole
A14.1.09.134 |
Sulcus lunatus
Lunate sulcus
A14.1.09.109 |
Incisura preoccipitalis
Preoccipital notch
A14.1.09.135 |
Sulcus occipitalis transversus
Transverse occipital sulcus
A14.1.09.136 |
Lobus temporalis
Temporal lobe
A14.1.09.137 |
Polus temporalis
Temporal pole
A14.1.09.138 |
Gyrus temporalis superior
Superior temporal gyrus
A14.1.09.139 |
Operculum temporale
Temporal operculum
A14.1.09.140 |
Gyri temporales transversi
Transverse temporal gyri
A14.1.09.141 |
Gyrus temporalis transversus anterior
Anterior transverse temporal gyrus
A14.1.09.142 |
Gyrus temporalis transversus posterior
Posterior transverse temporal gyrus
A14.1.09.143 |
Planum temporale
Temporal plane
A14.1.09.144 |
Sulcus temporalis transversus
Transverse temporal sulcus
A14.1.09.145 |
Sulcus temporalis superior
Superior temporal sulcus
A14.1.09.146 |
Gyrus temporalis medius
Middle temporal gyrus
A14.1.09.147 |
Sulcus temporalis inferior
Inferior temporal sulcus
A14.1.09.148 |
Gyrus temporalis inferior
Inferior temporal gyrus
A14.1.09.149 |
Insula; Lobus insularis
Insula; Insular lobe
A14.1.09.150 |
Gyri insulae
Insular gyri
A14.1.09.151 |
Gyrus longus insulae
Long gyrus of insula
A14.1.09.152 |
Gyri breves insulae
Short gyri of insula
A14.1.09.153 |
Sulcus centralis insulae
Central sulcus of insula
A14.1.09.154 |
Sulcus circularis insulae
Circular sulcus of insula
A14.1.09.155 |
Limen insulae
Limen insulae; Insular threshold
↓ A14.1.09.201 |
Facies inferomedialis hemispherii cerebri
Medial and inferior surfaces of cerebral hemisphere
A14.1.09.102 |
Sulci interlobares
Interlobar sulci
A14.1.09.202 |
Sulcus corporis callosi
Sulcus of corpus callosum
A14.1.09.203 |
Sulcus cinguli
Cingulate sulcus
A14.1.09.204 |
Ramus marginalis; Sulcus marginalis
Marginal branch; Marginal sulcus
A14.1.09.205 |
Sulcus subparietalis
Subparietal sulcus
A14.1.09.108 |
Sulcus parietooccipitalis
Parieto-occipital sulcus
A14.1.09.206 |
Sulcus collateralis
Collateral sulcus
A14.1.09.103 |
Sulcus centralis
Central sulcus
A14.1.09.110 |
Lobus frontalis
Frontal lobe
A14.1.09.207 |
Gyrus frontalis medialis
Medial frontal gyrus
A14.1.09.208 |
Sulcus paracentralis
Paracentral sulcus
A14.1.09.209 |
Lobulus paracentralis
Paracentral lobule
A14.1.09.210 |
Gyrus paracentralis anterior
Anterior paracentral gyrus
A14.1.09.103 |
Sulcus centralis
Central sulcus
A14.1.09.211 |
Area subcallosa
Subcallosal area; Subcallosal gyrus
A14.1.09.212 |
Gyrus paraterminalis
Paraterminal gyrus
A14.1.09.213 |
Area paraolfactoria
Paraolfactory area
A14.1.09.214 |
Gyri paraolfactorii
Paraolfactory gyri
A14.1.09.215 |
Sulci paraolfactorii
Paraolfactory sulci
A14.1.09.216 |
Gyri orbitales
Orbital gyri
A14.1.09.217 |
Sulci orbitales
Orbital sulci
A14.1.09.218 |
Gyrus rectus
Straight gyrus
A14.1.09.219 |
Sulcus olfactorius
Olfactory sulcus
A14.1.09.220 |
Gyrus olfactorius lateralis
Lateral olfactory gyrus
A14.1.09.221 |
Gyrus olfactorius medialis
Medial olfactory gyrus
A14.1.09.123 |
Lobus parietalis
Parietal lobe
A14.1.09.209 |
Lobulus paracentralis
Paracentral lobule
A14.1.09.222 |
Gyrus paracentralis posterior
Posterior paracentral gyrus
A14.1.09.223 |
A14.1.09.205 |
Sulcus subparietalis
Subparietal sulcus
A14.1.09.108 |
Sulcus parietooccipitalis
Parieto-occipital sulcus
A14.1.09.204 |
Ramus marginalis; Sulcus marginalis
Marginal branch; Marginal sulcus
A14.1.09.132 |
Lobus occipitalis
Occipital lobe
A14.1.09.224 |
A14.1.09.225 |
Sulcus calcarinus
Calcarine sulcus
A14.1.09.226 |
Gyrus lingualis
Lingual gyrus
A14.1.09.227 |
Gyrus occipitotemporalis lateralis
Lateral occipitotemporal gyrus
A14.1.09.228 |
Gyrus occipitotemporalis medialis
Medial occipitotemporal gyrus
A14.1.09.229 |
Sulcus occipitotemporalis
Occipitotemporal sulcus
A14.1.09.108 |
Sulcus parietooccipitalis
Parieto-occipital sulcus
A14.1.09.136 |
Lobus temporalis
Temporal lobe
A14.1.09.206 |
Sulcus collateralis
Collateral sulcus
A14.1.09.228 |
Gyrus occipitotemporalis medialis
Medial occipitotemporal gyrus
A14.1.09.229 |
Sulcus occipitotemporalis
Occipitotemporal sulcus
A14.1.09.227 |
Gyrus occipitotemporalis lateralis
Lateral occipitotemporal gyrus
A14.1.09.147 |
Sulcus temporalis inferior
Inferior temporal sulcus
A14.1.09.148 |
Gyrus temporalis inferior
Inferior temporal gyrus
↓ A14.1.09.230 |
Lobus limbicus
Limbic lobe
A14.1.09.203 |
Sulcus cinguli
Cingulate sulcus
A14.1.09.231 |
Gyrus cinguli
Cingulate gyrus
A14.1.09.232 |
Isthmus gyri cinguli
Isthmus of cingulate gyrus
A14.1.09.233 |
Gyrus fasciolaris
Fasciolar gyrus
A14.1.09.234 |
Gyrus parahippocampalis
Parahippocampal gyrus
A14.1.09.235 |
A14.1.09.236 |
Sulcus hippocampalis
Hippocampal sulcus
A14.1.09.237 |
Gyrus dentatus
Dentate gyrus
A14.1.09.238 |
Sulcus fimbriodentatus
Fimbriodentate sulcus
A14.1.09.239 |
Fimbria hippocampi
Fimbria of hippocampus
A14.1.09.206 |
Sulcus collateralis
Collateral sulcus
A14.1.09.240 |
Sulcus rhinalis
Rhinal sulcus
A14.1.09.241 |
Corpus callosum
Corpus callosum
A14.1.09.242 |
A14.1.09.243 |
A14.1.09.244 |
Trunk; Body
A14.1.09.245 |
A14.1.09.246 |
Indusium griseum
Indusium griseum
A14.1.09.247 |
Stria longitudinalis lateralis
Lateral longitudinal stria
A14.1.09.248 |
Stria longitudinalis medialis
Medial longitudinal stria
A14.1.09.249 |
Radiatio corporis callosi
Radiation of corpus callosum
A14.1.09.250 |
Forceps minor; Forceps frontalis
Minor forceps; Frontal forceps
A14.1.09.251 |
Forceps major; Forceps occipitalis
Major forceps; Occipital forceps
A14.1.09.252 |
A14.1.08.419 |
Lamina terminalis
Lamina terminalis
A14.1.08.940 |
Organum vasculosum laminae terminalis
Vascular organ of lamina terminalis
A14.1.08.421 |
Commissura anterior
Anterior commissure
A14.1.09.253 |
Pars anterior
Anterior part
A14.1.09.254 |
Pars posterior
Posterior part
A14.1.09.255 |
↓ A14.1.08.420 |
Columna fornicis
Column of fornix
A14.1.09.256 |
Fibrae precommissurales
Precommissural fibres ▲
A14.1.09.257 |
Fibrae postcommissurales
Postcommissural fibres ▲
A14.1.09.258 |
A14.1.09.259 |
A14.1.09.260 |
A14.1.09.261 |
Taenia fornicis
Taenia ▲
A14.1.09.262 |
Septum pellucidum
Septum pellucidum
A14.1.09.263 |
A14.1.09.264 |
A14.1.09.265 |
Nucleus septalis precommissuralis
Precommissural septal nucleus
↓ A14.1.09.266 |
Nuclei septales
Septal nuclei
A14.1.09.267 |
Nucleus septalis dorsalis
Dorsal septal nucleus
A14.1.09.268 |
Nucleus septalis lateralis
Lateral septal nucleus
A14.1.09.269 |
Nucleus septalis medialis
Medial septal nucleus
A14.1.09.270 |
Nucleus septofimbrialis
Septofimbrial nucleus
A14.1.08.412 |
Organum subfornicale
Subfornical organ
A14.1.09.271 |
Nucleus triangularis
Triangular nucleus
A14.1.09.272 |
Ventriculus lateralis
Lateral ventricle
A14.1.09.273 |
Cornu frontale; Cornu anterius
Frontal horn; Anterior horn
A14.1.08.411 |
Foramen interventriculare
Interventricular foramen
A14.1.09.274 |
Pars centralis
Central part; Body
A14.1.09.275 |
Stria terminalis
Stria terminalis
A14.1.09.276 |
Lamina affixa
Lamina affixa
A14.1.09.277 |
Taenia choroidea
Choroid line
A14.1.09.278 |
Fissura choroidea
Choroidal fissure
A14.1.09.279 |
Plexus choroideus
Choroid plexus
A14.1.09.280 |
Trigonum collaterale
Collateral trigone
↓ A14.1.09.281 |
A14.1.09.282 |
Eminentia collateralis
Collateral eminence
A14.1.09.283 |
Glomus choroideum
Choroid enlargement
A14.1.09.284 |
Bulbus cornus posterioris
Bulb of occipital horn
A14.1.09.285 |
Calcar avis
Calcarine spur
A14.1.09.286 |
Cornu occipitale; Cornu posterius
Occipital horn; Posterior horn
A14.1.09.287 |
Cornu temporale; Cornu inferius
Temporal horn; Inferior horn
A14.1.09.301 |
Cortex cerebri
Cerebral cortex
A14.1.09.302 |
A14.1.09.303 |
A14.1.09.304 |
A14.1.09.305 |
A14.1.09.306 |
A14.1.09.307 |
A14.1.09.308 |
Strata isocorticis
Layers of isocortex
A14.1.09.309 |
Lamina molecularis [Lamina I]
Molecular layer [layer I]
A14.1.09.310 |
Lamina granularis externa [Lamina II]
External granular layer [layer II]
A14.1.09.311 |
Lamina pyramidalis externa [Lamina III]
External pyramidal layer [layer III]
A14.1.09.312 |
Lamina granularis interna [Lamina IV]
Internal granular layer [layer IV]
A14.1.09.313 |
Lamina pyramidalis interna [Lamina V]
Internal pyramidal layer [layer V]
A14.1.09.314 |
Lamina multiformis [Lamina VI]
Multiform layer [layer VI]
A14.1.09.315 |
Stria laminae molecularis
Stria of molecular layer
A14.1.09.316 |
Stria laminae granularis externae
Stria of external granular layer
A14.1.09.317 |
Stria laminae granularis internae
Stria of internal granular layer
A14.1.09.318 |
Stria occipitalis
Occipital stripe; Occipital line
A14.1.09.319 |
Stria laminae pyramidalis internae
Stria of internal pyramidal layer
A14.1.09.320 |
Neurofibrae tangentiales
Tangential fibres ▲
A14.1.09.321 |
A14.1.09.322 |
A14.1.09.323 |
Pes hippocampi
A14.1.09.324 |
Digitationes hippocampi
Hippocampal digitations
A14.1.09.325 |
A14.1.09.326 |
A14.1.09.327 |
Hippocampus proprius; Cornu ammonis
Hippocampus proper; Ammon's horn
A14.1.09.328 |
Regio I hippocampi proprii; CA1; Regio I cornus ammonis
Region I; CA1
A14.1.09.329 |
Regio II hippocampi proprii; Regio II cornus ammonis; CA2
Region II; CA2
A14.1.09.330 |
Regio III hippocampi proprii; Regio III cornus ammonis; CA3
Region III; CA3
A14.1.09.331 |
Regio IV hippocampi proprii; Regio IV cornus ammonis; CA4
Region IV; CA4
A14.1.09.332 |
Fimbria hippocampi
A14.1.09.333 |
Alveus hippocampi
A14.1.09.334 |
Strata hippocampi; Strata cornus ammonis
Layers of hippocampus; Layers of ammon's horn
↓ A14.1.09.335 |
Stratum lacunosum moleculare
Lacunar-molecular layer
A14.1.09.336 |
Stratum oriens
Oriens layer
A14.1.09.337 |
Stratum pyramidale
Pyramidal layer
A14.1.09.338 |
Stratum radiatum
Radiate layer
A14.1.09.339 |
Gyrus dentatus
Dentate gyrus
A14.1.09.340 |
Strata gyri dentati
Layers of dentate gyrus
A14.1.09.341 |
Stratum moleculare
Molecular layer
A14.1.09.342 |
Stratum granulare
Granular layer
A14.1.09.343 |
Stratum multiforme
Multiform layer
↓ A14.1.09.401 |
Pars basalis telencephali
Basal forebrain
↓ A14.1.09.402 |
Corpus amygdaloideum
Amygdaloid body; Amygdaloid complex
A14.1.09.403 |
Area amygdaloclaustralis
Amygdaloclaustral area
A14.1.09.404 |
Area parahippocampalis
Amygdalohippocampal area
A14.1.09.405 |
Area transitionis amygdalopiriformis
Amygdalopiriform transition area
A14.1.09.406 |
Area amygdaloidea anterior
Anterior amygdaloid area
↓ A14.1.09.407 |
Nucleus basalis lateralis amygdalae
Basolateral amygdaloid nucleus
↓ A14.1.09.408 |
Nucleus basalis medialis amygdalae
Basomedial amygdaloid nucleus
↓ A14.1.09.409 |
Nucleus centralis amygdalae
Central amygdaloid nucleus
↓ A14.1.09.410 |
Nucleus corticalis amygdalae
Cortical amygdaloid nucleus
↓ A14.1.09.411 |
Nucleus interstitialis amygdalae
Interstitial amygdaloid nucleus
↓ A14.1.09.412 |
Nucleus lateralis amygdalae
Lateral amygdaloid nucleus
↓ A14.1.09.413 |
Nucleus medialis amygdalae
Medial amygdaloid nucleus
A14.1.09.414 |
Nucleus tractus olfactorii lateralis
Nucleus of lateral olfactory tract
A14.1.09.415 |
Cortex periamygdaloideus
Periamygdaloid cortex
A14.1.09.416 |
Nucleus olfactorius anterior
Anterior olfactory nucleus
A14.1.09.417 |
Substantia basalis
Basal substance
A14.1.09.418 |
Nucleus basalis
Basal nucleus
↓ A14.1.09.419 |
Nucleus striae terminalis
Bed nucleus of stria terminalis
↓ A14.1.09.420 |
Pars sublenticularis amygdalae
Sublenticular extended amygdala
A14.1.09.421 |
A14.1.09.422 |
Stria diagonalis
Diagonal band
A14.1.09.423 |
Crus horizontale
Horizontal limb
A14.1.09.424 |
Crus verticale
Vertical limb
A14.1.09.425 |
Nucleus striae diagonalis
Nucleus of diagonal band
↓ A14.1.09.426 |
Substantia innominata
Innominate substance
A14.1.09.427 |
Fasciculus peduncularis
Fasciculus peduncularis
A14.1.09.428 |
Insulae olfactoriae
Olfactory islets
A14.1.09.429 |
Bulbus olfactorius
Olfactory bulb
A14.1.09.430 |
Pedunculus olfactorius
Olfactory peduncle
A14.1.09.431 |
Tractus olfactorius
Olfactory tract
A14.1.09.432 |
Trigonum olfactorium
Olfactory trigone
A14.1.09.433 |
Tuberculum olfactorium
Olfactory tubercle
A14.1.09.434 |
Striae olfactoriae
Olfactory striae
A14.1.09.435 |
Stria olfactoria medialis
Medial stria
A14.1.09.436 |
Stria olfactoria lateralis
Lateral stria
A14.1.09.437 |
Substantia perforata anterior; Substantia perforata rostralis
Anterior perforated substance
A14.1.09.438 |
Pallidum ventrale
Ventral pallidum
A14.1.09.439 |
Striatum ventrale; Corpus striatum ventrale
Ventral striatum
A14.1.09.440 |
Nucleus accumbens
Nucleus accumbens
A14.1.09.441 |
Pars lateralis
Lateral part; Core region
A14.1.09.442 |
Pars medialis
Medial part; Shell region
A14.1.08.665 |
Ansa peduncularis
Ansa peduncularis; Peduncular loop
A14.1.09.443 |
Area septalis
Septal area
A14.1.09.444 |
Nucleus septalis dorsalis
Dorsal septal nucleus
A14.1.09.445 |
Nucleus septalis lateralis
Lateral septal nucleus
A14.1.09.446 |
Nucleus septalis medialis
Medial septal nucleus
A14.1.09.447 |
Nucleus septofimbrialis
Septofimbrial nucleus
A14.1.09.448 |
Nucleus triangularis septi
Triangular nucleus of septum
A14.1.09.449 |
Organum subfornicale
Subfornical organ
↓ A14.1.09.501 |
Nuclei basales
Basal nuclei
A14.1.09.502 |
Nucleus caudatus
Caudate nucleus
A14.1.09.503 |
A14.1.09.504 |
A14.1.09.505 |
A14.1.09.506 |
Nucleus lentiformis
Lentiform nucleus; Lenticular nucleus
A14.1.09.507 |
A14.1.09.508 |
Lamina medullaris lateralis; Lamina medullaris externa
Lateral medullary lamina; External medullary lamina
A14.1.09.509 |
Globus pallidus lateralis
Globus pallidus lateral segment; Globus pallidus external segment
A14.1.09.510 |
Lamina medullaris medialis; Lamina medullaris interna
Medial medullary lamina; Internal medullary lamina
A14.1.09.511 |
Globus pallidus medialis
Globus pallidus medial segment; Globus pallidus internal segment
A14.1.09.512 |
Pars lateralis
Lateral part
A14.1.09.513 |
Lamina medullaris accessoria
Accessory medullary lamina
A14.1.09.514 |
Pars medialis
Medial part
A14.1.09.515 |
Corpus striatum
Corpus striatum
A14.1.09.516 |
Striatum; Neostriatum
A14.1.09.517 |
Striatum dorsale
Dorsal striatum
A14.1.09.439 |
Striatum ventrale; Corpus striatum ventrale
Ventral striatum
A14.1.09.518 |
Pallidum; Paleostriatum
A14.1.09.519 |
Pallidum dorsale
Dorsal pallidum
A14.1.09.438 |
Pallidum ventrale
Ventral pallidum
A14.1.09.520 |
Ansa lenticularis
Ansa lenticularis
A14.1.09.521 |
Fasciculus lenticularis
Lenticular fasciculus
A14.1.09.522 |
Fasciculus subthalamicus
Subthalamic fasciculus
A14.1.09.523 |
Fasciculus thalamicus
Thalamic fasciculus
↓ A14.1.09.572 |
Substantia alba telencephali
White substance of telencephalon; Cerebral white matter
A14.1.09.524 |
Capsula interna
Internal capsule
A14.1.09.525 |
Pontes grisei caudatolenticulares
Caudolenticular grey bridges; Transcapsular grey bridges ▲
A14.1.09.526 |
Crus anterius
Anterior limb
A14.1.09.527 |
Radiatio thalami anterior
Anterior thalamic radiation
A14.1.09.528 |
Tractus frontopontinus
Frontopontine fibres ▲
A14.1.09.529 |
Genu capsulae internae
Genu of internal capsule
↓ A14.1.09.530 |
Fibrae corticonucleares
Corticonuclear fibres ▲
↓ A14.1.09.531 |
Crus posterius
Posterior limb
↓ A14.1.09.532 |
Radiatio thalami centralis
Central thalamic radiation
A14.1.09.533 |
Fibrae corticoreticulares
Corticoreticular fibres ▲
A14.1.09.534 |
Fibrae corticorubrales
Corticorubral fibres ▲
A14.1.09.535 |
Fibrae corticospinales
Corticospinal fibres ▲
↓ A14.1.09.536 |
Fibrae corticothalamicae
Corticothalamic fibres ▲
A14.1.09.537 |
Fibrae parietopontinae
Parietopontine fibres ▲
A14.1.09.538 |
Fibrae thalamoparietales
Thalamoparietal fibres ▲
A14.1.09.539 |
Pars retrolentiformis
Retrolentiform limb; Retrolenticular limb
A14.1.09.540 |
Fibrae occipitopontinae
Occipitopontine fibres ▲
A14.1.09.541 |
Fibrae occipitotectales
Occipitotectal fibres ▲
A14.1.09.542 |
Radiatio optica; Fibrae geniculocalcarinae
Optic radiation; Genuculocalcarine fibres ▲
A14.1.09.543 |
Radiatio thalamica posterior
Posterior thalamic radiation
A14.1.09.544 |
Pars sublentiformis
Sublentiform limb; Sublenticular limb
A14.1.09.545 |
Radiatio acustica; Fibrae geniculotemporales
Acoustic radiation; Geniculotemporal fibres ▲
A14.1.09.546 |
Fibrae corticotectales
Corticotectal fibres ▲
A14.1.09.547 |
Radiatio optica
Optic radiation
A14.1.09.548 |
Fibrae temporopontinae
Temporopontine fibres ▲
A14.1.09.549 |
Fibrae corticothalamicae
Corticothalamic fibres ▲
A14.1.09.550 |
Corona radiata
Corona radiata
A14.1.09.551 |
Capsula externa
External capsule
A14.1.09.552 |
Capsula extrema
Extreme capsule
A14.1.08.421 |
Commissura anterior
Anterior commissure
A14.1.09.253 |
Pars anterior
Anterior part
A14.1.09.254 |
Pars posterior
Posterior part
A14.1.09.553 |
Fibrae associationis telencephali
Association fibres of telencephalon ▲
A14.1.09.554 |
Fibrae arcuatae cerebri
Arcuate fibres ▲
A14.1.09.555 |
A14.1.09.556 |
Fasciculus longitudinalis inferior
Inferior longitudinal fasciculus
A14.1.09.557 |
Fasciculus longitudinalis superior; Fasciculus arcuatus
Superior longitudinal fasciculus; Arcuate fasciculus
A14.1.09.558 |
Fibrae associationis longae
Long association fibres ▲
A14.1.09.559 |
Fibrae associationis breves
Short association fibres ▲
A14.1.09.560 |
Fasciculus uncinatus
Uncinate fasciculus
A14.1.09.561 |
Fasciculus occipitofrontalis inferior
Inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus
A14.1.09.562 |
Fasciculus occipitofrontalis superior; Fasciculus subcallosus
Superior occipitofrontal fasciculus; Subcallosal fasciculus
A14.1.09.563 |
Fasciculi occipitales verticales
Vertical occipital fasciculi
A14.1.09.564 |
Fibrae laterales
Lateral fibres ▲
A14.1.09.565 |
Fibrae caudales
Caudal fibres ▲
A14.1.09.566 |
Fasciculi occipitales horizontales
Transverse occipital fasciculi
A14.1.09.567 |
Fibrae cuneatae
Cuneus fibres ▲
A14.1.09.568 |
Fibrae linguales
Lingual fibres ▲
A14.1.09.569 |
Fibrae commissurales telencephali
Commissural fibres of telencephalon ▲
A14.1.09.570 |
Fibrae corporis callosi
Corpus callosum fibres ▲
A14.1.09.571 |
Commissura hippocampi
Hippocampal commissure
A14.1.08.421 |
Commissura anterior
Anterior commissure
A14.1.09.601 |
Aggregationes cellularum chemergicarum
Chemically-defined cell groups
A14.1.09.602 |
Cellulae aminergicae
Aminergic cells
A14.1.09.603 |
Cellulae noradrenergicae medullae oblongatae [A1, A2]
Noradrenergic cells in medulla; Norepinephric cells in medulla [A1, A2]
A14.1.09.604 |
Cellulae noradrenergicae nuclei lemnisci lateralis [A7]
Noradrenergic cells in nucleus of lateral lemniscus; Norepinephric cells in nucleus of lateral lemniscus [A7]
↓ A14.1.09.605 |
Cellulae noradrenergicae nuclei caerulei [A6]
Noradrenergic cells in nucleus caeruleus; Norepinephric cells in nucleus caeruleus [A6]
↓ A14.1.09.606 |
Cellulae noradrenergicae pontis caudalis lateralis [A5]
Noradrenergic cells in caudolateral pons; Norepinephric cells in caudolateral pons [A5]
A14.1.09.607 |
Cellulae aminergicae formationis reticularis; Nucleus retrobulbaris [A8]
Aminergic cells in reticular formation; Retrobulbar nucleus [A8]
A14.1.09.608 |
Cellulae dopaminergicae
Dopaminergic cells
A14.1.09.609 |
Cellulae noradrenergicae
Noradrenergic cells; Norepinephric cells
A14.1.09.610 |
Cellulae aminergicae partis compactae substantiae nigrae [A9]
Aminergic cells in compact part of substantia nigra [A9]
A14.1.09.611 |
Cellulae dopaminergicae
Dopaminergic cells
A14.1.09.612 |
Cellulae noradrenergicae
Noradrenergic cells; Norepinephric cells
A14.1.09.613 |
Cellulae aminergicae areae tegmentalis ventralis [A10]
Aminergic cells in ventral tegmental area [A10]
A14.1.09.614 |
Cellulae dopaminergicae
Dopaminergic cells
A14.1.09.615 |
Cellulae noradrenergicae
Noradrenergic cells; Norepinephric cells
A14.1.09.616 |
Cellulae dopaminergicae areae hypothalamicae posterioris [A11]
Dopaminergic cells in posterior hypothalamus [A11]
A14.1.09.617 |
Cellulae dopaminergicae nuclei arcuati [A12]
Dopaminergic cells in arcuate nucleus [A12]
A14.1.09.618 |
Cellulae dopaminergicae zonae incertae [A13]
Dopaminergic cells in zona incerta [A13]
↓ A14.1.09.619 |
Cellulae dopaminergicae hypothalami anteromedialis [A14]
Dopaminergic cells in medial zone and anterior area of hypothalamus [A14]
A14.1.09.620 |
Cellulae dopaminergicae bulbi olfactorii [A15]
Dopaminergic cells in olfactory bulb [A15]
↓ A14.1.09.621 |
Cellulae serotoninergicae nuclei pallidi raphes [B1]
Serotoninergic cells in pallidal raphe nucleus [B1]
↓ A14.1.09.622 |
Cellulae serotoninergicae nuclei obscuri raphes [B2]
Serotoninergic cells in obscurus raphe nucleus [B2]
↓ A14.1.09.623 |
Cellulae serotoninergicae nuclei magni raphes [B3]
Serotoninergic cells in magnus raphe nucleus [B3]
↓ A14.1.09.624 |
Cellulae serotoninergicae areae vestibularis [B4]
Serotoninergic cells adjacent to medial vestibular nucleus and prepositus nucleus [B4]
A14.1.09.625 |
Cellulae serotoninergicae nuclei raphes pontis [B5]
Serotoninergic cells in pontine raphe nucleus [B5]
↓ A14.1.09.626 |
Cellulae serotoninergicae nuclei mediani raphes [B6]
Serotoninergic cells in median raphe nucleus [B6]
↓ A14.1.09.627 |
Cellulae serotoninergicae nuclei posterioris raphes [B7]
Serotoninergic cells in dorsal raphe nucleus [B7]
↓ A14.1.09.628 |
Cellulae adrenergicae myelencephali [C1, C2]
Adrenergic cells in area postrema and anterior reticular nucleus; Epinephric cells of area postrema and anterior reticular nucleus [C1, C2]
A14.1.09.629 |
Cellulae cholinergicae
Cholinergic cells
A14.1.09.630 |
Cellulae cholinergicae nuclei septi medialis [Ch1]
Cholinergic cells of medial septal nuclei [Ch1]
↓ A14.1.09.631 |
Cellulae cholinergicae aggregationis secundae partis basalis telencephali [Ch2]
Cholinergic cells of globus pallidus, accumbens nucleus and diagonal gyrus [Ch2]
↓ A14.1.09.632 |
Cellulae cholinergicae aggregationis tertiae partis basalis telencephali [Ch3]
Cholinergic cells of globus pallidus, accumbens nucleus and diagonal band [Ch3]
↓ A14.1.09.633 |
Cellulae cholinergicae aggregationis quartae partis basalis telencephali [Ch4]
Cholinergic cells of substantia innominata, basal nucleus, amygdaloid body and olfactory tubercle [Ch4]
A14.1.09.634 |
Cellulae cholinergicae areae tegmentalis dorsalis [Ch5, Ch6, Ch8]
Cholinergic cells of dorsal tegmental area [Ch5, Ch6, Ch8]
A14.1.09.635 |
Cellulae cholinergicae epithalamicae [Ch7]
Cholinergic cells of epithalamus [Ch7]
A14.2.00.001 |
Pars peripherica; Systema nervosum periphericum
Peripheral nervous system
Nomina generalia
General terms
A14.2.00.002 |
A14.2.00.003 |
Capsula ganglii
Capsule of ganglion
A14.2.00.004 |
Stroma ganglii
Stroma of ganglion
A14.2.00.005 |
Ganglion craniospinale sensorium
Craniospinal sensory ganglion
A14.2.00.006 |
Ganglion sensorium nervi spinalis
Spinal ganglion; Dorsal root ganglion
A14.2.00.007 |
Ganglion sensorium nervi cranialis
Cranial sensory ganglion
A14.2.00.008 |
Ganglion autonomicum
Autonomic ganglion
A14.2.00.009 |
Neurofibrae preganglionicae
Preganglionic nerve fibres ▲
A14.2.00.010 |
Neurofibrae postganglionicae
Postganglionic nerve fibres ▲
A14.2.00.011 |
Ganglion sympathicum
Sympathetic ganglion
A14.2.00.012 |
Ganglion parasympathicum
Parasympathetic ganglion
↓ A14.2.00.046 |
Ganglion viscerale
Peripheral autonomic ganglion; Visceral ganglion
A14.2.00.013 |
A14.2.00.014 |
A14.2.00.015 |
A14.2.00.016 |
A14.2.00.017 |
Neurofibrae afferentes
Afferent nerve fibres ▲
A14.2.00.018 |
Neurofibrae efferentes
Efferent nerve fibres ▲
A14.2.00.019 |
Neurofibrae somaticae
Somatic nerve fibres ▲
A14.2.00.020 |
Neurofibrae autonomicae
Autonomic nerve fibres ▲
A14.2.00.021 |
N. motorius
Motor nerve
A14.2.00.022 |
N. sensorius
Sensory nerve
A14.2.00.023 |
N. mixtus
Mixed nerve
A14.2.00.024 |
R. cutaneus
Cutaneous branch
A14.2.00.025 |
R. articularis
Articular branch
A14.2.00.026 |
R. muscularis
Muscular branch
A14.2.00.027 |
N. spinalis
Spinal nerve
A14.2.00.028 |
Fila radicularia
A14.2.00.029 |
Radix anterior; Radix motoria
Anterior root; Motor root; Ventral root
A14.2.00.030 |
Radix posterior; Radix sensoria
Posterior root; Dorsal root; Sensory root
A14.2.00.031 |
Truncus nervi spinalis
Trunk of spinal nerve
A14.2.00.032 |
R. meningeus; R. recurrens
Meningeal branch; Recurrent branch
A14.2.00.033 |
R. communicans
Ramus communicans
A14.2.00.034 |
R. anterior
Anterior ramus
A14.2.00.035 |
R. posterior
Posterior ramus
A14.2.00.036 |
Cauda equina
Cauda equina
A14.2.00.037 |
Plexus nervorum spinalium
Spinal nerve plexus
A14.2.00.038 |
N. cranialis
Cranial nerve
A14.2.00.039 |
N. autonomicus
Autonomic nerve
A14.2.00.040 |
R. autonomicus
Autonomic branch
A14.2.00.041 |
Plexus autonomicus
Autonomic plexus
A14.2.00.042 |
Plexus visceralis
Visceral plexus
A14.2.00.043 |
Plexus vascularis
Vascular plexus
A14.2.00.044 |
Plexus periarterialis
Periarterial plexus
A14.2.00.045 |
Nn. vasorum
Vascular nerves
A14.2.01.001 |
Nervi craniales
Cranial nerves
A14.2.01.002 |
Nervus terminalis [0]
Terminal nerve [0]
A14.2.01.003 |
Ganglion terminale
Terminal ganglion
A14.2.01.004 |
Nervus olfactorius [I]
Olfactory nerve [I]
A14.2.01.005 |
Fila olfactoria
Olfactory nerves
A14.2.01.006 |
Nervus opticus [II]
Optic nerve [II]
A14.2.01.007 |
Nervus oculomotorius [III]
Oculomotor nerve [III]
A14.2.01.008 |
R. superior
Superior branch
A14.2.01.009 |
R. inferior
Inferior branch
↓ A14.2.01.010 |
Ramus ganglionaris ciliaris n. oculomotorii; Radix oculomotoria ganglii ciliaris; Radix parasympathica ganglii ciliaris
Branch of oculomotor nerve to ciliary ganglion; Oculomotor root of ciliary ganglion; Parasympathetic root of ciliary ganglion
A14.2.01.011 |
Nervus trochlearis [IV]
Trochlear nerve [IV]
A14.2.01.012 |
Nervus trigeminus [V]
Trigeminal nerve [V]
A14.2.01.013 |
Radix sensoria
Sensory root
A14.2.01.014 |
Ganglion trigeminale
Trigeminal ganglion
A14.2.01.015 |
Radix motoria
Motor root
A14.2.01.016 |
Nervus ophthalmicus [Va; V1]
Ophthalmic nerve; Ophthalmic division [Va; V1]
A14.2.01.017 |
R. meningeus recurrens; R. tentorius
Tentorial nerve
A14.2.01.018 |
N. lacrimalis
Lacrimal nerve
↓ A14.2.01.019 |
R. communicans zygomaticus
Communicating branch with zygomatic nerve
A14.2.01.020 |
N. frontalis
Frontal nerve
A14.2.01.021 |
N. supraorbitalis
Supra-orbital nerve
A14.2.01.022 |
R. lateralis
Lateral branch
A14.2.01.023 |
R. medialis
Medial branch
A14.2.01.024 |
N. supratrochlearis
Supratrochlear nerve
A14.2.01.025 |
N. nasociliaris
Nasociliary nerve
↓ A14.2.01.026 |
R. ganglionaris ciliaris n. nasociliaris; Radix nasociliaris ganglii ciliaris; Radix sensoria ganglii ciliaris
Branch of nasociliary nerve to ciliary ganglion; Sensory root of ciliary ganglion; Nasociliary root of ciliary ganglion
↓ A14.2.01.027 |
Nn. ciliares longi
Long ciliary nerves
A14.2.01.028 |
N. ethmoidalis posterior
Posterior ethmoidal nerve
A14.2.01.029 |
R. meningeus anterior
Anterior meningeal branch
A14.2.01.030 |
N. ethmoidalis anterior
Anterior ethmoidal nerve
A14.2.01.031 |
Rr. nasales interni
Internal nasal branches
A14.2.01.032 |
Rr. nasales laterales
Lateral nasal branches
A14.2.01.033 |
Rr. nasales mediales
Medial nasal branches
A14.2.01.034 |
R. nasalis externus
External nasal nerve
A14.2.01.035 |
N. infratrochlearis
Infratrochlear nerve
A14.2.01.036 |
Rr. palpebrales
Palpebral branches
A14.2.01.037 |
Nervus maxillaris [Vb; V2]
Maxillary nerve; Maxillary division [Vb; V2]
A14.2.01.038 |
R. meningeus
Meningeal branch
↓ A14.2.01.039 |
Rr. ganglionares pterygopalatini n. maxillaris; Radix sensoria ganglii pterygopalatini
Branches of maxillary nerve to pterygopalatine ganglion; Sensory root of pterygopalatine ganglion
A14.2.01.040 |
Rr. orbitales
Orbital branches
A14.2.01.041 |
Rr. nasales posteriores superiores laterales
Posterior superior lateral nasal branches
A14.2.01.042 |
Rr. nasales posteriores superiores mediales
Posterior superior medial nasal branches
A14.2.01.043 |
N. nasopalatinus
Nasopalatine nerve
A14.2.01.044 |
N. pharyngeus
Pharyngeal nerve
A14.2.01.045 |
N. palatinus major
Greater palatine nerve
A14.2.01.046 |
Rr. nasales posteriores inferiores
Posterior inferior nasal nerves
A14.2.01.047 |
Nn. palatini minores
Lesser palatine nerves
A14.2.01.048 |
Rr. tonsillares
Tonsillar branches
A14.2.01.049 |
Nn. alveolares superiores
Superior aleolar nerves
A14.2.01.050 |
Rr. alveolares superiores posteriores
Posterior superior alveolar branches
A14.2.01.051 |
R. alveolaris superior medius
Middle superior alveolar branch
A14.2.01.052 |
Rr. alveolares superiores anteriores
Anterior superior alveolar branches
A14.2.01.053 |
Plexus dentalis superior
Superior dental plexus
A14.2.01.054 |
Rr. dentales superiores
Superior dental branches
A14.2.01.055 |
Rr. gingivales superiores
Superior gingival branches
A14.2.01.056 |
N. zygomaticus
Zygomatic nerve
A14.2.01.057 |
R. zygomaticotemporalis
Zygomaticotemporal branch
A14.2.01.058 |
R. zygomaticofacialis
Zygomaticofacial branch
↓ A14.2.01.059 |
N. infraorbitalis
Infra-orbital nerve
A14.2.01.060 |
Rr. palpebrales inferiores
Inferior palpebral branches
A14.2.01.061 |
Rr. nasales externi
External nasal branches
A14.2.01.062 |
Rr. nasales interni
Internal nasal branches
A14.2.01.063 |
Rr. labiales superiores
Superior labial branches
A14.2.01.064 |
Nervus mandibularis [Vc; V3]
Mandibular nerve; Mandibular division [Vc; V3]
A14.2.01.065 |
R. meningeus; N. spinosus
Meningeal branch; Nervus spinosus
A14.2.01.066 |
N. pterygoideus medialis
Nerve to medial pterygoid
↓ A14.2.01.067 |
Rr. ganglionares otici n. mandibularis; Radix sensoria ganglii otici
Branches of mandibular nerve to otic ganglion; Sensory root of otic ganglion
A14.2.01.068 |
N. musculi tensoris veli palatini
Nerve to tensor veli palatini
A14.2.01.069 |
N. musculi tensoris tympani
Nerve to tensor tympani
A14.2.01.070 |
N. massetericus
Masseteric nerve
A14.2.01.071 |
Nn. temporales profundi
Deep temporal nerves
A14.2.01.072 |
N. pterygoideus lateralis
Nerve to lateral pterygoid
A14.2.01.073 |
N. buccalis
Buccal nerve
A14.2.01.074 |
N. auriculotemporalis
Auriculotemporal nerve
A14.2.01.075 |
N. meatus acustici externi
Nerve to external acoustic meatus
A14.2.01.076 |
Rr. membranae tympani
Branches to tympanic membrane
A14.2.01.077 |
Rr. parotidei
Parotid branches
↓ A14.2.01.078 |
Rr. communicantes faciales
Communicating branches with facial nerve
A14.2.01.079 |
Nn. auriculares anteriores
Anterior auricular nerves
A14.2.01.080 |
Rr. temporales superficiales
Superficial temporal branches
A14.2.01.081 |
N. lingualis
Lingual nerve
A14.2.01.082 |
Rr. isthmi faucium
Branches to isthmus of fauces
↓ A14.2.01.083 |
Rr. communicantes hypoglossi
Communicating branches of lingual nerve with hypoglossal nerve
A14.2.01.084 |
Chorda tympani
Chorda tympani
A14.2.01.085 |
N. sublingualis
Sublingual nerve
A14.2.01.086 |
Rr. linguales
Lingual branches
↓ A14.2.01.087 |
Rr. ganglionares submandibulares n. mandibularis; Radix sensoria ganglii submandibularis
Branches of mandibular nerve to submandibular ganglion; Sensory root of submandibular ganglion
↓ A14.2.01.088 |
(Rr. ganglionares sublinguales n. mandibularis; Radix sensoria ganglii sublingualis)
(Branches of mandibular nerve to sublingual ganglion; Sensory root of sublingual ganglion)
A14.2.01.089 |
N. alveolaris inferior
Inferior alveolar nerve
A14.2.01.090 |
N. mylohyoideus
Nerve to mylohyoid
A14.2.01.091 |
Plexus dentalis inferior
Inferior dental plexus
A14.2.01.092 |
Rr. dentales inferiores
Inferior dental branches
A14.2.01.093 |
Rr. gingivales inferiores
Inferior gingival branches
A14.2.01.094 |
N. mentalis
Mental nerve
A14.2.01.095 |
Rr. mentales
Mental branches
A14.2.01.096 |
Rr. labiales
Labial branches
A14.2.01.097 |
Rr. gingivales
Gingival branches
A14.2.01.098 |
Nervus abducens [VI]
Abducent nerve; Abducens nerve [VI]
A14.2.01.099 |
Nervus facialis [VII]
Facial nerve [VII]
A14.2.01.100 |
A14.2.01.101 |
N. stapedius
Nerve to stapedius
A14.2.01.102 |
N. auricularis posterior
Posterior auricular nerve
A14.2.01.103 |
R. occipitalis
Occipital branch
A14.2.01.104 |
R. auricularis
Auricular branch
A14.2.01.105 |
R. digastricus
Digastric branch
A14.2.01.106 |
R. stylohyoideus
Stylohyoid branch
↓ A14.2.01.107 |
R. communicans glossopharyngeus
Communicating branch with glossopharyngeal nerve
A14.2.01.108 |
Plexus intraparotideus
Parotid plexus
A14.2.01.109 |
Rr. temporales
Temporal branches
A14.2.01.110 |
Rr. zygomatici
Zygomatic branches
A14.2.01.111 |
Rr. buccales
Buccal branches
A14.2.01.112 |
(R. lingualis)
(Lingual branch)
A14.2.01.113 |
R. marginalis mandibularis
Marginal mandibular branch
A14.2.01.114 |
R. colli; R. cervicalis
Cervical branch
A14.2.01.115 |
Nervus intermedius
Intermediate nerve
A14.2.01.116 |
Ganglion geniculi; Ganglion geniculatum
Geniculate ganglion
↓ A14.2.01.117 |
N. petrosus major; Radix intermedia ganglii pterygopalatini; Radix parasympathica ganglii pterygopalatini
Greater petrosal nerve; Parasympathetic root of pterygopalatine ganglion
↓ A14.2.01.118 |
Chorda tympani; Radix parasympathica ganglii submandibularis
Chorda tympani; Parasympathetic root of submandibular ganglion
↓ A14.2.01.119 |
R. communicans tympanicus
Communicating branch with tympanic plexus
↓ A14.2.01.120 |
R. communicans vagus
Communicating branch with vagus nerve
A14.2.01.121 |
Nervus vestibulocochlearis [VIII]
Vestibulocochlear nerve [VIII]
A14.2.01.122 |
Nervus vestibularis
Vestibular nerve
A14.2.01.123 |
Ganglion vestibulare
Vestibular ganglion
A14.2.01.124 |
R. communicans cochlearis
Cochlear communicating branch
A14.2.01.125 |
Pars superior
Superior part
A14.2.01.126 |
N. utriculoampullaris
Utriculo-ampullary nerve
A14.2.01.127 |
N. utricularis
Utricular nerve
A14.2.01.128 |
N. ampullaris anterior
Anterior ampullary nerve
A14.2.01.129 |
N. ampullaris lateralis
Lateral ampullary nerve
A14.2.01.130 |
Pars inferior
Inferior part
A14.2.01.131 |
N. ampullaris posterior
Posterior ampullary nerve
A14.2.01.132 |
N. saccularis
Saccular nerve
A14.2.01.133 |
Nervus cochlearis
Cochlear nerve
A14.2.01.134 |
Ganglion cochleare; Ganglion spirale cochleae
Cochlear ganglion; Spiral ganglion
A14.2.01.135 |
Nervus glossopharyngeus [IX]
Glossopharyngeal nerve [IX]
A14.2.01.136 |
Ganglion superius
Superior ganglion
A14.2.01.137 |
Ganglion inferius
Inferior ganglion
A14.2.01.138 |
N. tympanicus
Tympanic nerve
A14.2.01.139 |
Intumescentia tympanica; Ganglion tympanicum
Tympanic enlargement; Tympanic ganglion
A14.2.01.140 |
Plexus tympanicus
Tympanic plexus
A14.2.01.141 |
R. tubarius
Tubal branch
A14.2.01.142 |
Nn. caroticotympanici
Caroticotympanic nerves
↓ A14.2.01.143 |
R. communicans vagoauricularis
Communicating branch with auricular branch of vagus nerve
A14.2.01.144 |
Rr. pharyngei
Pharyngeal branches
A14.2.01.145 |
R. musculi stylopharyngei
Stylopharyngeal branch
A14.2.01.146 |
R. sinus carotici
Carotid branch
A14.2.01.147 |
Rr. tonsillares
Tonsillar branches
A14.2.01.148 |
Rr. linguales
Lingual branches
↓ A14.2.01.149 |
N. petrosus minor; Radix parasympathica ganglii otici
Lesser petrosal nerve; Parasympathetic root of otic ganglion
↓ A14.2.01.150 |
R. communicans vagomeningeus
Communicating branch with meningeal branch of vagus nerve
↓ A14.2.01.151 |
R. communicans auriculotemporalis
Communicating branch with auriculotemporal nerve
↓ A14.2.01.152 |
R. communicans chordae tympani
Communicating branch with chorda tympani
A14.2.01.153 |
Nervus vagus [X]
Vagus nerve [X]
A14.2.01.154 |
Ganglion superius
Superior ganglion
A14.2.01.155 |
R. meningeus
Meningeal branch
A14.2.01.156 |
R. auricularis
Auricular branch
A14.2.01.157 |
Ganglion inferius
Inferior ganglion
↓ A14.2.01.193 |
R. communicans glossopharyngeus
Communicating branch with glossopharyngeal nerve
A14.2.01.158 |
R. pharyngeus
Pharyngeal branch
A14.2.01.159 |
Plexus pharyngeus
Pharyngeal plexus
A14.2.01.160 |
N. laryngeus superior
Superior laryngeal nerve
A14.2.01.161 |
R. externus
External branch
A14.2.01.162 |
R. internus
Internal branch
↓ A14.2.01.163 |
R. communicans laryngeus recurrens
Communicating branch with recurrent laryngeal nerve
A14.2.01.164 |
Rr. cardiaci cervicales superiores
Superior cervical cardiac branches
A14.2.01.165 |
Rr. cardiaci cervicales inferiores
Inferior cervical cardiac branches
A14.2.01.166 |
N. laryngeus recurrens
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
A14.2.01.167 |
Rr. tracheales
Tracheal branches
A14.2.01.168 |
Rr. oesophagei
Oesophageal branches ▲
A14.2.01.169 |
Rr. pharyngei
Pharyngeal branches
A14.2.01.170 |
Rr. cardiaci thoracici
Thoracic cardiac branches
A14.2.01.171 |
Rr. bronchiales
Bronchial branches
A14.2.01.172 |
Plexus pulmonalis
Pulmonary plexus
A14.2.01.173 |
Plexus oesophageus
Oesophageal plexus ▲
A14.2.01.174 |
Truncus vagalis anterior
Anterior vagal trunk
A14.2.01.175 |
Rr. gastrici anteriores
Anterior gastric branches
A14.2.01.176 |
N. curvaturae minoris anterior
Anterior nerve of lesser curvature
A14.2.01.177 |
Rr. hepatici
Hepatic branches
A14.2.01.178 |
R. pyloricus
Pyloric branch
A14.2.01.179 |
Truncus vagalis posterior
Posterior vagal trunk
A14.2.01.180 |
Rr. gastrici posteriores
Posterior gastric branches
A14.2.01.181 |
N. curvaturae minoris posterior
Posterior nerve of lesser curvature
A14.2.01.182 |
Rr. coeliaci
Coeliac branches ▲
A14.2.01.183 |
Rr. renales
Renal branches
A14.2.01.184 |
Nervus accessorius [XI]
Accessory nerve [XI]
A14.2.01.185 |
Radix cranialis; Pars vagalis
Cranial root; Vagal part
A14.2.01.186 |
Radix spinalis; Pars spinalis
Spinal root; Spinal part
A14.2.01.187 |
Truncus nervi accessorii
Trunk of accessory nerve
A14.2.01.188 |
R. internus
Internal branch
A14.2.01.189 |
R. externus
External branch
A14.2.01.190 |
Rr. musculares
Muscular branches
A14.2.01.191 |
Nervus hypoglossus [XII]
Hypoglossal nerve [XII]
A14.2.01.192 |
Rr. linguales
Lingual branches
A14.2.02.001 |
Nervi spinales
Spinal nerves
A14.2.02.002 |
A14.2.02.003 |
Rami posteriores; Rami dorsales
Posterior rami; Dorsal rami
A14.2.02.004 |
R. medialis
Medial branch
A14.2.02.005 |
R. lateralis
Lateral branch
A14.2.02.006 |
R. cutaneus posterior
Posterior cutaneous branch
A14.2.02.007 |
N. suboccipitalis
Suboccipital nerve
A14.2.02.008 |
N. occipitalis major
Greater occipital nerve
A14.2.02.009 |
N. occipitalis tertius
Third occipital nerve
A14.2.02.010 |
Plexus cervicalis posterior
Posterior cervical plexus
A14.2.02.011 |
Rami anteriores; Rami ventrales
Anterior rami; Ventral rami
A14.2.02.012 |
Plexus cervicalis
Cervical plexus
A14.2.02.013 |
Ansa cervicalis
Ansa cervicalis
A14.2.02.014 |
Radix superior
Superior root; Superior limb
A14.2.02.015 |
Radix inferior
Inferior root; Inferior limb
A14.2.02.016 |
R. thyrohyoideus
Thyrohyoid branch
A14.2.02.017 |
N. occipitalis minor
Lesser occipital nerve
A14.2.02.018 |
N. auricularis magnus
Great auricular nerve
A14.2.02.019 |
R. posterior
Posterior branch
A14.2.02.020 |
R. anterior
Anterior branch
A14.2.02.021 |
N. transversus colli; N. transversus cervicalis
Transverse cervical nerve
A14.2.02.022 |
Rr. superiores
Superior branches
A14.2.02.023 |
Rr. inferiores
Inferior branches
A14.2.02.024 |
Nn. supraclaviculares
Supraclavicular nerves
A14.2.02.025 |
Nn. supraclaviculares mediales
Medial supraclavicular nerves
A14.2.02.026 |
Nn. supraclaviculares intermedii
Intermediate supraclavicular nerves
A14.2.02.027 |
Nn. supraclaviculares laterales
Lateral supraclavicular nerves
A14.2.02.028 |
Nervus phrenicus
Phrenic nerve
A14.2.02.029 |
R. pericardiacus
Pericardial branch
A14.2.02.030 |
Rr. phrenicoabdominales
Phrenico-abdominal branches
A14.2.02.031 |
(Nn. phrenici accessorii)
(Accessory phrenic nerves)
A14.2.03.001 |
Plexus brachialis
Brachial plexus
Nomina generalia
General terms
A14.2.03.002 |
A14.2.03.003 |
A14.2.03.004 |
Truncus superior
Superior trunk; Upper trunk
A14.2.03.005 |
Truncus medius
Middle trunk
A14.2.03.006 |
Truncus inferior
Inferior trunk; Lower trunk
A14.2.03.007 |
Divisiones anteriores
Anterior divisions
A14.2.03.008 |
Divisiones posteriores
Posterior divisions
A14.2.03.009 |
A14.2.03.010 |
Pars supraclavicularis
Supraclavicular part
A14.2.03.011 |
N. dorsalis scapulae
Dorsal scapular nerve
A14.2.03.012 |
N. thoracicus longus
Long thoracic nerve
A14.2.03.013 |
N. subclavius
Subclavian nerve
A14.2.03.014 |
N. suprascapularis
Suprascapular nerve
A14.2.03.015 |
Nn. subscapulares
Subscapular nerves
A14.2.03.016 |
N. thoracodorsalis
Thoracodorsal nerve
A14.2.03.017 |
N. pectoralis medialis
Medial pectoral nerve
A14.2.03.018 |
N. pectoralis lateralis
Lateral pectoral nerve
A14.2.03.019 |
Rr. musculares
Muscular branches
A14.2.03.020 |
Pars infraclavicularis
Infraclavicular part
A14.2.03.021 |
Fasciculus lateralis
Lateral cord
A14.2.03.022 |
Fasciculus medialis
Medial cord
A14.2.03.023 |
Fasciculus posterior
Posterior cord
A14.2.03.024 |
N. musculocutaneus
Musculocutaneous nerve
A14.2.03.025 |
Rr. musculares
Muscular branches
↓ A14.2.03.026 |
N. cutaneus lateralis antebrachii
Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm; Lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve
↓ A14.2.03.027 |
N. cutaneus medialis brachii
Medial cutaneous nerve of arm; Medial brachial cutaneous nerve
↓ A14.2.03.028 |
N. cutaneus medialis antebrachii
Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm; Medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve
A14.2.03.029 |
R. anterior
Anterior branch
A14.2.03.030 |
R. posterior
Posterior branch
A14.2.03.031 |
N. medianus
Median nerve
A14.2.03.032 |
Radix medialis nervi mediani
Medial root of median nerve
A14.2.03.033 |
Radix lateralis nervi mediani
Lateral root of median nerve
A14.2.03.034 |
N. interosseus antebrachii anterior
Anterior interosseous nerve
A14.2.03.035 |
Rr. musculares
Muscular branches
A14.2.03.036 |
R. palmaris
Palmar branch
↓ A14.2.03.037 |
R. communicans ulnaris
Communicating branch with ulnar nerve
A14.2.03.038 |
Nn. digitales palmares communes
Common palmar digital nerves
A14.2.03.039 |
Nn. digitales palmares proprii
Proper palmar digital nerves
A14.2.03.040 |
N. ulnaris
Ulnar nerve
A14.2.03.041 |
Rr. musculares
Muscular branches
A14.2.03.042 |
R. dorsalis
Dorsal branch
A14.2.03.043 |
Nn. digitales dorsales
Dorsal digital nerves
A14.2.03.044 |
R. palmaris
Palmar branch
A14.2.03.045 |
R. superficialis
Superficial branch
A14.2.03.046 |
Nn. digitales palmares communes
Common palmar digital nerves
A14.2.03.047 |
Nn. digitales palmares proprii
Proper palmar digital nerves
A14.2.03.048 |
R. profundus
Deep branch
A14.2.03.049 |
N. radialis
Radial nerve
A14.2.03.050 |
N. cutaneus brachii posterior
Posterior cutaneous nerve of arm; Posterior brachial cutaneous nerve
↓ A14.2.03.051 |
N. cutaneus lateralis inferior brachii
Inferior lateral cutaneous nerve of arm; Inferior lateral brachial cutaneous nerve
A14.2.03.052 |
N. cutaneus antebrachii posterior
Posterior cutaneous nerve of forearm; Posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve
A14.2.03.053 |
Rr. musculares
Muscular branches
A14.2.03.054 |
R. profundus
Deep branch
A14.2.03.055 |
N. interosseus antebrachii posterior
Posterior interosseous nerve
A14.2.03.056 |
R. superficialis
Superficial branch
A14.2.03.057 |
R. communicans ulnaris
Communicating branch with ulnar nerve
A14.2.03.058 |
Nn. digitales dorsales
Dorsal digital branches
A14.2.03.059 |
N. axillaris
Axillary nerve
A14.2.03.060 |
Rr. musculares
Muscular branches
↓ A14.2.03.061 |
N. cutaneus lateralis superior brachii
Superior lateral cutaneous nerve of arm; Superior lateral brachial cutaneous nerve
A14.2.04.001 |
A14.2.04.002 |
Rami posteriores; Rami dorsales
Posterior rami; Dorsal rami
A14.2.04.003 |
R. medialis
Medial branch
A14.2.04.004 |
R. lateralis
Lateral branch
A14.2.04.005 |
R. cutaneus posterior
Posterior cutaneous branch; Posterior cutaneous nerve
A14.2.04.006 |
Nn. intercostales; Rami ventrales; Rami anteriores
Intercostal nerves; Anterior rami; Ventral rami
A14.2.04.007 |
Rr. musculares
Muscular branches
A14.2.04.008 |
R. collateralis
Collateral branch
A14.2.04.009 |
R. cutaneus lateralis pectoralis
Lateral pectoral cutaneous branch
A14.2.04.010 |
Rr. mammarii laterales
Lateral mammary branches
A14.2.04.011 |
R. cutaneus lateralis abdominalis
Lateral abdominal cutaneous branch
A14.2.04.012 |
Nn. intercostobrachiales
Intercostobrachial nerves
A14.2.04.013 |
R. cutaneus anterior pectoralis
Anterior pectoral cutaneous branch
A14.2.04.014 |
Rr. mammarii mediales
Medial mammary branches
A14.2.04.015 |
R. cutaneus anterior abdominalis
Anterior abdominal cutaneous branch
A14.2.04.016 |
N. subcostalis
Subcostal nerve
A14.2.05.001 |
A14.2.05.002 |
Rami posteriores; Rami dorsales
Posterior rami; Dorsal rami
A14.2.05.003 |
R. medialis
Medial branch
A14.2.05.004 |
R. lateralis
Lateral branch
A14.2.05.005 |
R. cutaneus posterior
Posterior cutaneous branch; Posterior cutaneous nerve
A14.2.05.006 |
Nn. clunium superiores
Superior clunial nerves
A14.2.05.007 |
Plexus posterior
Posterior plexus
A14.2.05.008 |
Rami anteriores; Rami ventrales
Anterior rami; Ventral rami
↓ A14.2.06.001 |
↓ A14.2.06.008 |
Nervi sacrales
Sacral nerves
↓ A14.2.07.043 |
N. coccygeus
Coccygeal nerve
A14.2.06.002 |
Rami posteriores; Rami dorsales
Posterior rami; Dorsal rami
A14.2.06.003 |
R. medialis
Medial branch
A14.2.06.004 |
R. lateralis
Lateral branch
A14.2.06.005 |
R. cutaneus posterior
Posterior cutaneous branch; Posterior cutaneous nerve
A14.2.06.006 |
Nn. clunium medii
Medial clunial nerves
A14.2.06.007 |
Rami anteriores; Rami ventrales
Anterior rami; Ventral rami
A14.2.07.001 |
Plexus lumbosacralis
Lumbosacral plexus
A14.2.07.002 |
Plexus lumbalis
Lumbar plexus
A14.2.07.003 |
N. iliohypogastricus; N. iliopubicus
Iliohypogastric nerve; Iliopubic nerve
A14.2.07.004 |
R. cutaneus lateralis
Lateral cutaneous branch
A14.2.07.005 |
R. cutaneus anterior
Anterior cutaneous branch
A14.2.07.006 |
N. ilioinguinalis
Ilio-inguinal nerve
A14.2.07.007 |
Nn. labiales anteriores ♀
Anterior labial nerves ♀
A14.2.07.007 |
Nn. scrotales anteriores ♂
Anterior scrotal nerves ♂
A14.2.07.008 |
N. genitofemoralis
Genitofemoral nerve
A14.2.07.009 |
R. genitalis
Genital branch
A14.2.07.010 |
R. femoralis
Femoral branch
A14.2.07.011 |
N. cutaneus femoris lateralis
Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh; Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
A14.2.07.012 |
N. obturatorius
Obturator nerve
A14.2.07.013 |
R. anterior
Anterior branch
A14.2.07.014 |
R. cutaneus
Cutaneous branch
A14.2.07.015 |
Rr. musculares
Muscular branches
A14.2.07.016 |
R. posterior
Posterior branch
A14.2.07.017 |
Rr. musculares
Muscular branches
A14.2.07.018 |
R. articularis
Articular branch
A14.2.07.019 |
N. obturatorius accessorius
Accessory obturator nerve
A14.2.07.020 |
N. femoralis
Femoral nerve
A14.2.07.021 |
Rr. musculares
Muscular branches
A14.2.07.022 |
Rr. cutanei anteriores
Anterior cutaneous branches
A14.2.07.023 |
N. saphenus
Saphenous nerve
A14.2.07.024 |
R. infrapatellaris
Infrapatellar branch
A14.2.07.025 |
Rr. cutanei cruris mediales
Medial cutaneous nerve of leg; Medial crural cutaneous nerve
A14.2.07.026 |
Truncus lumbosacralis
Lumbosacral trunk
A14.2.07.027 |
Plexus sacralis
Sacral plexus
A14.2.07.028 |
N. musculi obturatorii interni
Nerve to obturator internus
A14.2.07.029 |
N. musculi piriformis
Nerve to piriformis
A14.2.07.030 |
N. musculi quadrati femoris
Nerve to quadratus femoris
A14.2.07.031 |
N. gluteus superior
Superior gluteal nerve
A14.2.07.032 |
N. gluteus inferior
Inferior gluteal nerve
A14.2.07.033 |
N. cutaneus femoris posterior
Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh; Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
A14.2.07.034 |
Nn. clunium inferiores
Inferior clunial nerves
A14.2.07.035 |
Rr. perineales
Perineal branches
A14.2.07.036 |
N. cutaneus perforans
Perforating cutaneous nerve
A14.2.07.037 |
N. pudendus
Pudendal nerve
A14.2.07.038 |
Nn. anales inferiores; Nn. rectales inferiores
Inferior anal nerves; Inferior rectal nerves
A14.2.07.039 |
Nn. perineales
Perineal nerves
A14.2.07.040 |
Nn. labiales posteriores ♀
Posterior labial nerves ♀
A14.2.07.040 |
Nn. scrotales posteriores ♂
Posterior scrotal nerves ♂
A14.2.07.041 |
Rr. musculares
Muscular branches
A14.2.07.042 |
N. dorsalis clitoridis ♀
Dorsal nerve of clitoris ♀
A14.2.07.042 |
N. dorsalis penis ♂
Dorsal nerve of penis ♂
↓ A14.2.07.043 |
N. coccygeus
Coccygeal nerve
A14.2.07.044 |
Plexus coccygeus
Coccygeal plexus
A14.2.07.045 |
N. anococcygeus
Anococcygeal nerve
A14.2.07.046 |
N. ischiadicus
Sciatic nerve
A14.2.07.047 |
N. fibularis communis; N. peroneus communis
Common fibular nerve; Common peroneal nerve
↓ A14.2.07.048 |
N. cutaneus lateralis surae
Lateral sural cutaneous nerve
A14.2.07.049 |
R. communicans fibularis; R. communicans peroneus
Sural communicating branch
A14.2.07.050 |
N. fibularis superficialis; N. peroneus superficialis
Superficial fibular nerve; Superficial peroneal nerve
A14.2.07.051 |
Rr. musculares
Muscular branches
A14.2.07.052 |
N. cutaneus dorsalis medialis
Medial dorsal cutaneous nerve
A14.2.07.053 |
N. cutaneus dorsalis intermedius
Intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerve
A14.2.07.054 |
Nn. digitales dorsales pedis
Dorsal digital nerves of foot
A14.2.07.055 |
N. fibularis profundus; N. peroneus profundus
Deep fibular nerve; Deep peroneal nerve
A14.2.07.056 |
Rr. musculares
Muscular branches
A14.2.07.057 |
Nn. digitales dorsales pedis
Dorsal digital nerves of foot
A14.2.07.058 |
N. tibialis
Tibial nerve
A14.2.07.059 |
Rr. musculares
Muscular branches
A14.2.07.060 |
N. interosseus cruris
Interosseous nerve of leg; Crural interosseous nerve
↓ A14.2.07.061 |
N. cutaneus medialis surae
Medial sural cutaneous nerve
A14.2.07.062 |
N. suralis
Sural nerve
A14.2.07.063 |
N. cutaneus dorsalis lateralis
Lateral dorsal cutaneous nerve
A14.2.07.064 |
Rr. calcanei laterales
Lateral calcaneal branches
A14.2.07.065 |
Rr. calcanei mediales
Medial calcaneal branches
A14.2.07.066 |
N. plantaris medialis
Medial plantar nerve
A14.2.07.067 |
Nn. digitales plantares communes
Common plantar digital nerves
A14.2.07.068 |
Nn. digitales plantares proprii
Proper plantar digital nerves
A14.2.07.069 |
N. plantaris lateralis
Lateral plantar nerve
A14.2.07.070 |
R. superficialis
Superficial branch
A14.2.07.071 |
Nn. digitales plantares communes
Common plantar digital nerves
A14.2.07.072 |
Nn. digitales plantares proprii
Proper plantar digital nerves
A14.2.07.073 |
R. profundus
Deep branch
↓ A14.3.00.001 |
Divisio autonomica; Pars autonomica systematis nervosi peripherici
Autonomic division; Autonomic part of peripheral nervous system
A14.3.01.001 |
A14.3.01.002 |
Truncus sympathicus
Sympathetic trunk
A14.3.01.003 |
Ganglion trunci sympathici
Ganglion of sympathetic trunk
A14.3.01.004 |
Rr. interganglionares
Interganglionic branches
A14.3.01.005 |
Rr. communicantes
Rami communicantes
A14.3.01.006 |
R. communicans griseus
Grey ramus communicans ▲
A14.3.01.007 |
R. communicans albus
White ramus communicans
A14.3.01.008 |
Ganglia intermedia
Intermediate ganglia
A14.3.01.009 |
Ganglion cervicale superius
Superior cervical ganglion
A14.3.01.010 |
N. jugularis
Jugular nerve
A14.3.01.011 |
N. caroticus internus
Internal carotid nerve
↓ A14.3.01.012 |
N. pinealis
Pineal nerve
A14.3.01.013 |
Nn. carotici externi
External carotid nerves
A14.3.01.014 |
Rr. laryngopharyngei
Laryngopharyngeal branches
A14.3.01.015 |
N. cardiacus cervicalis superior
Superior cervical cardiac nerve
A14.3.01.016 |
Ganglion cervicale medium
Middle cervical ganglion
A14.3.01.017 |
Ganglion vertebrale
Vertebral ganglion
A14.3.01.018 |
N. cardiacus cervicalis medius
Middle cervical cardiac nerve
↓ A14.3.01.019 |
(Ganglion cervicale inferius)
(Inferior cervical ganglion)
A14.3.01.020 |
Ganglion cervicothoracicum; Ganglion stellatum
Cervicothoracic ganglion; Stellate ganglion
A14.3.01.021 |
Ansa subclavia
Ansa subclavia
A14.3.01.022 |
N. cardiacus cervicalis inferior
Inferior cervical cardiac nerve
A14.3.01.023 |
N. vertebralis
Vertebral nerve
A14.3.01.024 |
Ganglia thoracica
Thoracic ganglia
A14.3.01.025 |
Rr. cardiaci thoracici
Thoracic cardiac branches
A14.3.01.026 |
Rr. pulmonales thoracici
Thoracic pulmonary branches
A14.3.01.027 |
Rr. oesophageales
Oesophageal branches ▲
A14.3.01.028 |
N. splanchnicus major
Greater splanchnic nerve
A14.3.01.029 |
Ganglion thoracicum splanchnicum
Thoracic splanchnic ganglion
A14.3.01.030 |
N. splanchnicus minor
Lesser splanchnic nerve
A14.3.01.031 |
R. renalis
Renal branch
A14.3.01.032 |
N. splanchnicus imus
Least splanchnic nerve; Lowest splanchnic nerve
A14.3.01.033 |
Ganglia lumbalia
Lumbar ganglia
A14.3.01.034 |
Nn. splanchnici lumbales
Lumbar splanchnic nerves
A14.3.01.035 |
Ganglia sacralia
Sacral ganglia
A14.3.01.036 |
Nn. splanchnici sacrales
Sacral splanchnic nerves
A14.3.01.037 |
Ganglion impar
Ganglion impar
↓ A14.3.01.038 |
Paraganglia sympathica
Sympathetic paraganglia
A14.3.02.001 |
A14.3.02.002 |
Pars cranialis
Cranial part
A14.3.02.003 |
Ganglion ciliare
Ciliary ganglion
↓ A14.2.01.010 |
Ramus ganglionaris ciliaris n. oculomotorii; Radix oculomotoria ganglii ciliaris; Radix parasympathica ganglii ciliaris
Branch of oculomotor nerve to ciliary ganglion; Oculomotor root of ciliary ganglion; Parasympathetic root of ciliary ganglion
↓ A14.3.02.004 |
Radix sympathica ganglii ciliaris
Sympathetic root of ciliary ganglion
↓ A14.2.01.026 |
R. ganglionaris ciliaris n. nasociliaris; Radix nasociliaris ganglii ciliaris; Radix sensoria ganglii ciliaris
Branch of nasociliary nerve to ciliary ganglion; Sensory root of ciliary ganglion; Nasociliary root of ciliary ganglion
A14.3.02.005 |
Nn. ciliares breves
Short ciliary nerves
A14.3.02.006 |
Ganglion pterygopalatinum
Pterygopalatine ganglion
A14.3.02.007 |
N. canalis pterygoidei
Nerve of pterygoid canal
↓ A14.2.01.117 |
N. petrosus major; Radix intermedia ganglii pterygopalatini; Radix parasympathica ganglii pterygopalatini
Greater petrosal nerve; Parasympathetic root of pterygopalatine ganglion
↓ A14.3.02.008 |
Radix sympathica ganglii pterygopalatini; N. petrosus profundus
Sympathetic root of pterygopalatine ganglion; Deep petrosal nerve
↓ A14.2.01.039 |
Rr. ganglionares pterygopalatini n. maxillaris; Radix sensoria ganglii pterygopalatini
Branches of maxillary nerve to pterygopalatine ganglion; Sensory root of pterygopalatine ganglion
A14.3.02.009 |
Ganglion submandibulare
Submandibular ganglion
↓ A14.2.01.118 |
Chorda tympani; Radix parasympathica ganglii submandibularis
Chorda tympani; Parasympathetic root of submandibular ganglion
↓ A14.3.02.010 |
Radix sympathica ganglii submandibularis
Sympathetic root of submandibular ganglion
↓ A14.2.01.087 |
Rr. ganglionares submandibulares n. mandibularis; Radix sensoria ganglii submandibularis
Branches of mandibular nerve to submandibular ganglion; Sensory root of submandibular ganglion
↓ A14.3.02.011 |
(Ganglion sublinguale)
(Sublingual ganglion)
↓ A14.3.02.012 |
(Radix parasympathica; Chorda tympani)
(Parasympathetic root; Chorda tympani)
↓ A14.3.02.013 |
(Radix sympathica)
(Sympathetic root)
↓ A14.2.01.088 |
(Rr. ganglionares sublinguales n. mandibularis; Radix sensoria ganglii sublingualis)
(Branches of mandibular nerve to sublingual ganglion; Sensory root of sublingual ganglion)
A14.3.02.014 |
Ganglion oticum
Otic ganglion
↓ A14.2.01.149 |
N. petrosus minor; Radix parasympathica ganglii otici
Lesser petrosal nerve; Parasympathetic root of otic ganglion
↓ A14.3.02.015 |
Radix sympathica ganglii otici
Sympathetic root of otic ganglion
↓ A14.2.01.067 |
Rr. ganglionares otici n. mandibularis; Radix sensoria ganglii otici
Branches of mandibular nerve to otic ganglion; Sensory root of otic ganglion
A14.3.02.016 |
Pars pelvica
Pelvic part
A14.3.02.017 |
Ganglia pelvica
Pelvic ganglia
A14.3.02.018 |
Radix parasympathica; Nn. splanchnici pelvici
Parasympathetic root; Pelvic splanchnic nerves
A14.3.02.019 |
Radix sympathica
Sympathetic root
A14.3.02.020 |
Radix sensoria
Sensory root
↓ A14.3.03.001 |
A14.3.03.002 |
Pars craniocervicalis
Craniocervical part
A14.3.03.003 |
Plexus caroticus communis
Common carotid plexus
A14.3.03.004 |
Plexus caroticus internus
Internal carotid plexus
↓ A14.3.02.004 |
Radix sympathica ganglii ciliaris
Sympathetic root of ciliary ganglion
↓ A14.3.02.008 |
Radix sympathica ganglii pterygopalatini; N. petrosus profundus
Sympathetic root of pterygopalatine ganglion; Deep petrosal nerve
↓ A14.3.02.010 |
Radix sympathica ganglii submandibularis
Sympathetic root of submandibular ganglion
↓ A14.3.03.005 |
(Radix sympathica ganglii sublingualis)
(Sympathetic root of sublingual ganglion)
↓ A14.3.02.015 |
Radix sympathica ganglii otici
Sympathetic root of otic ganglion
A14.2.01.142 |
Nn. caroticotympanici
Caroticotympanic nerves
A14.3.03.006 |
Plexus cavernosus
Cavernous plexus
A14.3.03.007 |
Plexus caroticus externus
External carotid plexus
A14.3.03.008 |
Plexus subclavius
Subclavian plexus
A14.3.03.009 |
Plexus autonomicus brachialis
Brachial autonomic plexus
A14.3.03.010 |
Plexus vertebralis
Vertebral plexus
A14.3.03.011 |
Pars thoracica
Thoracic part
A14.3.03.012 |
Plexus aorticus thoracicus
Thoracic aortic plexus
A14.3.03.013 |
Plexus cardiacus
Cardiac plexus
A14.3.03.014 |
Ganglia cardiaca
Cardiac ganglia
A14.3.03.015 |
Plexus oesophageus
Oesophageal plexus ▲
A14.3.03.016 |
Plexus pulmonalis
Pulmonary plexus
A14.3.03.017 |
Rr. pulmonales
Pulmonary branches
A14.3.03.018 |
Pars abdominalis
Abdominal part
A14.3.03.019 |
Plexus aorticus abdominalis
Abdominal aortic plexus
A14.3.03.020 |
Ganglia phrenica
Phrenic ganglia
A14.3.03.021 |
Plexus coeliacus
Coeliac plexus ▲
A14.3.03.022 |
Plexus hepaticus
Hepatic plexus
A14.3.03.023 |
Plexus splenicus; Plexus lienalis
Splenic plexus
A14.3.03.024 |
Plexus gastrici
Gastric plexuses
A14.3.03.025 |
Plexus pancreaticus
Pancreatic plexus
A14.3.03.026 |
Plexus suprarenalis
Suprarenal plexus
A14.3.03.027 |
Ganglia coeliaca
Coeliac ganglia ▲
A14.3.03.028 |
Ganglia aorticorenalia
Aorticorenal ganglia
A14.3.03.029 |
Plexus mesentericus superior
Superior mesenteric plexus
A14.3.03.030 |
Ganglion mesentericum superius
Superior mesenteric ganglion
A14.3.03.031 |
Plexus intermesentericus
Intermesenteric plexus
A14.3.03.032 |
Plexus renalis
Renal plexus
A14.3.03.033 |
Ganglia renalia
Renal ganglia
A14.3.03.034 |
Plexus uretericus
Ureteric plexus
A14.3.03.035 |
Plexus ovaricus ♀
Ovarian plexus ♀
A14.3.03.035 |
Plexus testicularis ♂
Testicular plexus ♂
A14.3.03.036 |
Plexus mesentericus inferior
Inferior mesenteric plexus
A14.3.03.037 |
Ganglion mesentericum inferius
Inferior mesenteric ganglion
A14.3.03.038 |
Plexus rectalis superior
Superior rectal plexus
A14.3.03.039 |
Plexus entericus
Enteric plexus
A14.3.03.040 |
Plexus subserosus
Subserous plexus
A14.3.03.041 |
Plexus myentericus
Myenteric plexus
A14.3.03.042 |
Plexus submucosus
Submucous plexus
A14.3.03.043 |
Plexus iliacus
Iliac plexus
A14.3.03.044 |
Plexus femoralis
Femoral plexus
A14.3.03.045 |
Pars pelvica
Pelvic part
A14.3.03.046 |
Plexus hypogastricus superior; N. presacralis
Superior hypogastric plexus; Presacral nerve
A14.3.03.047 |
N. hypogastricus
Hypogastric nerve
A14.3.03.048 |
Plexus hypogastricus inferior; Plexus pelvicus
Inferior hypogastric plexus pelvic plexus; Inferior hypogastric plexus pelvic plexus
A14.3.03.049 |
Plexus rectalis medius
Middle rectal plexus
A14.3.03.050 |
Plexus rectalis inferior
Inferior rectal plexus
A14.3.03.051 |
Nn. anales superiores
Superior anal nerves
A14.3.03.052 |
Plexus uterovaginalis ♀
Uterovaginal plexus ♀
A14.3.03.053 |
Nn. vaginales ♀
Vaginal nerves ♀
A14.3.03.052 |
Plexus prostaticus ♂
Prostatic plexus ♂
A14.3.03.054 |
Plexus deferentialis ♂
Deferential plexus; Plexus of ductus deferens ♂
A14.3.03.055 |
Plexus vesicalis
Vesical plexus
A14.3.03.056 |
Nn. cavernosi clitoridis ♀
Cavernous nerves of clitoris ♀
A14.3.03.056 |
Nn. cavernosi penis ♂
Cavernous nerves of penis ♂
Entries: 1933 | Notes: 215 | Date: 29.01.2013 |
♦ TA98 footnote | ♠ TA98 correction note | ♣ TA98 RAT note | ♥ TA98 redirection note |
♣ | A14.1.01.002 | Pachymeninx The Latin official synonym dura mater contained an adjective before the noun it modifies, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. Because the term dura mater is many centuries old, the phrase has been preserved by the insertion of an unbreakable space between the two words. |
♣ | A14.1.01.003 | Leptomeninx The Latin official synonym (arachnoidea mater et pia mater) contained a conjunction, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. Therefore, this term was removed. |
♣ | A14.1.01.101 | Dura mater The Latin precursor dura mater contained an adjective before the noun it modifies, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. Because the term dura mater is many centuries old, the phrase has been preserved by the insertion of an unbreakable space between the two words. |
♣ | A14.1.01.102 | Dura mater cranialis The Latin precursor dura mater cranialis and Latin official synonym dura mater encephali contained an adjective before the noun it modifies, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. Because the term dura mater is many centuries old, the phrase has been preserved by the insertion of an unbreakable space between the two words. |
♦ | A14.1.01.109 | Spatium subdurale and spatium epidurale/extradurale Although these terms are in common usage, under normal conditions the arachnoid is attached to the dura and the dura is attached to the skull; there are no naturally occurring spaces at these interfaces at all. The occurrence of these spaces is the result of trauma or of pathological process that artifactually separates the arachnoid from the dura or the dura from the skull. Haines D. E. 1991. "On the Question of a Subdural Space." Anat Rec 230: 3-21. Van Denabeele F., Creemans J., and Lambrichts 1. 1996. "Ultrastructure of the Human Spinal Arachnoid Mater and Dura Mater." J Anat 189: 417-430. |
♦ | A14.1.01.110 | Spatium subdurale and spatium epidurale/extradurale Although these terms are in common usage, under normal conditions the arachnoid is attached to the dura and the dura is attached to the skull; there are no naturally occurring spaces at these interfaces at all. The occurrence of these spaces is the result of trauma or of pathological process that artifactually separates the arachnoid from the dura or the dura from the skull. Haines D. E. 1991. "On the Question of a Subdural Space." Anat Rec 230: 3-21. Van Denabeele F., Creemans J., and Lambrichts 1. 1996. "Ultrastructure of the Human Spinal Arachnoid Mater and Dura Mater." J Anat 189: 417-430. |
♣ | A14.1.01.111 | Dura mater spinalis The Latin precursor dura mater spinalis contained an adjective before the noun it modifies, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. Because the term dura mater is many centuries old, the phrase has been preserved by the insertion of an unbreakable space between the two words. |
♣ | A14.1.01.201 | Arachnoidea mater The Latin precursor arachnoidea mater contained an adjective before the noun it modifies, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. Because the term arachnoidea mater is many centuries old, the phrase has been preserved by the insertion of an unbreakable space between the two words. |
♦ | A14.1.01.202 | Spatium subarachnoideum This is the space deep to the outer layer of the leptomeninx and containing the arachnoid trabeculae. The spatium is bounded internally by the outer layer of the pia mater, however, and the most appropriate designation is therefore spatium leptomeningeum, leptomeningeal space. |
♣ | A14.1.01.204 | Arachnoidea mater cranialis The Latin precursor arachnoidea mater cranialis contained an adjective before the noun it modifies, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. Because the term arachnoidea mater is many centuries old, the phrase has been preserved by the insertion of an unbreakable space between the two words. |
♣ | A14.1.01.218 | Arachnoidea mater spinalis The Latin precursor arachnoidea mater spinalis contained an adjective before the noun it modifies, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. Because the term arachnoidea mater is many centuries old, the phrase has been preserved by the insertion of an unbreakable space between the two words. |
♣ | A14.1.01.301 | Pia mater The Latin precursor pia mater contained an adjective before the noun it modifies, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. Because the term pia mater is many centuries old, the phrase has been preserved by the insertion of an unbreakable space between the two words. |
♣ | A14.1.01.302 | Pia mater cranialis The Latin precursor pia mater cranialis contained an adjective before the noun it modifies, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. Because the term pia mater is many centuries old, the phrase has been preserved by the insertion of an unbreakable space between the two words. |
♠ | A14.1.01.305 | Tela choroidea ventriculi tertii The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms tela choroidea ventriculi tertii and tela choroidea of third ventricle in both entries. |
♠ | A14.1.01.306 | Plexus choroideus ventriculi tertii The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms plexus choroideus ventriculi tertii and choroid plexus of third ventricle in both entries. |
♣ | A14.1.01.309 | Pia mater spinalis The Latin precursor pia mater spinalis contained an adjective before the noun it modifies, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. Because the term pia mater is many centuries old, the phrase has been preserved by the insertion of an unbreakable space between the two words. |
♦ | A14.1.02.104 | Laminae spinales VII-IX At most cervical and lumbasacral levels the cells comprising spinal lamina VII extend into the anterior horn. At other levels spinal lamina VII is restricted to the intermediate zone. |
♦ | A14.1.02.201 | Substantia alba Within the white matter of the spinal cord, tractus corticospinales, raphespinalis, spinocerebellares, and vestibulospinales are referred to as "anterior," "lateral," "medial,' or "posterior' according to their relative positions in the spinal-cord white matter. |
♦ | A14.1.02.214 | Tractus spinothalamicus anterior and tractus spinothalamicus lateralis These terms are retained in this edition. However, it is acknowledged that the combined area of the spinal-cord white matter occupied by these two tracts, as classically described, represent what is now known as the anterolateral system (see A14.1.04.137). |
♦ | A14.1.02.225 | Tractus spinothalamicus anterior and tractus spinothalamicus lateralis These terms are retained in this edition. However, it is acknowledged that the combined area of the spinal-cord white matter occupied by these two tracts, as classically described, represent what is now known as the anterolateral system (see A14.1.04.137). |
♦ | A14.1.02.243 | Fasciculus gracilis, Fasciculus cuneatus, nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus are commonly, and collectively, referred to as the dorsal column nuclei and fasciculi. |
♦ | A14.1.02.244 | Fasciculus gracilis, Fasciculus cuneatus, nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus are commonly, and collectively, referred to as the dorsal column nuclei and fasciculi. |
♦ | A14.1.02.247 | Fibrae spinocuneatae and fibrae spinograciles These terms designate those fibres that arise from cells in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord and ascend in the cuneate and gracile fasciculi to terminate in their respective nuclei in the medulla. These are cornmonly, and collectively. referred to as postsynaptic dorsal column fibres. |
♦ | A14.1.02.248 | Fibrae spinocuneatae and fibrae spinograciles These terms designate those fibres that arise from cells in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord and ascend in the cuneate and gracile fasciculi to terminate in their respective nuclei in the medulla. These are cornmonly, and collectively. referred to as postsynaptic dorsal column fibres. |
♦ | A14.1.02.302 | Area spinalis X This region of the spinal cord was called an "area' in the original description. Consequently, "area" is preferred over "lamina." Rexed B. 1954. "A Cytoarchitectonic Atlas of the Spinal Cord in the Cat." J Comp Neurol 100: 297-379. |
♦ | A14.1.02.303 | Commissura grisea anterior and commissura grisea posterior These are thin sheets of grey matter that extend across the midline adjacent to the central canal. |
♦ | A14.1.02.304 | Commissura grisea anterior and commissura grisea posterior These are thin sheets of grey matter that extend across the midline adjacent to the central canal. |
♦ | A14.1.03.003 | Bulbus The portion between the spinal cord and the caudal border of the pons, this being the medulla oblongata. Strong O. S ., and Elwyn A. 1943. Human Neuroanatomy. Baltimore. Maryland: Williams & Wilkins; Kuhlenbeck H. 1975. The Central Nervous System of Vertebrates. Vol. 4. "Spinal Cord and deuterencephalon." Basel: S. Karger. |
♣ | A14.1.03.004 | Metencephalon The Latin official synonym (pons et cerebellum) contained a conjunction, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. Therefore, this term was removed. |
♠ | A14.1.03.005 | Mesencephalon The three entries for this entity were made identical by using mesencephalon as the English equivalent and midbrain as the official English synonym in all entries. |
♦ | A14.1.03.003 | Bulbus The portion between the spinal cord and the caudal border of the pons, this being the medulla oblongata. Strong O. S ., and Elwyn A. 1943. Human Neuroanatomy. Baltimore. Maryland: Williams & Wilkins; Kuhlenbeck H. 1975. The Central Nervous System of Vertebrates. Vol. 4. "Spinal Cord and deuterencephalon." Basel: S. Karger. |
♠ | A14.1.03.005 | Mesencephalon The three entries for this entity were made identical by using mesencephalon as the English equivalent and midbrain as the official English synonym in all entries. |
♦ | A14.1.03.003 | Bulbus The portion between the spinal cord and the caudal border of the pons, this being the medulla oblongata. Strong O. S ., and Elwyn A. 1943. Human Neuroanatomy. Baltimore. Maryland: Williams & Wilkins; Kuhlenbeck H. 1975. The Central Nervous System of Vertebrates. Vol. 4. "Spinal Cord and deuterencephalon." Basel: S. Karger. |
♦ | A14.1.04.013 | Pedunculus cerebellaris inferior and corpus restiforme In previous terminology lists these two structures were considered synonyms. However the pedunculus cerebellaris inferior is composed of two functionally/structurally distinct parts. Corpus restiforme is located on the dorsolateral aspect of the medulla oblongata and contains a variety of cerebellar afferent fibres. Corpus juxtarestiforme joins the corpus restiforme as they enter the cerebellum and contains only interconnections between vestibular structures and the cortex cerebellae and nucleus fastigii. Haines D. E. 1975. "Cerebellar Corticovestibular Fibers of the Posterior Lobe in a Prosimian Primate. the Lesser Bushbaby (Galgo Senegalensis)." J Comp Neurol 160: 363-398. |
♦ | A14.1.04.104 | Fibrae corticonucleares bulbi The term corticobulbar, as commonly used in the past, refers to axons originating in the cerebral cortex and innervating motor nuclei of cranial nerves of the medulla oblongata, pons, and by extension, the midbrain. Since bulbus specifically refers to the medulla oblongata, application of the term corticobulbar to these fibres in the midbrain is incorrect. The term corticonuclearis followed by bulbi, pontinis (see A14.1.05.105), or mesencephali (see A14.1.06.202) replaces corticobulbar and specifies cortical axons that innervate motor and/or sensory nuclei of cranial nerves. |
♦ | A14.1.04.013 | Pedunculus cerebellaris inferior and corpus restiforme In previous terminology lists these two structures were considered synonyms. However the pedunculus cerebellaris inferior is composed of two functionally/structurally distinct parts. Corpus restiforme is located on the dorsolateral aspect of the medulla oblongata and contains a variety of cerebellar afferent fibres. Corpus juxtarestiforme joins the corpus restiforme as they enter the cerebellum and contains only interconnections between vestibular structures and the cortex cerebellae and nucleus fastigii. Haines D. E. 1975. "Cerebellar Corticovestibular Fibers of the Posterior Lobe in a Prosimian Primate. the Lesser Bushbaby (Galgo Senegalensis)." J Comp Neurol 160: 363-398. |
♦ | A14.1.04.137 | Lemniscus spinalis Contains a variety of ascending axons and, in this respect, contains essentially the same population of axons that comprise the tractus anterolaterales. These are synonymous terms. |
♦ | A14.1.04.202 | Fasciculus gracilis. fasciculus cuneatus, nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus are commonly, and collectively, referred to as the dorsal column nuclei and fasciculi. |
♦ | A14.1.04.206 | Fasciculus gracilis. fasciculus cuneatus, nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus are commonly, and collectively, referred to as the dorsal column nuclei and fasciculi. |
♥ | A14.1.04.211 | Nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini See also A14.1.05.404 nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini of pons. |
♥ | A14.1.04.242 | Nuclei vestibulares See also A14.1.05.425 nuclei vestibulares of pons. |
♥ | A14.1.04.247 | Nuclei cochleares See also A14.1.05.430 nuclei cochleares of pons. |
♦ | A14.1.04.302 | Nucleus gigantocellularis, pars alpha, and nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis These have been modified from previous nomenclature lists to conform with the more widely accepted and used terminology of Olszewski J. and D. Baxter. 1982. Cytoarchitecture of the Human Brain Stem. Basel: Karger. |
♦ | A14.1.04.303 | Nucleus gigantocellularis, pars alpha, and nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis These have been modified from previous nomenclature lists to conform with the more widely accepted and used terminology of Olszewski J. and D. Baxter. 1982. Cytoarchitecture of the Human Brain Stem. Basel: Karger. |
♦ | A14.1.04.307 | Nucleus reticularis intermedius This has been described in the human brain. Paxinos G. and Huang X.-F. 1995. Atlas of the Human Brain Stem. New York: Academic Press. |
♦ | A14.1.04.137 | Lemniscus spinalis Contains a variety of ascending axons and, in this respect, contains essentially the same population of axons that comprise the tractus anterolaterales. These are synonymous terms. |
♦ | A14.1.05.310 | Lemniscus trigeminalis As used here, this contains axons which originate within all sensory nuclei of the trigeminal nerve. These axons form posterior (dorsal, crossed) and anterior (ventral, uncrossed) trigeminothalamic tracts. |
♥ | A14.1.05.404 | Nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini See also A14.1.04.211 nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini of myencepalon. |
♦ | A14.1.05.406 | Nucleus principalis nervi trigemini This term is recommended, rather than nucleus pontinus nervi trigeminalis, to distinguish it more clearly from the oral part of the spinal trigeminal nucleus which is also found in the tegmentum pontis. |
♥ | A14.1.05.425 | Nuclei vestibulares See also A14.1.04.242 nuclei vestibulares of myencephalon. |
♥ | A14.1.05.430 | Nuclei cochleares See also A14.1.04.247 nuclei cochleares of myencephalon. |
♦ | A14.1.05.502 | Nucleus gigantocellularis, pars alpha, and nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis These have been modified from previous nomenclature lists to conform with the more widely accepted and used terminology of Olszewski J. and D. Baxter. 1982. Cytoarchitecture of the Human Brain Stem. Basel: Karger. |
♠ | A14.1.05.707 | Striae medullares ventriculi quarti The English equivalent is wrongly given at singular. Therefore, it is transformed to a plural, giving A14.1.05.707 medullary striae of fourth ventricle. |
♠ | A14.1.03.005 | Mesencephalon The three entries for this entity were made identical by using mesencephalon as the English equivalent and midbrain as the official English synonym in all entries. |
♦ | A14.1.06.005 | Crus cerebri This term is preferred to the former pedunculus cerebri pars anterior for clarity. |
♦ | A14.1.06.015 | Colliculus superior Includes two cellular layers and one layer of axons within the intermediate grey layer. |
♠ | A14.1.06.101 | Basis pedunculi The hierarchical presentation of this entity has been modified and it is displayed at the same level as A14.1.06.007 tegmentum mesencephali. |
♦ | A14.1.06.005 | Crus cerebri This term is preferred to the former pedunculus cerebri pars anterior for clarity. |
♦ | A14.1.06.111 | Substantia nigra This is not a component of the tegmentum mesencephali. It is ventrolateral to the tegmentum and separates this area from the fibre bundles of the crus cerebri. Some authors include the substantia nigra as part of the basis pedunculi, a convention followed here. |
♦ | A14.1.06.215 | Lemniscus spinalis Contains a variety of ascending axons and, in this respect, contains essentially the same population of axons that comprise the tractus anterolaterales. These are synonymous terms. |
♦ | A14.1.06.223 | Fibrae corticomesencephalicae Axons arising in the cerebral cortex that innervate mesencephalic structures such as the substantia nigra, tegmentum mesencephali, and the tectum. |
♦ | A14.1.06.320 | Nucleus parabigeminalis Located on the lateral aspect of the midbrain, adjacent to the inferior colliculus. It receives inputs from, and projects to, the superior colliculus. |
♥ | A14.1.06.327 | Formatio reticularis See A14.1.06.701 nuclei reticulares. |
♠ | A14.1.06.402 | Nucleus linearis inferior The Latin precursor nucleus linearis inferioris is incorrect because inferioris is a genitive form instead of nominative form and has been corrected to THA: nucleus linearis inferior. |
♠ | A14.1.06.601 | Tectum mesencephali The formatting of this entry has been altered because this entity is at the same level as A14.2.06.004 pedunculus cerebri. |
♦ | A14.1.06.015 | Colliculus superior Includes two cellular layers and one layer of axons within the intermediate grey layer. |
♦ | A14.1.07.007 | Vestibulocerebellum-neocerebellum The terms vestibulocerebellum and spinocerebellum reflect the fact that neurons in the vestibular nuclei and ganglia, and the nudei of the spinal cord project directly to cerebellar structures. Since nudei of the pars basilaris pontis project directly to the cerebellum, the term pontocerebellum is preferred over cerebrocerebellum, and is, consequently, consistent with vestibulocerebellum and spinocerebellum. As originally conceived, the terms archicerebellum. paleocerebellum and neocerebellum referred to the flocculonodular, vermis, and hemisphere respectively. Experimental studies reveal that these terms do not correlate with the terms vestibulocerebellum, spinocerebellum and pontocerebellum and do not identify cerebellar regions that have their own unique connections. Their continued use is not encouraged. |
♦ | A14.1.07.008 | Vestibulocerebellum-neocerebellum The terms vestibulocerebellum and spinocerebellum reflect the fact that neurons in the vestibular nuclei and ganglia, and the nudei of the spinal cord project directly to cerebellar structures. Since nudei of the pars basilaris pontis project directly to the cerebellum, the term pontocerebellum is preferred over cerebrocerebellum, and is, consequently, consistent with vestibulocerebellum and spinocerebellum. As originally conceived, the terms archicerebellum. paleocerebellum and neocerebellum referred to the flocculonodular, vermis, and hemisphere respectively. Experimental studies reveal that these terms do not correlate with the terms vestibulocerebellum, spinocerebellum and pontocerebellum and do not identify cerebellar regions that have their own unique connections. Their continued use is not encouraged. |
♦ | A14.1.07.009 | Vestibulocerebellum-neocerebellum The terms vestibulocerebellum and spinocerebellum reflect the fact that neurons in the vestibular nuclei and ganglia, and the nudei of the spinal cord project directly to cerebellar structures. Since nudei of the pars basilaris pontis project directly to the cerebellum, the term pontocerebellum is preferred over cerebrocerebellum, and is, consequently, consistent with vestibulocerebellum and spinocerebellum. As originally conceived, the terms archicerebellum. paleocerebellum and neocerebellum referred to the flocculonodular, vermis, and hemisphere respectively. Experimental studies reveal that these terms do not correlate with the terms vestibulocerebellum, spinocerebellum and pontocerebellum and do not identify cerebellar regions that have their own unique connections. Their continued use is not encouraged. |
♦ | A14.1.07.010 | Vestibulocerebellum-neocerebellum The terms vestibulocerebellum and spinocerebellum reflect the fact that neurons in the vestibular nuclei and ganglia, and the nudei of the spinal cord project directly to cerebellar structures. Since nudei of the pars basilaris pontis project directly to the cerebellum, the term pontocerebellum is preferred over cerebrocerebellum, and is, consequently, consistent with vestibulocerebellum and spinocerebellum. As originally conceived, the terms archicerebellum. paleocerebellum and neocerebellum referred to the flocculonodular, vermis, and hemisphere respectively. Experimental studies reveal that these terms do not correlate with the terms vestibulocerebellum, spinocerebellum and pontocerebellum and do not identify cerebellar regions that have their own unique connections. Their continued use is not encouraged. |
♦ | A14.1.07.011 | Vestibulocerebellum-neocerebellum The terms vestibulocerebellum and spinocerebellum reflect the fact that neurons in the vestibular nuclei and ganglia, and the nudei of the spinal cord project directly to cerebellar structures. Since nudei of the pars basilaris pontis project directly to the cerebellum, the term pontocerebellum is preferred over cerebrocerebellum, and is, consequently, consistent with vestibulocerebellum and spinocerebellum. As originally conceived, the terms archicerebellum. paleocerebellum and neocerebellum referred to the flocculonodular, vermis, and hemisphere respectively. Experimental studies reveal that these terms do not correlate with the terms vestibulocerebellum, spinocerebellum and pontocerebellum and do not identify cerebellar regions that have their own unique connections. Their continued use is not encouraged. |
♦ | A14.1.07.012 | Vestibulocerebellum-neocerebellum The terms vestibulocerebellum and spinocerebellum reflect the fact that neurons in the vestibular nuclei and ganglia, and the nudei of the spinal cord project directly to cerebellar structures. Since nudei of the pars basilaris pontis project directly to the cerebellum, the term pontocerebellum is preferred over cerebrocerebellum, and is, consequently, consistent with vestibulocerebellum and spinocerebellum. As originally conceived, the terms archicerebellum. paleocerebellum and neocerebellum referred to the flocculonodular, vermis, and hemisphere respectively. Experimental studies reveal that these terms do not correlate with the terms vestibulocerebellum, spinocerebellum and pontocerebellum and do not identify cerebellar regions that have their own unique connections. Their continued use is not encouraged. |
♠ | A14.1.07.108 | Ala lobuli centralis [HII et HIII] Two missing acronyms have been added, giving A14.1.07.108 ala lobuli centralis [HII et HIII]. |
♠ | A14.1.07.205 | Fissura posterior superior In the official Latin synonym, the word postclivalis should be written as a single word, not two words, giving A14.1.07.205 fissura postclivalis. |
♠ | A14.1.07.208 | Lobulus semilunaris superior The reference to H VII A has been removed, because this entity is only a part of lobulus ansiformis, to which H VII A refers. |
♠ | A14.1.07.209 | Fissura horizontalis The original term from the source TA98 was at the plural form, but the official Latin synonym and the English equivalent terms are all at the singular form. Finally, the singular form has been retained for all terms. |
♠ | A14.1.07.210 | Lobulus semilunaris inferior The reference to H VII A has been removed, because this entity is only a part of lobulus ansiformis, to which H VII A refers. |
♠ | A14.1.07.211 | Fissura lunogracilis The Latin official synonym is mispelled and has been corrected, giving A14.1.07.211 fissura ansoparamediana. |
♠ | A14.1.07.219 | Pars medialis lobuli biventralis The English equivalent was incorrectly written and has been set now to A14.1.07.219 dorsal paraflocculus [H VIII B]. |
♦ | A14.1.07.404 | Stratum purkinjense This term is recommended rather than stratum neurium piriformium. This layer of morphologically specialized cells is universally recognised by this particular term. The previous term (i.e ., stratum neurium piriformium = layer of pear-shaped neurons) is rarely used in many countries (or texts for that matter) and it has never gained significant or wide usage. Use of the small p (purkinjense) changes Purkinje from the nominative form to the adjectival form, the latter modifying stratum. |
♦ | A14.1.07.406 | Nuclei cerebelli The terms "dentate," "emboliform," "globose," and "fastigial" are used for the nudei of the human cerebellum and, frequently, for these nuclei in nonhuman primates. The terms "lateral," "anterior interpositus," "posterior interpositus," and "medial cerebellar nuclei" are, respectively, synonymous with the above terms and are commonly used to describe the cerebellar nuclei in nonprimate mammals and, occasionally, in primates. Rudeberg S.-I. 1961. Morphogenetic Studies on the Cerebellar Nuclei and their Homologization in Different Vertebrates Including Man. Diss., Tornblad Institute of Comparative Embryology and Institute of Zoology, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden: pp. 1-148. |
♠ | A11.2.00.001 | Glandula pinealis The two entries for this entity were made identical by using corpus pineale and pineal body as Latin and English official synonyms in both entries. |
♦ | A11.2.00.001 | Glandula pinealis This is known under many different names, e.g. epiphysis cerebri, corpus pineale, organum pineale, glandula pinealis, conarium, commonly used English terms being pineal gland, pineal body, or simply pineal. The term glandula pinealis is preferred, because the endocrine function of the pineal gland has been established beyond any doubt. |
♠ | A11.1.00.006 | Neurohypophysis The three entries for this entity were made identical by using lobus posterior and posterior lobe as Latin and English official synonyms in all entries. |
♠ | A11.1.00.008 | Pars nervosa The two entries or this entity were made identical by using the term that appeared in both entries (pars nervosa) as the Latin preferred term and the unique term (lobus nervosus) as an official synonym. The English terms were treated comparably. |
♠ | A14.1.01.305 | Tela choroidea ventriculi tertii The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms tela choroidea ventriculi tertii and tela choroidea of third ventricle in both entries. |
♠ | A14.1.01.306 | Plexus choroideus ventriculi tertii The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms plexus choroideus ventriculi tertii and choroid plexus of third ventricle in both entries. |
♠ | A14.1.08.420 | Columna fornicis The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms columna fornicis and column of fornix in both entries. |
♠ | A14.1.08.502 | Tractus habenulointerpeduncularis A capital letter was absent in the Latin official synonym and has been added. |
♦ | A14.1.08.703 | Nuclei campi perizonalis Fibres in the medial field (also called the prerubral field or area) and in the dorsal field (fasciculus thalamicus) and ventral field (fasciculus lenticularis) comprise, respectively, the fields of Forel H, H1, and H2. Cell bodies insinuated among these fasciculi constitute the nuclei listed here. |
♠ | A14.1.08.905 | Nuclei interstitiales hypothalami anterioris A typographical error in the published book (thieme 1998) was corrected by replacing the Latin word anteriores with anterioris. |
♠ | A14.1.08.961 | Area preoptica lateralis A new TA code was created for this entry after the Latin precursor (area preoptica) and the English equivalent (preoptic area) were corrected by addition of adjectives (lateralis and lateral, respectively). This entity is part of both the preoptic and lateral hypothalamic areas, and can be described as the lateral zone of the preoptic area. |
♠ | A11.1.00.006 | Neurohypophysis The three entries for this entity were made identical by using lobus posterior and posterior lobe as Latin and English official synonyms in all entries. |
♦ | A14.1.09.201 | Facies medialis et inferior hemispherii cerebri The term rhinencephalon has been omitted because it is no longer in common use and the areas/structures listed under this designation in previous terminologies subserve considerably more than just olfactory functions. These structures now appear under headings which specify their proper anatomical location (A14.1.09.110 - Lobus frontalis, A - Pars basalis telencephali). |
♣ | A14.1.09.201 | Facies inferomedialis hemispherii cerebri The Latin precursor (facies medialis et inferior hemispherii cerebri) contained a conjunction, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♦ | A14.1.09.230 | Lobus limbicus Consists of structures which form a continuum on the most medial aspect of the cerebral hemisphere. These structures are not located internal to a bone of the same name and, therefore, do not share this feature with most other lobes of the hemisphere. However, structures forming the limbic lobe, as is the case for other lobes of the cerebral hemisphere, have functions that are characteristic of, and unique to, that lobe and are separated from adjacent structures by named fissures. When the term lobus limbicus is not used, its constituent parts are considered as the medial portions of the frontal, parietal. and temporal lobes. |
♠ | A14.1.08.420 | Columna fornicis The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms columna fornicis and column of fornix in both entries. |
♣ | A14.1.09.266 | Nuclei septales The Latin precursor (nuclei septales et structurae pertinentes) contained a conjunction, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♦ | A14.1.09.266 | Nuclei septales et structurae pertinentes This newly created section has been added to make it easier to locate nuclei normally grouped under this general designation. |
♦ | A14.1.09.281 | Atrium The expansion of the ventriculus lateralis where the pars centralis meets the cornu occipitale and the cornu temporale. |
♣ | A14.1.09.335 | Stratum lacunosum moleculare The Latin precursor stratum moleculare et substratum lacunosum contained a conjunction, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♦ | A14.1.09.401 | Pars basalis telencephali This new section includes structures that in previous terminology lists have been scattered throughout other sections. It is noted, however. that the pars basalis telencephali includes some structures that may also be referred to as parts of the nuclei basalis (e.g ., pallidum ventrale, striatum ventrale). |
♦ | A14.1.09.402 | Corpus amygdaloideum This was listed as a component part of the nuclei basalis in previous terminologies, and functions largely outside activities governed by the nuclei basalis. Consequently, it is listed here in the correct location within the pars basalis telencephali (see A14.1.09.401). |
♣ | A14.1.09.407 | Nucleus basalis lateralis amygdalae The original source term contains an inversion between a genitive complement and the two adjectives, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.1.09.408 | Nucleus basalis medialis amygdalae The original source term contains an inversion between a genitive complement and the two adjectives, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.1.09.409 | Nucleus centralis amygdalae The original source term contains an inversion between a genitive complement and the adjective, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.1.09.410 | Nucleus corticalis amygdalae The original source term contains an inversion between a genitive complement and the adjective, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.1.09.411 | Nucleus interstitialis amygdalae The original source term contains an inversion between a genitive complement and the adjective, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.1.09.412 | Nucleus lateralis amygdalae The original source term contains an inversion between a genitive complement and the adjective, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.1.09.413 | Nucleus medialis amygdalae The original source term contains an inversion between a genitive complement and the adjective, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♦ | A14.1.09.419 | Nucleus striae terminalis/pars sublenticularis amygdalae/substantia innominata ln the pars basalis telencephali, the pars sublenticularis amygdalae (which includes the nuclei amygdalarum centralis et medialis), the nuclei striae terminalis, the substantia innominata, the striatum ventrale and the pallidum ventrale form a continuous grey complex. |
♦ | A14.1.09.420 | Nucleus striae terminalis/pars sublenticularis amygdalae/substantia innominata ln the pars basalis telencephali, the pars sublenticularis amygdalae (which includes the nuclei amygdalarum centralis et medialis), the nuclei striae terminalis, the substantia innominata, the striatum ventrale and the pallidum ventrale form a continuous grey complex. |
♦ | A14.1.09.426 | Nucleus striae terminalis/pars sublenticularis amygdalae/substantia innominata ln the pars basalis telencephali, the pars sublenticularis amygdalae (which includes the nuclei amygdalarum centralis et medialis), the nuclei striae terminalis, the substantia innominata, the striatum ventrale and the pallidum ventrale form a continuous grey complex. |
♦ | A14.1.09.501 | Nuclei basales et structurae pertinentes Some textbooks state, without qualification, that the substantia nigra and nucleus subthalamicus are parts of the basal nuclei of the telencephalon. Since this affiliation is based on functional, not structural or developmental, grounds it is inappropriate to include these structures under this heading. The substantia nigra and the nucleus subthalamicus are parts of the mesencephalon and diencephalon, respectively. |
♣ | A14.1.09.501 | Nuclei basales The Latin precursor nuclei basales et structurae pertinentes, and its English equivalent, contained a conjunction, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. A new term substantia alba telencephali was created as a subsection header because the truncation of nuclei basales et structurae pertinentes to nuclei basales orphaned more than 50 entries. |
♣ | A14.1.09.572 | Substantia alba telencephali A new term was created because the truncation of nuclei basales and structurae pertinentes to nuclei basales orphaned more than 50 entries. |
♦ | A14.1.09.530 | Fibrae corticonucleares bulbi The term corticobulbar, as commonly used in the past, refers to axons originating in the cerebral cortex and innervating motor nuclei of cranial nerves of the medulla oblongata, pons, and by extension, the midbrain, Since bulbus specifically refers to the medulla oblongata, application of the term corticobulbar to these fibres in the midbrain is incorrect. The term corticonuclearis followed by bulbi, pontinis (see A14.1.05.105), or mesencephali (see A14.1.06.202) replaces corticobulbar and specifies cortical axons that innervate motor and/or sensory nuclei of cranial nerves. |
♦ | A14.1.09.531 | Crus posterius of Capsula interna Consists of what were historically called thalamolentiform, sublentiform, and retrolentiform parts. However, as each contains different and functionally unique fibre populations, these parts are frequently called, respectively, the posterior limb, the sublentiform (or sublenticular) limb, and the retrolentiform (or retrolenticular) limb of the internal capsule. |
♣ | A14.1.09.532 | Radiatio thalami centralis The original source term contains an inversion between a genitive complement and the adjective, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♠ | A14.1.09.536 | Fibrae corticothalamicae The Latin precursor fibrae corticothalamici is incorrect because the nominative feminine plural form of adjective is corticothalamicae; it has been corrected to A14.1.09.536 fibrae corticothalamicae. |
♠ | A14.1.09.605 | Cellulae noradrenergicae nuclei caerulei [A6] The locus caeruleus is a pigmented spot on the ventricular surface of the pons. The grey matter structure, which is of concern for this entity, is the nucleus caeruleus. For this reason the word locus has been replaced by nucleus giving A14.1.09.605 cellulae noradrenergicae nuclei caerulei. |
♠ | A14.1.09.606 | Cellulae noradrenergicae pontis caudalis lateralis [A5] The Latin term for this entity should include the location pons, as it is visible in the English equivalent, giving A14.1.09.606 cellulae noradrenergicae pontis caudalis lateralis. |
♣ | A14.1.09.619 | Cellulae dopaminergicae hypothalami anteromedialis [A14] The Latin precursor and its English equivalent, contained a conjunction, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.1.09.621 | Cellulae serotoninergicae nuclei pallidi raphes [B1] The Latin precursor contained an adjective after a noun other than the one it modified, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.1.09.622 | Cellulae serotoninergicae nuclei obscuri raphes [B2] The Latin precursor contained an adjective after a noun other than the one it modified, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.1.09.623 | Cellulae serotoninergicae nuclei magni raphes [B3] The Latin precursor cellulae serotoninergicae nuclei raphes magni contained an adjective after a noun other than the one it modified, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.1.09.624 | Cellulae serotoninergicae areae vestibularis [B4] The Latin precursor cellulae serotoninergicae vicinae nuclei vestibularis medialis et nuclei prepositi, and its English equivalent, contained a conjunction, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.1.09.626 | Cellulae serotoninergicae nuclei mediani raphes [B6] The Latin precursor cellulae serotoninergicae nuclei raphes mediani contained an adjective after a noun other than the one it modified, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♠ | A14.1.09.627 | Cellulae serotoninergicae nuclei posterioris raphes [B7] The Latin precursor cellulae serotoninergicae nuclei raphes dorsalis was corrected to indicate that these cells are located in the nucleus raphes posterior. |
♣ | A14.1.09.627 | Cellulae serotoninergicae nuclei posterioris raphes [B7] The Latin precursor cellulae serotoninergicae nuclei raphes dorsalis contained an adjective after a noun other than the one it modified, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.1.09.628 | Cellulae adrenergicae myelencephali [C1, C2] The Latin precursor cellulae adrenergicae areae postremae et nuclei reticularis anterioris, and its English equivalent, contained a conjunction, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.1.09.631 | Cellulae cholinergicae aggregationis secundae partis basalis telencephali [Ch2] The Latin precursor contained a conjunction, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.1.09.632 | Cellulae cholinergicae aggregationis tertiae partis basalis telencephali [Ch3] The Latin precursor contained a conjunction, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.1.09.633 | Cellulae cholinergicae aggregationis quartae partis basalis telencephali [Ch4] The Latin precursor contained a conjunction, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.2.00.046 | Ganglion viscerale A new general term was created so that the term ganglion viscerale would not disappear from the terminology because of the truncation of A14.3.03.001. |
♠ | A14.2.01.010 | Ramus ganglionaris ciliaris n. oculomotorii One of the official synonyms of this entity was printed without capital letter and this typographical error has been corrected. |
♣ | A14.2.01.010 | Ramus ganglionaris ciliaris n. oculomotorii The Latin precursor ramus ad ganglion ciliare contained a preposition, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♠ | A14.2.01.010 | Ramus ganglionaris ciliaris n. oculomotorii The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms of all Latin and English terms in both entries. |
♣ | A14.2.01.019 | R. communicans zygomaticus The Latin precursor r. communicans cum nervo zygomatico contained a preposition, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♠ | A14.2.01.026 | R. ganglionaris ciliaris n. nasociliaris The two entries for this entity have been made identical by using the expanded forms of all Latin and English terms in both entries. |
♠ | A14.2.01.026 | R. ganglionaris ciliaris n. nasociliaris A typographical error in the published book [Thieme 1998] was corrected in a reference to this entity by replacing cilary with ciliary in one of the English terms. |
♣ | A14.2.01.026 | R. ganglionaris ciliaris n. nasociliaris The Latin precursor r. communicans cum ganglio ciliaris contained a preposition, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♠ | A14.2.01.027 | Nn. ciliares longi A typographical error in the published book (Thieme 1998) was corrected in the Latin precursor (capitalization). |
♣ | A14.2.01.039 | Rr. ganglionares pterygopalatini n. maxillaris The Latin precursor rr. ganglionares ad ganglion pterygopalatinum contained a preposition, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♠ | A14.2.01.039 | Rr. ganglionares pterygopalatini n. maxillaris The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms of all Latin and English terms in both entries. |
♠ | A14.2.01.059 | N. infraorbitalis The typographical error in the published book (Thieme 1998) was corrected in the Latin precursor (missing space between words). |
♠ | A14.2.01.067 | Rr. ganglionares otici n. mandibularis The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms of all Latin and English terms in both entries. |
♣ | A14.2.01.067 | Rr. ganglionares otici n. mandibularis The Latin precursor rr. ganglionares ad ganglion oticum contained a preposition, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.2.01.078 | Rr. communicantes faciales The Latin precursor rr. communicantes cum nervo faciale contained a preposition, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.2.01.083 | Rr. communicantes hypoglossi The Latin precursor rr. communicantes cum nervo hypoglosso contained a preposition, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.2.01.087 | Rr. ganglionares submandibulares n. mandibularis The Latin precursor rr. ganglionares ad ganglion submandibulare contained a preposition, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♠ | A14.2.01.087 | Rr. ganglionares submandibulares n. mandibularis The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms of all Latin and English terms in both entries. |
♠ | A14.2.01.088 | Rr. ganglionares sublinguales n. mandibularis The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms of all Latin and English terms in both entries. |
♠ | A14.2.01.088 | Rr. ganglionares sublinguales n. mandibularis The inconstant property has been set for this entry, resulting in addition of parentheses (round brackets) to enclose its terms, because the ganglion sublinguale and its roots are anatomical variants. |
♣ | A14.2.01.088 | Rr. ganglionares sublinguales n. mandibularis The Latin precursor rr. ganglionares ad ganglion sublinguale contained a preposition, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.2.01.107 | R. communicans glossopharyngeus The Latin precursor r. communicans cum nervo glossopharyngeo contained a preposition, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♠ | A14.2.01.117 | N. petrosus major The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms of all Latin and English terms in both entries. |
♠ | A14.2.01.118 | Chorda tympani The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms of all Latin and English terms in both entries. |
♣ | A14.2.01.119 | R. communicans tympanicus The Latin precursor r. communicans cum plexu tympanico contained a preposition, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.2.01.120 | R. communicans vagus The Latin precursor r. communicans cum nervo vago contained a preposition, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.2.01.143 | R. communicans vagoauricularis The Latin precursor r. communicans cum ramo auriculare nervi vagi contained a preposition, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♠ | A14.2.01.149 | N. petrosus minor The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms of all Latin and English terms in both entries. |
♣ | A14.2.01.150 | R. communicans vagomeningeus The Latin precursor r. communicans cum ramo meningeo contained a preposition, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.2.01.151 | R. communicans auriculotemporalis The Latin precursor r. communicans cum nervo auriculotemporali contained a preposition, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.2.01.152 | R. communicans chordae tympani The Latin precursor r. communicans cum chorda tympani contained a preposition, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.2.01.193 | R. communicans glossopharyngeus The Latin precursor r. communicans cum nervo glossopharyngeo contained a preposition, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♠ | A14.2.01.193 | R. communicans glossopharyngeus A new TA code was created for this branch of the ramus auricularis nervi vagi because it shared a TA code (A14.2.01.143) with the ramus communicans cum ramo auriculare nervi vagi, a branch of the nervus glossopharyngeus. |
♣ | A14.2.01.163 | R. communicans laryngeus recurrens The Latin precursor r. communicans cum nervo laryngeo recurrente contained a preposition, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.2.03.026 | N. cutaneus lateralis antebrachii The Latin precursor n. cutaneus antebrachii lateralis contained an adjective in nominative case after a genitive complement, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.2.03.027 | N. cutaneus medialis brachii The Latin precursor n. cutaneus brachii medialis contained an adjective in nominative case after a genitive complement, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.2.03.028 | N. cutaneus medialis antebrachii The Latin precursor n. cutaneus antebrachii medialis contained an adjective in nominative case after a genitive complement, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.2.03.037 | R. communicans ulnaris The Latin precursor r. communicans cum nervo ulnari contained a preposition, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.2.03.051 | N. cutaneus lateralis inferior brachii The Latin precursor n. cutaneus brachii lateralis inferior contained adjectives in nominative case after a genitive complement, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.2.03.061 | N. cutaneus lateralis superior brachii The Latin precursor n. cutaneus brachii lateralis superior contained adjectives in nominative case after a genitive complement, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.2.06.001 | Nervi sacrococcygei [S1-S5, Co] The Latin precursor nervi sacrales et nervus coccygeus [S1-S5, Co], and English equivalent, contained a conjunction, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. A new entry was created so that the term nervi sacrales would not disappear from the terminology (A14.2.06.008). |
♣ | A14.2.06.008 | Nervi sacrales A new entry was created so that the term nervi sacrales would not disappear from the terminology with the replacement of nervi sacrales et nervus coccygeus with A14.2.06.001 nervi sacrococcygei. |
♣ | A14.2.07.043 | N. coccygeus Revision of nervi sacrales et nervus coccygeus to conform to the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology deleted nervus coccygeus from section A14.2.06. Thus a new entry for this entity was created almost immediately following the revised entry A14.2.06.001. |
♣ | A14.2.07.043 | N. coccygeus Revision of nervi sacrales et nervus coccygeus to conform to the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology deleted nervus coccygeus from section A14.2.06. Thus a new entry for this entity was created almost immediately following the revised entry A14.2.06.001. |
♣ | A14.2.07.048 | N. cutaneus lateralis surae The original source term contained an inversion between a genitive complement and the adjective, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.2.07.061 | N. cutaneus medialis surae The original source term contained an inversion between a genitive complement and the adjective, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♦ | A14.3.00.001 | Divisio autonomica The term systema nervosum autonomicum is not used in this list to avoid ambiguity. For some it parallels the somatic nervous system and has central and peripheral components; for others it is a part of the peripheral nervous system. ln addition some consider it to have efferent elements only, while others recognise afferent elements as well. There are very many connections between somatic nerves and autonomic ganglia and between autonomic structures in the head. Examples are the connections between the superior cervical ganglion and the sensory trigeminal ganglion, between the nerve plexus around the internal carotid artery and cavernous plexus and the abducens nerve and between the pterygopalatine and the ciliary ganglion. Of these connections, only n. pinealis has been named. |
♦ | A14.3.01.012 | Nervus pinealis Previously known under the name of n. conarii, referring to the old name of the pineal gland, conarium. |
♠ | A14.3.01.019 | Ganglion cervicale inferius A typographical error in the published book (Thieme 1998) was corrected by replacing inferioris with inferius in the Latin precursor. |
♠ | A14.3.01.038 | Paraganglia sympathica A typographical error in the published book (Thieme 1998) was corrected by replacing the TA code A14.3.01.078 with A14.3.01.038. |
♠ | A14.2.01.010 | Ramus ganglionaris ciliaris n. oculomotorii One of the official synonyms of this entity was printed without capital letter and this typographical error has been corrected. |
♣ | A14.2.01.010 | Ramus ganglionaris ciliaris n. oculomotorii The Latin precursor ramus ad ganglion ciliare contained a preposition, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♠ | A14.2.01.010 | Ramus ganglionaris ciliaris n. oculomotorii The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms of all Latin and English terms in both entries. |
♠ | A14.3.02.004 | Radix sympathica ganglii ciliaris The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms of all Latin and English terms in both entries. |
♠ | A14.2.01.026 | R. ganglionaris ciliaris n. nasociliaris The two entries for this entity have been made identical by using the expanded forms of all Latin and English terms in both entries. |
♠ | A14.2.01.026 | R. ganglionaris ciliaris n. nasociliaris A typographical error in the published book [Thieme 1998] was corrected in a reference to this entity by replacing cilary with ciliary in one of the English terms. |
♣ | A14.2.01.026 | R. ganglionaris ciliaris n. nasociliaris The Latin precursor r. communicans cum ganglio ciliaris contained a preposition, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♠ | A14.2.01.117 | N. petrosus major The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms of all Latin and English terms in both entries. |
♠ | A14.3.02.008 | Radix sympathica ganglii pterygopalatini The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms of all Latin and English terms in both entries. |
♣ | A14.2.01.039 | Rr. ganglionares pterygopalatini n. maxillaris The Latin precursor rr. ganglionares ad ganglion pterygopalatinum contained a preposition, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♠ | A14.2.01.039 | Rr. ganglionares pterygopalatini n. maxillaris The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms of all Latin and English terms in both entries. |
♠ | A14.2.01.118 | Chorda tympani The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms of all Latin and English terms in both entries. |
♠ | A14.3.02.010 | Radix sympathica ganglii submandibularis The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms of all Latin and English terms in both entries. |
♣ | A14.2.01.087 | Rr. ganglionares submandibulares n. mandibularis The Latin precursor rr. ganglionares ad ganglion submandibulare contained a preposition, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♠ | A14.2.01.087 | Rr. ganglionares submandibulares n. mandibularis The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms of all Latin and English terms in both entries. |
♠ | A14.3.02.011 | Ganglion sublinguale The inconstant property has been set for this entry, resulting in addition of parentheses (round brackets) to enclose its terms, because the ganglion sublinguale is an anatomical variant. |
♠ | A14.3.02.012 | Radix parasympathica The inconstant property has been set for this entry, resulting in addition of parentheses (round brackets) to enclose its terms, because the ganglion sublinguale and its roots are anatomical variants. |
♠ | A14.3.02.013 | Radix sympathica The inconstant property has been set for this entry, resulting in addition of parentheses (round brackets) to enclose its terms, because the ganglion sublinguale and its roots are anatomical variants. |
♠ | A14.2.01.088 | Rr. ganglionares sublinguales n. mandibularis The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms of all Latin and English terms in both entries. |
♠ | A14.2.01.088 | Rr. ganglionares sublinguales n. mandibularis The inconstant property has been set for this entry, resulting in addition of parentheses (round brackets) to enclose its terms, because the ganglion sublinguale and its roots are anatomical variants. |
♣ | A14.2.01.088 | Rr. ganglionares sublinguales n. mandibularis The Latin precursor rr. ganglionares ad ganglion sublinguale contained a preposition, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♠ | A14.2.01.149 | N. petrosus minor The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms of all Latin and English terms in both entries. |
♠ | A14.3.02.015 | Radix sympathica ganglii otici The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms of all Latin and English terms in both entries. |
♠ | A14.2.01.067 | Rr. ganglionares otici n. mandibularis The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms of all Latin and English terms in both entries. |
♣ | A14.2.01.067 | Rr. ganglionares otici n. mandibularis The Latin precursor rr. ganglionares ad ganglion oticum contained a preposition, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A14.3.03.001 | Plexus viscerales The Latin precursor plexus viscerales et ganglia visceralia, and English equivalent, contained a conjunction, which is not compatible with the rules for Regular Anatomical Terminology. A new term (A14.2.00.046) was created so that the term ganglion visceralis would not disappear from the terminology |
♠ | A14.3.02.004 | Radix sympathica ganglii ciliaris The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms of all Latin and English terms in both entries. |
♠ | A14.3.02.008 | Radix sympathica ganglii pterygopalatini The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms of all Latin and English terms in both entries. |
♠ | A14.3.02.010 | Radix sympathica ganglii submandibularis The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms of all Latin and English terms in both entries. |
♠ | A14.3.03.005 | Radix sympathica ganglii sublingualis The inconstant property has been set for this entry, resulting in addition of parentheses (round brackets) to enclose its terms, because the ganglion sublinguale and its roots are anatomical variants. |
♠ | A14.3.02.015 | Radix sympathica ganglii otici The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the expanded forms of all Latin and English terms in both entries. |